INSIGHTS | February 14, 2014

The password is irrelevant too

In this follow up to a blog post on the Scalance-X200 series switches, we look at an authentication bypass vulnerability. It isn’t particularly complicated, but it does allow us to download configuration files, log files, and a firmware image. It can also be used to upload configuration and firmware images, which causes the device to reboot.
The code can be found in IOActive Labs github repository.
If an attacker has access to a configuration file with a known password, they can use this code to update the configuration file and take over the switch’s management functions. It can also be used to mirror ports and enable or disable other services, such as telnet, SSH, or SNMP. Lastly, the same script can be used to upload a firmware image to the device sans authentication. In other words, it is *delightfully reprogrammable* until you install the patch.
This brings us to an interesting point. I asked Siemens if the SSH keys in Firmware V5.X (the fixed version) are unique per device, and I was assured that they are. If this is true, there should be no problem with me publishing a hash of the private key for my device. Don’t worry damsels and chaps, I can always patch my device with a new key later, as a demonstration of my enthusiasm for firmware. 
Anyway, here are two fingerprints of the private SSH key: 
MD5   6f09a4d77569236fd90483a85920912d
SHA256    505166f90ee05761b11a5feda24d0ccdc53ef902cdd617b330db3634cc2788f7
If you have one of these devices and have patched to the version that contains fixes, you could assist the community greatly by verifying that the key gets a different finger-print. This will independently confirm what those outstanding gentry at Siemens told me and promote confidence in their security solutions.
This neatly segues into some changes we’ve seen in the ICS-space over the last few years. 
The primary change in behavior I’d like to applaud is how companies are striving to develop better relationships with independent security researchers such as myself. The increase in constructive dialogue is evidenced by Siemen’s ability to receive notification and then produce a patch within three months. Years ago we were regularly waiting six months to two years for fixes.
In fact, I challenged vendors at S4x14 to commit to an AVERAGE TIME of security patching for externally supplied vulnerabilities. We purposefully chose the average time for this challenge, because we know that providing quality assurance for these systems is difficult and can be time consuming. After all, some bugs are just thornier than others
Incidentally, this is backed up by empirical research shared with me by the inimitable Sean McBride during our conversations at S4x14. I wouldn’t want you to think I am just some un-gentlemanly shuffler or simkin, challenging hecatonchires for the sport of it (hat-tip @sergeybratus).


Follow @digitalbond to see the response I got to committing to an average security patch time, when my ”Red/Blue Live” talk goes online. You’ll also notice that my two attackers (red team) did not manage to use the script to take over the device, despite doing so in practice sessions the night before. The ingenious Rotem Bar (blue team) demonstrated that the secret of ICS security is to simply *patch*. Apparently, it is not only possible, but effective!
…and btw, happy Valentine’s!
INSIGHTS | January 13, 2014

The password is irrelevant

This story begins with a few merry and good hearted tweets from S4x13. These tweets in fact:
Notice the shared conviviality, and the jolly manner in which this discussion of vulnerabilities occurs.
It is with this same lightness in my heart that I thought I would explore the mysterious world of the.

