WEBINAR | Apr 16, 2019

Trading Stocks Securely: What You Always Wanted to Know

ioactive alejandro hernandez senior security consultant

Alejandro Hernandez, Senior Security Consultant with IOActive, will provide insight to help you better understand the security risks with stock trading technologies, and tips on trading more securely.

With the advent of electronic trading platforms and networks, the exchange of financial securities now is easier and faster than ever; but this comes with inherent risks. Nowadays not only rich people can invest in the money markets, but also anyone with as little as $10 could start trading stocks from either a mobile phone, a desktop application or a website. 

The problem is that this area of the fintech industry has not been fully under the cybersecurity umbrella. Sometimes we assume that a product is secure by its nature, such as technologies that are used to trade hundreds of billions worth of equities per day, but security testing tells us a different story.

Live webinar: April 16, 1pm ET | 10am PT

Register for the webinar here.