EDITORIAL, RESEARCH | April 25, 2024

Bits to Binary to Bootloader to Glitch: Exploiting ROM for Non-invasive Attacks

In this paper, we explore how ROM can be leveraged to perform a non-invasive attack (i.e., voltage glitching) by a relatively unsophisticated actor without a six-figure budget. We begin by explaining what ROM is, why it is used, and how it can be extracted.

What exactly is ROM?

Put simply, Read-Only Memory (ROM) is a type of Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) that is constructed as physical structures within chips. The structures are patterned as ones and zeroes on one, and only one, of several layers of the chip. Why just one? Cost. ROM is real hardware, and making any hardware changes in the layout of a chip is very expensive.

The fact that ROM is physically encoded in a chip makes it uniquely reliable and thus appropriate for critical functions, such as boot code execution. ROM is infinitely more reliable than NVM that relies on an electrical charge, like Flash.

The following table provides a brief overview of memory classes.

Table 1. Summary of memory classes, type, and uses

How can you extract data from ROM?

If there is no protection on the device (i.e., it is embedded on a development board), then it is simple to access the data and dump it as a binary (.bin) file. By doing so, we have essentially extracted the final code, as opposed to the raw bits. This means that the code is in an understandable format (no need to decrypt or descramble) and can be analyzed using standard software reverse engineering tools, like IDA Pro or Binary Ninja, to isolate a weakness in the bootloader.

If the ROM is protected, then there is the option to physically deprocess sample chips (more on that later) and extract the raw bits as ones and zeroes. The process is very skill dependent; however, it is possible to carry out on a shoestring budget depending on the age of the chip technology. In some cases, only a polishing wheel, a handheld polishing jig, and an optical microscope are needed.

Reading out the raw bits is only the first step of the process, as these bits need to be further analyzed and manipulated to properly understand the code. The complexity of reverse engineering will vary depending on the following:

Is the ROM scrambled?

Scrambling is when the data is ‘mixed-up’ at the periphery of the memory block. In this case, it is enough to study the peripheral circuitry to make sense of the data.

Figure 1. Normal (unscrambled) output
Figure 2. Scrambled output

The ordering may also vary byte-to-byte, making reverse engineering more difficult.

Is the ROM encrypted?

Encryption is far more difficult to reverse engineer because the data is routed out of the memory and into the CPU logic, which is usually vast and, on its face, random. The data will be routed to the decryption circuitry, which may only be a few dozen logic cells.

Finding the decryption circuitry in a sea of one hundred thousand logic cells with no direction on where to start is an extremely difficult task. It may be necessary to reverse engineer the entire CPU logic; however, there are isolation techniques like thermal or photon emission that can help identify a specific area of interest on the chip. Using such techniques, the chip is instructed to repeatedly decrypt data while the entire chip is monitored for heat or light emissions, revealing the area of the chip that is performing the decryption. This smaller area of the chip then becomes the focus of reverse engineering.

Is the ROM both scrambled and encrypted?

If the ROM is both scrambled and encrypted, recovering the data will require analysis of the addressing logic and reverse engineering some if not all of the CPU logic. If the raw data is encrypted, the physical bit pattern will look the same, whether it is scrambled or not.

How do you deprocess a chip?

Deprocessing is the physical removal of layers from a finished chip using chemical and mechanical techniques. The process is necessarily destructive and can be used to remove one or more layers, depending on the target.

Consider the following example chip:

Figure 3. Example chip cross-section showing metal layers and transistors

We can see that the chip is constructed of many layers of copper circuitry, all embedded in an insulator (glass-type material). Transistors are literally the building blocks of digital components and are fabricated on the silicon substrate at the bottom of the chip. Therefore, the ROM transistors will be located on the bottom as well. The raw bits we are looking for (the ROM encoding layer) will likely be at the Contact, Metal 1, or Via 1 layer (between Metal 1 and Metal 2), but we won’t know for sure until we start destroying some chips.

If we have the time and sufficient samples, we can start by removing all of the layers from one chip in order to analyze the floorplan. Based on this analysis, we can map out where the memories are located and even identify what types of memories are present, such as Flash, SRAM, DRAM, or ROM. This will help identify the specific area of the chip to focus on when attempting to extract the raw bits. In addition, we could also cross-section a chip at the location of the ROM to help determine which layer contains the bit encoding to guide our work.

If we don’t have the time or the samples, we can just go ahead and carefully deprocess a single chip, and at some point, the ROM bits will appear. But if we deprocess too far, we will go past the bit encoding layer and lose the data.

For our work, we will use the most basic and fastest technique—mechanical polishing. While many argue that mechanical polishing is the most effective method for deprocessing chips, it is also the most skill dependent.

