Thought leaders in information security, we conduct radical, world-changing research and deliver renowned presentations around the world.
Blogs | INSIGHTS | October 23, 2017

Embedding Defense in Server-side Applications

Applications always contain security flaws, which is why we rely on multiple layers of defense. Applications are still struggling with their defenses, even though we go through exhaustive measures of testing and defense layers. Perhaps we should rethink our approach to application defense, with the goal of introducing defensive methods that cause attackers to cease, or induce them to take incorrect actions based on false premises.   There are a variety of products that provide valuable resources when basic, off-the-shelf protection is required or the application source code is…

Fernando Arnaboldi
Blogs | EDITORIAL | October 3, 2017

[Meta Analysis] Rick and Morty S3E1: The Hacker’s Episode

Hi folks, I’m a huge Rick and Morty fan. Sometimes while watching it, I notice allegories and puns related to security, privacy, physics, psychology, and a wide range of scientific fields. Because of this, I’ve decided to review some Rick and Morty episode and share my observations with the wonderful folks who work in these fields and those who aspire to 😉 Enjoy! A machine force feeding a human. Being brutally and utterly dedicated to our whims, the robots show us how perverted…

Keith Makan
Blogs | RESEARCH | September 26, 2017

Are You Trading Securely? Insights into the (In)Security of Mobile Trading Apps

The days of open shouting on the trading floors of the NYSE, NASDAQ, and other stock exchanges around the globe are gone. With the advent of electronic trading platforms and networks, the exchange of financial securities now is easier and faster than ever; but this comes with inherent risks. From the beginning, bad actors have also joined Wall Street’s party, developing clever models for fraudulent gains. Their efforts have included everything from fictitious brokerage firms that ended up being Ponzi schemes[1] to organized cells…

Alejandro Hernandez
Blogs | INSIGHTS | September 7, 2017

The Other Side of Cloud Data Risk

What I’m writing here isn’t about whether you should be in the cloud or not. That’s a complex question, it’s highly dependent on your business, and experts could still disagree even after seeing all of the inputs What I want to talk about is two distinct considerations when looking at the risk of moving your entire company to the cloud. There are many companies doing this, especially in the Bay Area. CRM, HR, Email—it’s all cloud, and the number of cloud vendors totals in the hundreds, perhaps even thousands. We’re…

Daniel Miessler
Blogs | RESEARCH | August 22, 2017

Exploiting Industrial Collaborative Robots

Traditional industrial robots are boring. Typically, they are autonomous or operate with limited guidance and execute repetitive, programmed tasks in manufacturing and production settings.1 They are often used to perform duties that are dangerous or unsuitable for workers; therefore, they operate in isolation from humans and other valuable machinery. This is not the case with the latest generation collaborative robots (“cobots”) though. They function with co-workers in shared workspaces while respecting safety standards. This generation of robots works hand-in-hand with humans, assisting them, rather than just performing automated, isolated operations. Cobots can learn movements, “see” through…

Lucas Apa
Blogs | RESEARCH | July 19, 2017

Multiple Critical Vulnerabilities Found in Popular Motorized Hoverboards

Not that long ago, motorized hoverboards were in the news – according to widespread reports, they had a tendency to catch on fire and even explode. Hoverboards were so dangerous that the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM) issued a statement recommending consumers “look for indications of acceptance by recognized testing organizations” when purchasing the devices. Consumers were even advised to not leave them unattended due to the risk of fires. The Federal Trade Commission has since established requirements that any hoverboard imported to the US meet baseline…

Thomas Kilbride
Blogs | EDITORIAL | July 1, 2017

24 Deadly Sins of Software Security: Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them

Fully updated to cover the latest security issues, 24 Deadly Sins of Software Security reveals the most common design and coding errors and explains how to fix each one-or better yet, avoid them from the start. Michael Howard and David LeBlanc, who teach Microsoft employees and the world how to secure code, have partnered again with John Viega, who uncovered the original 19 deadly programming sins. They have completely revised the book to address the most recent vulnerabilities and have added five brand new sins. This practical guide covers all…

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Richard van Eeden
Blogs | INSIGHTS | June 28, 2017

WannaCry vs. Petya: Keys to Ransomware Effectiveness

With WannaCry and now Petya we’re beginning to see how and why the new strain of ransomware worms are evolving and growing far more effective than previous versions. I think there are 3 main factors: Propagation, Payload, and Payment.* Propagation: You ideally want to be able to spread using as many different types of techniques as you can. Payload: Once you’ve infected the system you want to have a payload that encrypts properly, doesn’t have any easy bypass to decryption, and clearly indicates to the victim what they…

Daniel Miessler
Blogs | EDITORIAL | June 14, 2017

APIs are 2FA Backdoors

 Two-factor Authentication (2FA) today is something like having a firewall in the year 2000: if you say you have it, it basically stops any further questioning.   Unfortunately, when you have a powerful and mismanaged API, 2FA is about as effective as having a stateful firewall protecting a broken web application. It’s time we accept as an industry that API keys and secrets are essentially usernames and passwords, except they’re designed to be used in an automated way to perform your company’s most sensitive functions, often instrumented by…

Daniel Miessler
Blogs | INSIGHTS | May 20, 2017

Post #WannaCry Reaction #127: Do I Need a Pen Test?

In the wake of WannaCry and other recent events, everyone from the Department of Homeland Security to my grandmother is recommending penetration tests as a silver bullet to prevent falling victim to the next cyberattack. But a penetration test is not a silver bullet, nor is it universally what is needed for improving the security posture of an organization. There are several key factors to consider. So I thought it might be good to review the difference between a penetration test and a vulnerability assessment since this is a…