The poodle must be the most vicious dog, because it has killed SSL.
POODLE is the latest in a rather lengthy string of vulnerabilities in SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and a more recent protocol, TLS (Transport layer Security). Both protocols secure data that is being sent between applications to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery.
POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) rings the death knell for our 18-year-old friend SSL version 3.0 (SSLv3), because at this point, there is no truly safe way to continue using it.
Google announced Tuesday that its researchers had discovered POODLE. The announcement came amid rumors about the researchers’ security advisory white paper which details the vulnerability, which was circulating internally.
SSLv3 had survived numerous prior vulnerabilities, including SSL renegotiation, BEAST, CRIME, Lucky 13, and RC4 weakness. Finally, its time has come; SSLv3 is long overdue for deprecation.
The security industry’s initial view is that POODLE will not be as devastating as other recent vulnerabilities such as Heartbleed, a TLS bug. After all, POODLE is a client-side attack; the others were direct server-side attacks.
However, I believe POODLE will ultimately have a larger overall impact than Heartbleed. Even the hundreds of thousands of applications that use a more recent TLS protocol still use SSLv3 as part of backward compatibility. In addition, some applications that directly use SSLv3 may not support any version of TLS; for these, there might not be a quick fix, if there will be one at all.
POODLE attacks the SSLv3 block ciphers by abusing the non-deterministic nature of block cipher padding of CBC ciphers. The Message Authentication Code (MAC), which checks the integrity of every message after decryption, does not cover these padding bytes. What does this mean? The padding can’t be fully verified. In other words, this attack is very capable of determining the value of HTTPS cookies. This is the heart of the problem. That might not seem like a huge issue until you consider that this may be a session cookie, and the user’s session could be potentially compromised.
TLS version 1.0 (TLSv1.0) and higher versions are not affected by POODLE because these protocols are strict about the contents of the padding bytes. Therefore, TLSv1.0 is still considered safe for CBC mode ciphers. However, we shouldn’t let that lull us into complacency. Keep in mind that even the clients and servers that support recent TLS versions can force the use of SSLv3 by downgrading the transmission channel, which is often still supported. This ‘downgrade dance’ can be triggered through a variety of methods. What’s important to know is that it can happen.
There are a few ways to prevent POODLE from affecting your communication:
Plan A: Disable SSLv3 for all applications. This is the most effective mitigation for both clients and servers.
Plan B: As an alternative, you could disable all CBC Ciphers for SSLv3. This will protect you from POODLE, but leaves only RC4 as the remaining “strong” cryptographic ciphers, which as mentioned above has had weaknesses in the past.
Plan C: If an application must continue supporting SSLv3 in order work correctly, implement the TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV mechanism. Some vendors are taking this approach for now, but it is a coping technique, not a solution. It addresses problems with retried connections and prevents reversion to earlier protocols, as described in the document TLS Fallback Signaling Cipher Suite Value for Preventing Protocol Downgrade Attacks (Draft Released for Comments).
How to Implement Plan A
With no solution that would allow truly safe continued use of SSLv3, you should implement Plan A: Disable SSLv3 for both server and client applications wherever possible, as described below.
Disable SSLv3 for Browsers
Disabling instructions
Add the command line -ssl-version-min=tls1 so the browser uses TLSv1.0 or higher.
Internet: Explorer:
Go to IE’s Tools menu -> Internet Options -> Advanced tab. Near the bottom of the tab, clear the Use SSL 3.0 checkbox.
Type about:config in the address bar and set security.tls.version.min to 1.
Clear the Force Old-Style SSL checkbox.
Note: Some browser vendors are already issuing patches and others are offering diagnostic tools to assess connectivity.
If your device has multiple users, secure the browsers for every user. Your mobile browsers are vulnerable as well.
Disable SSLv3 on Server Software
Server Software
Disabling instructions
Add -SSLv3 to the SSLProtocol line.
IIS 7:
Because this is an involved process that requires registry tweaking and a reboot, please refer to Microsoft’s instructions:
In, adopt the setting smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols=!SSLv3 and ensure that !SSLv2 is present too.
POODLE is a high risk for payment gateways and other applications that might expose credit card data and must be fixed in 30 days, according to Payment Card Industry standards. The clock is ticking.
Ideally, the security industry should move to recent versions of the TLS protocol. Each iteration has brought improvements, yet adoption has been slow. For instance, TLS version 1.2, introduced in mid-2008, was scarcely implemented until recently and many services that support TLSv1.2 are still required to support the older TLSv1.0, because the clients don’t yet support the newer protocol version.
A draft of TLS version 1.3 released in July 2014 removes support for features that were discovered to make encrypted data vulnerable. Our world will be much safer if we quickly embrace it.
Robert Zigweid
- This POODLE Bites: Exploiting the 3.0 Fallback, a security advisory by Bodo Möller, Thai Duong, and Krzysztof Kotowicz:
- Google’s announcement of the vulnerability:
- Website of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures:
- TLS Fallback Signaling Cipher Suite Value for Preventing Protocol Downgrade Attacks (Draft Released for Comments):