So I waxed my moustache, rolled up my sleeves, and began to use the arcane powers of Quality Assurance. 
Ok, how would an attacker who doesn’t have default credentials or a device to test on go about investigating one of these remotely? Why, find one on Shodan of course!
Personally, I buy mine second hand from eBay with the fortune I inherited from my grandfather’s moustache wax empire.
The first thing an attacker would normally do is scan the device to get familiar with the ports and services. A quick nmap looks like this:
Nmap scan report for Unknown (
Host is up (0.0043s latency).
Not shown: 994 closed ports
22/tcp  open  ssh      OpenSSH 4.2 (protocol 2.0)
|_ssh-hostkey: 1024 cd:b4:33:49:62:3b:58:1a:67:5a:a3:f0:50:00:71:86 (RSA)
23/tcp  open  telnet?
80/tcp  open  http     WindWeb 4.00
|_http-methods: No Allow or Public header in OPTIONS response (status
code 501)
|_http-title: Logon to SCALANCE X Management (
84/tcp  open  ctf?
111/tcp open  rpcbind  2 (RPC #100000)
| rpcinfo:
|   program version   port/proto  service
|   100000  2            111/tcp  rpcbind
|_  100000  2            111/udp  rpcbind
443/tcp open  ssl/http WindWeb 4.00
|_http-methods: No Allow or Public header in OPTIONS response (status
code 501)
|_http-title: Logon to SCALANCE X Management (
| ssl-cert: Subject: organizationName=Siemens
| Not valid before: 2008-02-04T14:05:57+00:00
|_Not valid after:  2038-01-18T14:05:57+00:00
|_ssl-date: 1970-01-01T00:14:20+00:00; -43y254d14h08m05s from local time.
| sslv2:
|   SSLv2 supported
|   ciphers:
|     SSL2_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5
|     SSL2_RC2_CBC_128_CBC_WITH_MD5
|     SSL2_RC4_128_WITH_MD5
|     SSL2_RC4_64_WITH_MD5
|     SSL2_DES_64_CBC_WITH_MD5
|     SSL2_RC2_CBC_128_CBC_WITH_MD5
|_    SSL2_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5
MAC Address: 00:0E:8C:A3:4E:CF (Siemens AG A&D ET)
Device type: general purpose
Running: Wind River VxWorks
OS CPE: cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks
OS details: VxWorks
Network Distance: 1 hop
So we have a variety of management interfaces to choose from: Telnet (really in 2014?!?), SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS. All of these interfaces share the same users and default passwords you would expect, but we are looking for something more meaningful. 
Now that we’ve found them on Shodan (wait, they’re all air-gapped, right?), we quickly learn from the web interface that there are only two users: admin and user. Next we view the web page source and search for “password” which gives us this lovely snippet:
document.submitForm.encoded.value = document.logonForm.username.value + “:” + md5(document.logonForm.username.value + “:” + document.logonForm.password.value + “:” + document.submitForm.nonceA.value)
This is equivalent to the following command on Linux:
echo -n “admin:admin:C0A8006500005F31” | md5sum
Which is then posted to the device in a form such as this (although this one has a different password*):
Setting aside just how weak the use of MD5 is (and in fact I have written a script to brute-force credentials snatched off the wire), that nonceA value is very important. A nonce is a ‘number used once’, which is typically used to prevent cryptographic replay attacks. In other words, this random challenge value is provided by the server, to keep an attacker from simply capturing the hash on the wire and replaying it to the server later when they want to login. This nonce then, deserves our attention.
It appears that this is an ID field in the cookie, and that it is also the session ID. If I can predict session Ids, I can perform session hijacking while someone is managing the switch. So we set about estimating the entropy of this session ID, which initially appears to be 16 hex values. However, we won’t even need to create an equation since it turns out to be COMPLETELY predictable, as you will soon see. 
We can use WGET to fetch the page a few times and get a small sample of these nonceA values. This is what we see:
This seems distinctly non-random. In fact, when I measured it more precisely, it became clear that it was sequential! A little further investigation revealed that SNMP is sometimes available to us. So we use snmpwalk on one of the devices I have at home:
snmpwalk -Os -c public -v 1
iso. = STRING: “Siemens, SIMATIC NET, SCALANCE X204-2,
6GK5 204-2BB10-2AA3, HW: 4, FW: V4.03″
iso. = OID: iso.
iso. = Timeticks: (471614) 1:18:36.14
Well look at that! 
47164 in base 10 = 7323E in hex! I wonder if the session ID is simply uptime in hex?
We do a WGET at approximately the same time and get this as a session ID:
So if we assume the last 8 hex chars are uptime in hex (or at least close enough for us to brute-force the few values around it), then where do the first 8 hex come from? 
I initially imagined they were unique for each device and set out to test that theory by getting a session ID from another device found on Shodan. Keep in mind I did not attempt a login, I just fetched the page to see what the session ID was. Sure enough it was different, but the one from the switch I have wasn’t the MAC address or any other unique identifier on the switch. I spent a week missing the point here, but luckily I have excellent company at IOActive Labs. 
It was during discussions with my esteemed colleague Reid Wightman, he suggested it was an IP address. He pointed out the C0 and A8 are 192 168 in decimal. So I went and checked the IP address of the switch I have, and it was not So again I was stumped until I realized it was the IP address of my own client machine!
In other words, the nonceA was simply the address of the web client (converted to hex) connecting to the switch, concatenated to the uptime of the switch (in hex). I can practically see the developer who thought this would be a good idea. I can hear them thinking that each session is clearly distinguished by the address it is connecting from, and made impossible to brute-force with time. Time+Space, that’s too large to brute-force or estimate right? You must admit, it has a kind of perverse logic to it. Unfortunately, it is highly predictable and insecure.
Go home Scalance X200 family session IDs, you’re drunk. Aside from being completely predictable, they are too small. 32 hex is a far cry from using the 128 bits recommended by OWASP.
I guess that’s what they refer to in this announcement with the phrases “A potential vulnerability” and “that might allow attackers to hijack web sessions over the network without authentication”. 
There are a few more vulnerabilities to discuss about this switch, but to learn about those, you’ll have to see me at S4x14, or wait for the next blog post where I release a more reliable POC.
Usually I am one to organise a nice quiet coordinated disclosure, probably over a lavender scone and a cup of tea. I do my best to be polite, cheerful, and helpful, though I am under no obligation to do so, and there are considerable financial incentives for a researcher to never report a vulnerability at all
Siemens product CERT should be commended for being polite and helpful, and relatively quick with this fix. They acknowledged my work, and communicated clear timelines of when to expect a fix. This is precisely how they should go about communicating with us in the research community. It was at this point that I informed the good folks over at Siemens that I would verify the patch on Sep 12th. On the morning of the 12th, I tried to login to verify they patch they had provided, and found myself blocked from doing so. 
Should a firmware release with security implications only be downloadable in a forum that requires vetting and manual processing? Is it acceptable to end users that security patches are under export restriction?
Luckily these bans were lifted later that day and I was able to confirm the fixes. I would like to commend Siemens Product CERT the team for fixing these issues rapidly and with great professionalism. They communicated with me securely using GPG encrypted emails, set realistic timelines, and gave me feedback when those timelines didn’t work out. This leads me to a formal challenge based on their performance.
I challenge any other ICS vendors to match Siemens laudable response times and produce patches within 3 months for any externally submitted security vulnerabilities.
Stay tuned for part 2 where we release the simple Python script for authentication bypass which allows firmware and configuration upload and download.
*If you can crack this, and are interested in a job, please send IOActive your CV and the cleartext password used to create that credential. It is not hard, but it might take you a while….
INSIGHTS | August 17, 2012

