Thought leaders in information security, we conduct radical, world-changing research and deliver renowned presentations around the world.
Disclosures | ADVISORIES | June 9, 2009

Recursive Stack Overflow in ClamAV

Reported: 10.30.08. Patched: 12.01.08. Disclosed: 06.09.0. ClamAV’s JPEG parser contains code that recursively checks thumbnails, if they are included. Since the thumbnails can be JPEGs, there is no limit to the amount of recursions that can occur. This can lead to stack overflows.

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Ilja van Sprundel
Disclosures | ADVISORIES | June 8, 2009

Heap Corruption in Tor

Discovered: January 2009. Reported: 01.20.09. Disclosed: 06.08.09. There is a potential heap corruption bug in Tor when escaping data for logging purposes. Only certain deployments are vulnerable, and the bug can be triggered only from certain locales.

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Ilja van Sprundel
Disclosures | ADVISORIES | March 3, 2009

AppleTalk Response Packet Parsing Array Over-indexing Vulnerability

Discovered: 03.03.09. Reported: 03.03.09. Disclosed: 08.05.09. CVE-ID: CVE-2009-2193. The Mac OS X AppleTalk stack contains an array over-indexing vulnerability that, if exploited correctly while AppleTalk is powered on, could lead to a remote system compromise. Even if only partially exploited, it could lead to denial-of-service conditions and cause a kernel panic remotely, effectively shutting down the system.

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Ilja van Sprundel
Disclosures | ADVISORIES | February 4, 2009

Pointer Dereference in OpenSolaris

Reported: 09.29.08. Disclosed: 02.04.09. Patched: 02.05.09. The OpenSolaris kernel exhibits a vulnerability around a userland pointer dereference, and allows both reading from and writing to the kernel.

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Ilja van Sprundel
Blogs | INSIGHTS | January 13, 2009

Blackhat USA 2009 Poll – Rev Eng Class

During last years Blackhat and Defcon conferences, several individuals asked me about possibly giving classes on the security model of commonly found microcontrollers.  Jeff Moss’ group setup a poll here.  Given today’s Silicon technology has become so small yet so large, it would be best to determine which architecture and which devices everyone is most interested in.  The current poll will determine which brand micro to target (Atmel AVR or Microchip PIC) and after this is decided, we will need more input to narrow the…

Blogs | RESEARCH | January 8, 2009

Intel 4004

Before going deeper into the analysis of today’s chips, we will take a quick journey to where it all began: the Intel 4004, world’s first widely-used microprocessor. The 4004 and most other antiquated chips differ from modern chips in two main characteristics: They only use a single type of transistor (PMOS or NMOS) and each logic gate is custom-designed to best utilize the available area — an inevitable optimization for chips built from transistors about 150x larger than those used in their modern descendants. Each of the gates is composed…

Library | WHITEPAPER | December 31, 2008

Updated PCI Standards: Flexibility, Clarity and Common Sense 2.0

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) are a set of 12 requirements that merchants and their business partners are expected to follow to ensure the safety of cardholder data. Authored by the PCI Security Standards Council-an independent consortium of representatives from the major credit card brands-the PCI DSS covers data management, information technology, encryption, physical security, legal agreements, and business operations. When these standards were updated from version 1.1 to version 1.2, 30 changes were introduced to the existing requirements.

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Disclosures | ADVISORIES | October 31, 2008

QNX ker_msg_sendv System Call Integer Overflow

Discovered: 10.30.08. Reported: 10.30.08. Disclosed: 10.31.08. QNX’s ker_msg_sendv() system call contains an integer overflow that could lead to heap corruption and, if correctly exploited, system compromise. If only partially exploited, this could lead to denial-of-service conditions and kernel panic, effectively shutting down the system.

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Ilja van Sprundel
Disclosures | ADVISORIES | October 21, 2008

DNS TXT Record Parsing Bug in LibSPF2

Reported: 10.20.08. Disclosed: 10.21.08. Researchers discovered a relatively common bug that parses TXT records delivered over DNS-dating back at least to 2002 in Sendmail 8.2.0 and almost certainly much earlier-in LibSPF2. This library retrieves Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records and applies policy according to those records. This implementation flaw allows for relatively flexible memory corruption and should be treated as a path to anonymous remote code execution.

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Dan Kaminsky
Disclosures | ADVISORIES | September 30, 2008

Diskimages-helper band-size Vulnerability

Reported to Vendor: 09.30.08. Patch Released: 04.29.09. CVE ID: CVE-2009-0150. A signed-to-unsigned conversion flaw exists in diskimages-helper when it reads the band-size parameter. When the value specified for the band-size key is changed to a negative number, the diskimages-helper process crashes when the user attempts to log in.

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Tiller Beauchamp

Commonalities in Vehicle Vulnerabilities

2022 Decade Examination Update | With the connected car now commonplace in the market, automotive cybersecurity has become the vanguard of importance as it relates to road user safety. IOActive has amassed over a decade of real-world vulnerability data illustrating the issues and potential solutions to cybersecurity threats today’s vehicles face.

This analysis is a major update and follow-up to the vehicle vulnerabilities report originally published in 2016 and updated in 2018. The goal of this 2022 update is to deliver current data and discuss how the state of automotive cybersecurity has progressed over the course of 10 years, making note of overall trends and their causes.