HOSTED EVENT | Sep 28, 2023

hack::soho | Minor Game Hacking with Frida | Ilja Van Sprundel

Ilja van Sprundel, IOActive Sr. Director of Operating Systems Security, will be presenting: ‘Minor game hacking with Frida’ at H::S this month.

Ilja was a bit frustrated with the steam game: ‘Super Animal Royale’ – and being presented with a challenge, it would go without saying, he went right into ‘fixing’ the problem. Frida, Greasemonkey for native apps, represented the right tool to address the fixable problem, so take the journey with Ilja as he shares his exploration of hacking the game with Frida.

HACK::SOHO is a monthly event hosted at our London, UK office for the cybersecurity and hacking community to gather over ideas and refreshments.