One Mail to Rule Them All

This small research project was conducted over a four-week period a while back, so current methods may differ as password restoration methods change.
While writing this blog post, the Gizmodo writer Mat Honan’s account was hacked with some clever social engineering that ultimately brought numerous small bits and pieces of information together into one big chunk of usable data. The downfall in all this is that different services use different alternative methods to reset passwords: some have you enter the last four digits of your credit card and some would like to know your mother’s maiden name; however, the attacks described here differ a bit, but the implications are just as devastating.
For everything we do online today we need an identity, a way to be contacted. You register on some forum because you need an answer, even if it’s just once and just to read that answer. Afterwards, you have an account there, forcing you to trust the service provider. You register on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter; some of you use online banking services, dating sites, and online shopping. There’s a saying that all roads lead to Rome? Well, the big knot in this thread is—you guessed it—your email address.


Normal working people might have 1-2 email addresses: a work email that belongs to the company and a private one that belongs to the user. Perhaps the private one is one of the popular web-based email services like Gmail or Hotmail. To break it down a bit, all the sensitive info in your email should be stored in a secure vault, home, or in a bank because it’s important information that, in an attackers hand, could turn your life into a nightmare.


I live in a EU country where our social security numbers aren’t considered information worthy of protecting and can be obtained by anyone. Yes, I know—it’s a huge risk. But in some cases you need some form of identification to pick up the sent package. Still, I consider this a huge risk.


Physically, I use paper destroyers when I’ve filed a paper and then put it in my safe. I destroy the remnants of important stuff I have read. Unfortunately, storing personal data in your email is easy, convenient, and honestly, how often do you DELETE emails anyway? And if you do, are you deleting them from the trash right away? In addition, there’s so much disk space that you don’t have to care anymore. Lovely.


