Thought leaders in information security, we conduct radical, world-changing research and deliver renowned presentations around the world.
Blogs | RESEARCH | August 7, 2018

Are You Trading Stocks Securely? Exposing Security Flaws in Trading Technologies

This blog post contains a small portion of the entire analysis. Please refer to the white paper. Disclaimer Most of the testing was performed using paper money (demo accounts) provided online by the brokerage houses. Only a few accounts were funded with real money for testing purposes. In the case of commercial platforms, the free trials provided by the brokers were used. Only end-user applications and their direct servers were analyzed. Other backend protocols and related technologies used in exchanges and financial institutions were not tested. This…

Alejandro Hernandez
Blogs | EDITORIAL | January 24, 2018

Cryptocurrency and the Interconnected Home

There are many tiny elements to cryptocurrency that are not getting the awareness time they deserve. To start, the very thing that attracts people to cryptocurrency is also the very thing that is seemingly overlooked as a challenge. Cryptocurrencies are not backed by governments or institutions. The transactions allow the trader or investor to operate with anonymity. We have seen a massive increase in the last year of cyber bad guys hiding behind these inconspicuous transactions – ransomware demanding payment in bitcoin; bitcoin ATMs being used by various dealers to…

Neil Haskins
Blogs | RESEARCH | January 11, 2018

SCADA and Mobile Security in the IoT Era

Two years ago, we assessed 20 mobile applications that worked with ICS software and hardware. At that time, mobile technologies were widespread, but Internet of Things (IoT) mania was only starting. Our research concluded the combination of SCADA systems and mobile applications had the potential to be a very dangerous and vulnerable cocktail. In the introduction of our paper, we stated “convenience often wins over security. Nowadays, you can monitor (or even control!) your ICS from a brand-new Android [device].” Today, no one is surprised at the appearance of an…

Alexander Bolshev & Ivan Yushkevich
Blogs | RESEARCH | December 17, 2015

(In)secure iOS Mobile Banking Apps – 2015 Edition

Two years ago, I decided to conduct research in order to obtain a global view of the state of security of mobile banking apps from some important banks. In this blog post, I will present my latest results to show how the security of the same mobile banking apps has evolved.

Ariel Sanchez
Blogs | INSIGHTS | August 25, 2015

Money may grow on trees

Sometimes when buying something that costs $0.99 USD (99 cents) or $1.01 USD (one dollar and one cent), you may pay an even dollar. Either you or the cashier may not care about the remaining penny, and so one of you takes a small loss or profit.   Rounding at the cash register is a common practice, just as it is in programming languages when dealing with very small or very large numbers. I will describe here how an attacker can make a profit when dealing with the rounding mechanisms…

Fernando Arnaboldi
Blogs | INSIGHTS | February 6, 2014

An Equity Investor’s Due Diligence

Information technology companies constitute the core of many investment portfolios nowadays. With so many new startups popping up and some highly visible IPO’s and acquisitions by public companies egging things on, many investors are clamoring for a piece of the action and looking for new ways to rapidly qualify or disqualify an investment ; particularly so when it comes to hottest of hot investment areas – information security companies.  Over the years I’ve found myself working with a number of private equity investment firms – helping them to review the…

Gunter Ollmann
Blogs | INSIGHTS | October 28, 2013

Hacking a counterfeit money detector for fun and non-profit

In Spain we have a saying “Hecha la ley, hecha la trampa” which basically means there will always be a way to circumvent a restriction. In fact, that is pretty much what hacking is all about.   It seems the idea of ‘counterfeiting’ appeared at the same time as legitimate money. The Wikipedia page for Counterfeit money  is a fascinating read that helps explain its effects.   Nowadays every physical currency implements security measures to prevent counterfeiting. Some counterfeits can be detected with a naked eye,…

Ruben Santamarta
Blogs | INSIGHTS | March 14, 2013

Credit Bureau Data Breaches

This week saw some considerable surprise over how easy it is to acquire personal credit report information.  On Tuesday Bloomberg News led with a story of how “Top Credit Agencies Say Hackers Stole Celebrity Reports”, and yesterday there were many follow-up stories examining the hack. In one story I spoke with Rob Westervelt over at CRN regarding the problems credit reporting agencies face when authenticating the person for which the credit information applies and the additional problems they face securing the data in general (you can read the article…

Gunter Ollmann

Arm IDA and Cross Check: Reversing the 787’s Core Network

IOActive has documented detailed attack paths and component vulnerabilities to describe the first plausible, detailed public attack paths to effectively reach the avionics network on a 787, commercial airplane from either non-critical domains, such as Passenger Information and Entertainment Services, or even external networks.