We can polish in several ways (in order of increasing sophistication and cost):

  1. Manual finger polishing: The decapsulated chip is placed on the fingertip and polished on a static plate or piece of glass.
  2. Turntable finger polishing: Similar to manual but uses a rotating platen to expedite the polishing process (and eliminate Repetitive Strain Injury!).
  3. Manual polishing with fixture (jig): Uses a rotating platen in conjunction with a polishing fixture that can be adjusted to compensate for non-planarity.
  4. Semi-automated polishing: Uses a purpose-built system with control over:
    1. Platen speed
    1. Sample planarity
    1. Force applied to sample
    1. Sample rotation (in addition to platen rotation)

In this example we used the third approach because a turntable accelerates progress, and a polishing jig offers fine angle control. Additionally, the manual polishing table and jig, as well as the abrasives involved, are relatively low-cost items, keeping the approach within reach of a skilled and motivated hobbyist.

Figure 4. A decapsulated chip mounted to the polishing stub
Figure 5. The stub attached to the polishing jig while being polished

Determining when to stop polishing (end pointing) is difficult; however, when we hit the ROM encoding layer, we should see some kind of pattern under an optical microscope, even at 5x magnification.

The image below was taken at 20x magnification, and we can categorically say that we have reached the right layer.

Figure 6. Corner of ROM exposed at bit encoding layer

The bits appear as white dots from above, because they are bullet-shaped Tungsten interconnects, a little like the contacts shown in the following cross-section images:

Figure 7. ROM cross-section fully processed (left) and deprocessed to the bit encoding layer (right)
Figure 8. Sample area for initial visual inspection

We can see from a very high-level visual inspection that the ROM cannot possibly be encrypted, due to the distribution of ones versus zeroes. If the data was properly encrypted, then the distribution would appear random; however, a visual assessment is sufficient to confirm a lack of entropy without the need to formally calculate[1] it with binwalk[2] or another tool. We can conclude that although the data may be scrambled, it is not encrypted. There is enough evidence to tell us that if we extract the raw bits, we can derive the addressing to then get us back to an understandable binary.

For now, we don’t need to carefully analyze the addressing circuit; all we need is to determine if there is any scrambling in the addressing logic. We can do this visually.

Figure 9. Sample area of decoding/addressing circuit (bottom)
Figure 10. Sample area of decoding/addressing circuit (left)
Figure 11 Sample area of decoding/addressing circuit (between blocks)

When we isolate a small area of the decoding/addressing circuitry at any point (bottom, left, or between the blocks), it is perfectly repeated. This proves that the ROM is not scrambled, and all we need to do is to work out how the bits are read to recreate the full binary. That, and extract the raw bits, of course.

No Scrambling 😊

No Encryption 😊

How do you extract the raw bits?

It is preferable that we automate the extraction process, as the ROM’s capacity is 16 KB (128,000 single bits), which is far too much to extract manually. First, we must determine if our optical images are good enough to reliably extract the raw bits. If not, we may need to use a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to obtain higher resolution, higher contrast images.

Figure 12. Sample area of raw bits imaged optically (top) and by SEM (bottom)

Clearly there is a huge difference in resolution and, more importantly, contrast between the two types of images. It’s obvious that using SEM images would expedite the extraction process, but let’s see if we can use the optical images and do this on a shoestring budget.

First, we need to optimize the optical test image with photo editing software to maximize our chances of success. A good start is always to use the filters in Photoshop such as ‘Noise – Despeckle’ and ‘Noise – Dust and Scratches.’ The final step would be to manipulate the levels to maximize the contrast.

Figure 13. Screenshots showing Adobe Photoshop noise filters being applied
Figure 14. Sample area of raw bits imaged optically and filtered/optimized

Perhaps quite surprisingly, simply by filtering and adjusting the levels of the optical image, we can almost end up with the same result as with the SEM.

Figure 15. Plot of unfiltered optical image
Figure 16. Plot of filtered optical image

From this simple test, we can conclude that any effective tool will be capable of reliably extracting the raw bits from our optical images.

Figure 17. Single block with bit extraction grid overlaid
Figure 18. Zoomed view of bits with extraction grid overlaid

Commercial software is available for semi-automated ROM bit extraction. The software measures the brightness of the area around the line intersections and compares that against a user-defined estimate for both a one and a zero. The software then assigns values to each area in which a bit exists, then exports the values to a text file. Below is the text extracted from this small piece of ROM. This is a fraction of one of 64 sections within the memory array, so some time is required for a full extraction. There is certainly an AI/ML opportunity here to expedite the process.

After repeating the process many times, we have the entire ROM in our hands, and we can move onto the next step: deriving how the bits are addressed. At this point, we will have a usable binary to work with in IDA Pro or Binary Ninja so we can understand the boot process and find some potential areas of weakness we can glitch.

