Scientists reveal the 13 dark technology scenarios that keep them up at night
Business Insider – Deepfakes are sophisticated video forgeries in which AI tools can replace people’s faces in a video. For the most part, deepfakes are malicious, often used to fabricate videos like revenge porn. The technology — which is already free and easy to use — is only getting better. Matt Rahman, COO of the computer security company IOActive, said he is especially interested in the dangers of deepfakes. “In a few years, you won’t be able to tell what’s fake,” he said, because such video will be indistinguishable from reality.
Human Factor Gets Its Own Track at (ISC)2 Security Congress
RSA Conference Blog – Much as the Human Element has influenced the curriculum and content you will see at RSA Conference 2020, (ISC)2 Security Congress also has an entire track dedicated to the Human Factor. The topics on this track range from diversity and inclusion to hiring and retaining talent. According to Jennifer Steffens, CEO at IOActive, diversity is hugely important when trying to solve complex problems in security. In answering the question of why diversity matters, Steffens said it “brings together disparate people who have diversity of thought, different perspectives, different…
Why security expert Brook Schoenfield is denying DevSecOps
Software Testing News – After spending years building up a reputation for highly regarded cybersecurity firms such as McAfee and CISCO, Brook Schoenfield decided to use his experience to write a book called Securing Systems: Applied Security Architecture and Threat Models.’ This gained him even more traction in his sector and he now works at IOActive as a Master Security Architect where he spends his days building robust, self-sustaining security architecture programs.
A hacker’s paradise? 5G and cyber security
FT – The rollout of fifth-generation mobile networks — which offer the potential for download speeds of up to 10 times faster than today’s — will change how we communicate, work and stream video. However, the faster speeds are also likely to present an opportunity for hackers to target more devices and launch bigger cyber attacks, experts say.
Top 10 Enterprise Security Consulting/Services Companies – 2019
CIO Review – Be it identifying the possible vulnerabilities or designing security solutions according to each client’s specific needs, these service providers empower their clients with their expertise around-the-clock support. With a core understanding of the current enterprise security landscape and its continuous evolution, CIOReview has compiled a list of the 10 Most Consulting/Services Companies 2019 to help organizations to adopt an agile, forward-thinking approach to security in this technologically advanced and connected world.