Drone intrusions in airport airspace
Professional Security – Illegal drone intrusions in airport airspace have continued to rise, according to the safety body the UK Airprox Board.
Trisis Malware Discovered at Additional Industrial Facility
IoT World Today – When cybersecurity researchers at Dragos and FireEye disclosed the so-called Triton malware targeting industrial safety systems, it was something of a revelation.
Dangerous Drone Encounters at UK Airports Jump by More Than a Third
IFSEC Global – Illegal drone intrusions into UK airport airspace have soared by 34.4% in 2018, according to a report by an air safety body.
Second Triton/Trisis critical infrastructure attack spotted
SC Magazine – A second attack against a critical infrastructure target has been launched using the Triton/Trisis custom attack framework.
Is your car at risk of a cyber attack?
What Car? – Cars are smarter than ever. Many can now let you do everything from dictating text messages to helping you find available parking spaces as you approach an unfamiliar city. There’s a potential downside to all this technology that you might not have considered, though: as soon as you use the sat-nav or Bluetooth or link your smartphone to your car, you’re automatically sharing a lot of information with it. And that information could be open to abuse or theft.