Bits to Binary

As this is a chip with a known vulnerability, it was possible to dump the entire ROM via JTAG. We will use this dump to help us do two things:

  1. Deduce how the ROM is addressed
  2. Compare our physically extracted ROM with the JTAG dump to validate our process

To illustrate the analysis of our physically extracted dump, we will use the higher-resolution SEM images we acquired after the optical images were taken.

Let’s start by looking at the electrical dump of the ROM. The following output is the beginning and end of the ROM .bin, with the end looking very much like a checksum. We know this is commonly used by this manufacturer, so after many zero bytes, there are two bytes of data at the very end of the file.

Figure 19. Hex dump output of the start (top) and end (bottom) of the ROM .bin
Figure 20. Bottom section of ROM SEM stitch with checksum bits annotated
Figure 21. Close-up showing that the three bits are not in the same row. One on the first row, then two on the second row (the red line is perfectly parallel)

From the fact that we have the two-byte checksum (0105) in hex, and that the corresponding raw bits (0000 0001 0000 0101) are not in a linear pattern, then we must assume that there is some flipping/mirroring happening on the bit addressing. The fact that the bits are split over two rows also gives us a clue.

Now our checksum is beginning to make sense. With a checksum of 0105 (0000 0001 0000 0101), there must only be one way to read it. Essentially, we are looking for how the three ones are addressed.

First, we can see that the three bits are all on the same bit column, so we can ignore the rest. It makes things easier to visualize by annotating all of the bit columns, then highlighting the only column (column 0) we care about in yellow. The values are now much easier to read by eye, and we can see the direction in which they are read by the memory array.

Figure 22. Right side of checksum area annotated with columns, binary values, and hex
Figure 23. Entire width of checksum area annotated with columns, binary values, and hex

We now see that 0105, albeit not in a logical order for a human. There is one question mark remaining: Do we assume that we read the left side in reverse first (01) followed by the second (05)? There we have a simple 50% chance of being correct, and to find out, we can apply that to the more densely populated areas of ROM.

Figure 24. Opposite end of ROM annotated with read order, binary values, and corresponding hex

The portion of ROM above shows the hex value along with the raw binary for the two-word width of the ROM array. The colored arrows illustrate the direction in which the bits are read from the .bin and how they are read from the raw bit image. The following is a closer view of one byte, where blue bits are logical ones and yellows are logical zeros:

the end of the ROM, annotated with read order and binary values

Finally, a binary!!!

The following image contains some dumped bytes from the target. This can be later be opened in the reversing tool of our choice, and after some preparation work, we can begin reverse engineering and identifying the potential weaknesses. In this case, as some readers might know, the target sample has a known vulnerability that can be exploited via fault injection. This vulnerability can allow an attacker with physical access to the device to retrieve the entire contents, even if the chip has been locked down.

Figure 26. Some bytes dumped from the target chip
Figure 27. Part of the boot process where CRP values are read and are controlling access to the debugging interfaces

Overall Conclusions

  • While a chip with a known vulnerability was used in this case study for comparative purposes, the same techniques can be applied to a chip without this vulnerability
  • The electrical version of the ROM dump matched 100% with the physically extracted version
  • Physical ROM bit extraction is skill-dependent, but can be carried out using a relatively basic toolset such as:
    • Basic polishing turntable
    • Handheld polishing jig
    • Diamond abrasives
    • Optical microscope
  • ROM binary extraction is dependent on:
    • Existence of encryption
    • Complexity of scrambling
    • Patience!
  • ROM binary analysis and isolation of glitching/fault injection points is possible
  • Electrical and electromagnetic fault injection techniques are skill- and chip-dependent; however, the bar of entry is relatively low (hundreds to thousands of dollars)

[1] https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/topics/cryptography/entropy-calculations/
[2] https://github.com/ReFirmLabs/binwalk

INSIGHTS, RESEARCH | April 17, 2024

Accessory Authentication – Part 1/3

This is Part 1 of a 3-Part series. You can find Part 2 here and Part 3 here.


Manufacturers of consumer electronics often use embedded security processors to authenticate peripherals, accessories, and consumables. Third parties wishing to build unlicensed products (clones) within such an ecosystem must defeat or bypass this security for their products to function correctly.

In this series, the IOActive silicon lab team will take you on a deep dive into one such product, examining both the OEM product and the clone in detail.