So, you set your email account at the free hosting service and you have to select a password. Everybody nags nowadays to have a secure and strong password. Let’s use 03L1ttl3&bunn13s00!—that’s strong, good, and quite easy to remember. Now for the secure question. Where was your mother born? What’s your pets name? What’s your grandparent’s profession? Most people pick one and fill it out.


Well, in my profession security is defined by the weakest link; in this case disregarding human error and focusing on the email alone. This IS the weakest link. How easy can this be? I wanted to dive in to how my friends and family have set theirs up, and how easy it is to find this information, either by goggling it or doing a social engineering attack. This is 2012, people should be smarter…right? So with mutual agreement obtained between myself, friends, and family, this experiment is about to begin.


A lot of my friends and former colleagues have had their identities stolen over the past two years, and there’s a huge increase. This has affected some of them to the extent that they can’t take out loans without going through a huge hassle. And it’s not often a case that gets to court, even with a huge amount of evidence including video recordings of the attackers claiming to be them, picking up packages at the local postal offices. 
Why? There’s just too much area to cover, and less man power and competence to handle it. The victims need to file a complaint, and use the case number and a copy of the complaint; and fax this around to all the places where stuff was ordered in their name. That means blacklisting themselves in their system, so if they ever want to shop there again, you can imagine the hassle of un-blacklisting yourself then trying to prove that you are really you this time.


A good friend of mine was hiking in Thailand and someone got access to his email, which included all his sensitive data: travel bookings, bus passes, flights, hotel reservations. The attacker even sent a couple of emails and replies, just to be funny; he then canceled the hotel reservations, car transportations, airplane tickets, and some of the hiking guides. A couple days later he was supposed to go on a small jungle hike—just him, his camera, and a guide—the guide never showed up, nor did his transportation to the next location. 
Thanks a lot. Sure, it could have been worse, but imagine being stranded in a jungle somewhere in Thailand with no Internet. He also had to make a couple of very expensive phone calls, ultimately abort his photography travel vacation, and head on home.


One of my best friends uses Gmail, like many others. While trying a password restore on that one, I found an old Hotmail address, too. Why? When I asked him about it afterwards, he said he had his Hotmail account for about eight years, so it’s pretty nested in with everything and his thought was, why remove it? It could be good to go back and find old funny stuff, and things you might forget. He’s not keen to security and he doesn’t remember that there is a secret question set. So I need that email.
Lets use his Facebook profile as a public attacker would—it came out empty, darn; he must be hiding his email. However, his friends are displayed. Let’s make a fake profile based on one of his older friends—the target I chose was a girl he had gone to school with. How do I know that? She was publicly sharing a photo of them in high school. Awesome. Fake profile ready, almost identical to the girl, same photo as hers, et cetera. And Friend Request Sent.
A lot of email vendors and public boards such as Facebook have started to implement phone verification, which is a good thing. Right? So I decided to play a small side experiment with my locked mobile phone.
I choose a dating site that has this feature enabled then set up an account with mobile phone verification and an alternative email. I log out and click Forgot password? I enter my username or email, “IOACasanova2000,” click and two options pop up: mobile phone or alternative email. My phone is locked and lying on the table. I choose phone. Send. My phone vibrates and I take a look at the display:  From “Unnamed Datingsite” “ZUGA22”. That’s all I need to know to reset the password.
Imagine if someone steals or even lends your phone at a party. Or if you’re sloppy enough to leave in on a table. I don’t need your pin—at least not for that dating site.What can you do to protect yourself from this?   Edit the settings so the preview shows less of the message. My phone shows three lines of every SMS; that’s way too much. However, on some brands you can disable SMS notifications from showing up on a locked screen.
From my screen i got a instant; Friend Request Accepted.
I quickly check my friend’s profile and see:


I had a dog, and his name was BINGO! Hotmail dot com and password reset.


The anti bot algorithm… done…
And the Secret question is active…
“What’s your mother’s maiden name”…


I already know that, but since I need to be an attacker, I quickly check his Facebook, which shows his mother’s maiden name! I type that into Hotmail and click OK….


