Women in IT Security – Power Player Jennifer Sunshine Steffens
SC Magazine – IOActive CEO Jennifer Sunshine Steffens is now in her tenth year at the helm of the security company, known for its pioneering vulnerability research. Over the last decade, the company has expanded its IT security offerings across all of its technical and programmatic advisory services, while presenting its self-funded research at more than 500 conferences around the world.
Satellite industry doing surprisingly well against cyber threats, experts say
Space News – The satellite industry has done a good job bolstering its cyber defenses absent the sort of high-profile attack that has spurred other industries to step up their efforts. But the risk of a “defining cyber event” remains, a panel of experts said June 25.
The 3 R’s for Surviving the Security Skills Shortage
How to recruit, retrain, and retain with creativity and discipline. Dark Reading – As threats escalate and enterprise cybersecurity teams struggle to build teams that can handle mounting volumes of work, the hue and cry over the cybersecurity skills shortage continues to grow more urgent by the year.
HSBC’s robot banker picks security over payments
PaymentsSource – HSBC is the first bank in the U.S. to deploy SoftBank’s lifelike Pepper robot in a branch to help customers learn about bill pay, remote check capture and even ask the weather – but in Pepper’s current iteration, it won’t take deposits or payments.
Cryptojacking – The Parasitical Crime
Infosecurity – Cryptojacking doesn’t destroy data. Instead, it chews up computing resources. Danny Bradbury asks whether criminals have finally found a largely victimless crime