Get Yourself Cybersecure for 2020
The Guardian – Technology is changing our lives for the better; yet it’s also exposing us to organized crime, online scammers and hackers – and whole industries built around monetizing our personal data. But you don’t have to be resigned to cyber-victimhood. Give yourself, and your devices, a security update for 2020 and start fighting back.
Firm Analyzes China, Russia-based Supply Chain Risks of Electronic Voting Machines
SecurityWeek – Study Aims to Show Links Between U.S. Voting Infrastructure and Nations With a Proven Aptitude and Desire to Target Elections. The supply chain is an increasing concern for both business and government. It comprises the chain of suppliers providing components to product vendors — and globalization has made it worldwide, deep and complex. “Some of the software and hardware components are developed in eastern Europe. We need to look at supply chain integrity, end to end,” said Matt Rahman, COO.
6 IoT Security Predictions for 2020
IoT World Today – As we transition to a new decade, there is growing maturity in the field of IoT security, but also a wave of new risks. Cesar Cerrudo, chief technology officer at IOActive, warned, “Anytime we have more interconnected things, we have more security problems.”
French Hospital Crippled by Ransomware
Infosecurity Magazine – Patient care at a large hospital in northern France has suffered considerably after a major ransomware attack at the weekend, according to local reports. “Sadly, the targeting of hospitals with ransomware is a growing trend; earlier this year seven hospitals in Australia were also impacted by ransomware,” argued Cesar Cerrudo, CTO at IOActive.
Bon sang! French hospital contracts 6,000 PC-locking ransomware infection
The Register – “Sadly, the targeting of hospitals with ransomware is a growing trend; earlier this year seven hospitals in Australia were also impacted by ransomware. Hospitals are becoming a major target as despite new technology adoption being high, there is often a lack of cyber security knowledge, even though health data can be a very lucrative area for cybercriminals. This makes busy hospital staff the perfect targets.”