Securing Smart Cities’ First Year: The Supporting Community Grows Three-Fold
Seattle, WA — July 18, 2016 – Just a year has passed since Securing Smart Cities – a not-for-profit global initiative that aims to raise awareness and solve the existing and future cybersecurity problems of smart cities – was launched. Since that time the initiative’s supporting community has increased three-fold — from ten cybersecurity experts from all over the world, to more than 30.
Less Than 10% of Internet of Things (IoT) Products Have Adequate Security (Survey)
Seattle, WA — June 2, 2016 – IOActive, Inc., the worldwide leader in research-driven security services, today released the findings of the IOActive Internet of Things (IoT) Security Survey, completed by senior security professionals earlier this year. While the IoT era of products brings innumerable advances and modern conveniences to the lives of consumers, the connected nature of these products creates unintentional ports to other sensitive and critical systems, data, and devices. When security is insufficient in even seemingly harmless household appliances, wearables, or other IoT products, it presents endemic vulnerabilities…
IOActive’s Alexander Bolshev and Ivan Yushkevich to present at CONFidence 2016
PRESENTATION: When the medicine is more dangerous than the disease: mobile antivirus security assessment PRESENTER(S): Alexander Bolshev, Security Consultant for IOActive and Ivan Yuskevich, Digital Security CONFERENCE: CONFidence 2016 LOCATION: Forum Hotel, Krakow, Poland DATE & TIME: May 19, 2016 at 16:40PM
Increasing Global Focus on Security in Age of IoT Drives Record Growth for IOActive in 2015
Seattle, WA — March 16, 2016 – IOActive, Inc., the worldwide leader in research-driven security services, today announced its strongest business results in the company’s 18-year history, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015. The growth of IOActive’s security services business was predicated on ground-breaking research published by the company across multiple technology and vertical market segments.
Securing Smart Cities: Leading Security Experts Join Forces to Make Modern Cities Safer
Seattle, WA – May 26, 2015 – Securing Smart Cities, a new not-for-profit global initiative, is being launched today. Backed by leading IT security researchers, companies and organizations, including IOActive, Kaspersky Lab, Bastille, and the Cloud Security Alliance, the Securing Smart Cities initiative aims to solve the cybersecurity challenges smart cities face through collaboration and information sharing. The group will serve as a communications node for companies, governments, media outlets, not-for-profit initiatives, and individuals across the world involved in the creation, improvement, and promotion of smart and safe technologies for…