New Password: this1sAsecret!123$


I’m half way there….


Another old colleague of mine got his Hotmail hacked and he was using the simple security question “Where was your mother born”. It was the same city she lived in today and that HE lived in, Malmö (City in Sweden). The attack couldn’t have come more untimely as he was on his way, in an airplane, bound for the Canary Islands with his wife. After a couple of hours at the airport, his flight, and a taxi ride, he gets  a “Sorry, you don’t have a reservation here sir.” from the clerk. His hotel booking was canceled.


Most major sites are protected with advanced security appliances and several audits are done before a site is approved for deployment, which makes it more difficult for an attacker to find vulnerabilities using direct attacks aimed at the provided service. On the other hand, a lot of companies forget to train their support personnel and that leaves small gaps. As does their way of handling password restoration. All these little breadcrumbs make a bun in the end, especially when combined with information collected from other vendors and their services—primarily because there’s no global standard for password retrieval. Nor what should, and should not be disclosed over the phone.


You can’t rely on the vendor to protect you—YOU need to take precautions yourself. Like destroying physical papers, emails, and vital information. Print out the information and then destroy the email. Make sure you empty the email’s trashcan feature (if your client offers one) before you log out. Then file the printout and put it in your home safety box. Make sure that you minimize your mistakes and the information available about you online. That way, if something should happen with your service provider, at least you know you did all you could. And you have minimized the details an attacker might get.


I think you heard this one before, but it bears repeating: Never use the same password twice!
I entered my friend’s email in Gmail’s Forgot Password and answered the anti-bot question.
There we go; I quickly check his Hotmail and find the Gmail password restore link. New password, done.

Now for the gold: his Facebook. Using the same method there, I gained access to his Facebook; he had Flickr as well…set to login with Facebook. How convenient. I now own his whole online “life”.. There’s an account at an online electronics store; nice, and it’s been approved for credit.

An attacker could change the delivery address and buy stuff online. My friend would be knee deep in trouble. Theres also a iTunes account tied to his email, which would allow me to remote-erase his phones and pads. Lucky for him, I’m not that type of attacker.


Why would anyone want to have my information? Maybe you’re not that important; but consider that maybe I want access to your corporate network. I know you are employed because of that LinkedIn group. Posting stuff in that group with a malicious link from your account is more trustworthy than just a stranger with a URL. Or maybe you’re good friends with one of the admins—what if I contact him from your account and mail, and ask him to reset your corporate password to something temporary?
I’ve tried the method on six of my friends and some of my close relatives (with permission, of course). It worked on five of them. The other one had forgot what she put as the security question, so the question wasn’t answered truthfully. That saved her.
When I had a hard time finding information, I’d used voice-changing software on my computer, transforming my voice to that of a girl. Girls are gentle and less likely to try a hoax you; that’s how the mind works. Then I’d use Skype to dial them, telling them that I worked for the local church historical department, and the records about their grandfather were a bit hard to read. We are currently adding all this into a computer so people could more easily do ancestor searching and in this case, what I wanted was her grandfather’s profession. So I asked a couple of question then inserted the real question in the middle. Like the magician I am. Mundus vult decipi is latin for; The world wan’t to be decived.
In this case, it was easy.
She wasn’t suspicious at all I thanked her for her trouble and told her I would send two movie tickets as a thank you. And I did.
Another quick fix you can do today while cleaning your email? Use an email forwarder and make sure you can’t log into the email provided with the forwarding email. For example, in my domain there’s the email “” that is use for registering on forums and other random sites. This email doesn’t have a login, which means you can’t really log into the email provider with that email. And mail is then forwarded to the real address. An attacker trying to reset that password would not succeed.
Create a new email such as “” and use THIS email for important stuff, such as online shopping, etc. Don’t disclose it on any social sites or use it to email anyone; this is just a temporary container for your online shopping and password resets from the shopping sites. Remember what I said before? Print it, delete it. Make sure you add your mobile number as a password retrieval option to minimize the risk.
It’s getting easier and easier to use just one source for authentication and that means if any link is weak, you jeopardize all your other accounts aswell. You also might pose a risk to your employer.

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