Fundamentally, the goal of a third party selling an unlicensed product is for the host system to recognize their product as authentic. This can be achieved by extracting key material from an OEM or licensed accessory and putting it on a new processor (difficult, but allows the third party to manufacture of an unlimited number of clones) or by recycling security processors from damaged or discarded accessories (low effort since there is no need to defeat protections on the secure element, but the number of clones is limited by the number of security chips that the third party can find and recycle). In some cases, it may also be possible to bypass the cryptographic authentication entirely by exploiting implementation or protocol bugs in the authentication handshake.

We’ll begin our analysis by comparing the security processors from an OEM and clone device to see which path was taken in this case. The first step is to locate the processors, which can be challenging since security chips tend to have deliberately confusing or nondescript markings to frustrate reverse-engineering efforts.

Package Comparison

Figure 1. Security processor from OEM device
Figure 2. Security processor from clone device

Comparing the top-side markings, we see:

  • The first three digits of the first line are different.
  • The second line is identical.
  • The third line is completely different: three letters and three numbers on the clone versus one letter and four numbers on the OEM part.
  • The font weight of the laser engraving is lighter on the clone and heavier on the OEM.
  • There is no manufacturer logo marked on either device.
  • The pin 1 marking dot of the OEM part has a well-defined edge, while the pin 1 marker of the clone has a small ring of discoloration around it.

Both components are packaged in an 8-pin 0.5 mm pitch DFN with a thermal pad featuring a notch at pin 1 position. No distinction is visible between the devices from the underside.

Figure 3. Underside of clone component

Looking from the side, we see that the clone package is significantly thicker.

Figure 4. Side view of OEM component
Figure 5. Side view of clone component

Top Metal Comparison

At this stage of the analysis, it seems likely that the devices are different given the packaging variations, but this isn’t certain. Semiconductor vendors occasionally change packaging suppliers or use multiple factories to improve supply chain robustness, so it’s entirely possible that these components contain the same die but were packaged at different facilities. In order to tell for sure, we need to depackage them and compare the actual silicon.

After depackaging, the difference is obvious, even before putting the samples under the microscope. The OEM die is rectangular and about 2.6x the area of the clone die (3.24 mm2 for the OEM versus 1.28 mm2 for the clone). It also has a yellow-green tint to it, while the clone is pink.

Figure 6. Top metal image of OEM die
Figure 7. Top metal image of clone die

The OEM die has five gold ball bonds, three in the top left and two in the bottom left.

In contrast, the clone die has 11 pads along the top edge. Two are narrower than the rest and appear intended for factory test only, two redundant power/ground pads are full sized but unbonded (showing only probe scrub marks from factory test), and the remaining seven have indentations from copper ball bonds (which were chemically removed to leave a flat specimen surface).

Figure 8. Used bond pad on clone die (left, bond ball removed) vs. unused pad (right, showing probe mark)

The OEM die has no evidence of an antitamper mesh; however, the surface appears to be completely covered by a dense grid of power/ground lines in-between larger high-current power distribution buses. The only exception is the far-right side, which is only covered by CMP filler (dummy metal features serving no electrical function, but which aid in manufacturability). Since sensitive data lines are not exposed on the top layer, the device is still protected against basic invasive attacks.

The clone die has large power and ground distribution buses on the top edge near the bond pads, while the remainder of the surface is covered by a fine mesh of wires clearly intended to provide tamper resistance. Typically, secure elements will fail to boot and/or erase flash if any of these lines are cut or shorted while the device is under power.

Figure 9. Antitamper mesh on the clone die

Neither die has any vendor logo or obvious identifying markings on it. The OEM part has no markings whatsoever; the clone part has mask revision markings suggesting six metal layers and a nine-digit alphanumeric ID code “CID1801AA” (which returned no hits in an Internet search).

Figure 10. Die markings on clone secure processor

Concluding Thoughts

The clone security processor is clearly a different device from the OEM part rather than a recycled chip. This means that the third party behind the clone must have obtained the authentication key somehow and flashed it to their own security processor.

Interestingly, the clone processor is also a secure element with obvious antitamper features! We believe that the most likely rationale is that the third party is attempting to stifle further competition in the market—they already have to share the market with the OEM but are trying to avoid additional clones becoming available.

The clone part also looks very similar to the OEM part upon casual inspection—both are packaged in the same 8-pin DFN form factor and have markings that closely resemble one another. Normally this is a sign of a counterfeit device; however, there is little chance of the OEM buying their security chip from an untrustworthy source, so it seems doubtful that the clone chip manufacturer was intending to fool the OEM into using their part. One possible explanation is that the authentication scheme was defeated by a fourth party, not the manufacturer of the clone accessory, and that they produced this device as a drop-in equivalent to the OEM security processor to simplify design of clones. Using a footprint compatible package and marking it with the same ID number would make sense in this scenario.

In the next part of this series, we’ll compare the manufacturing process technology used on the two components.