Join us for an evening of fun at this month’s hack::soho featuring a fireside panel discussion between IOActive consultants Barrie Dempster, Artur Gemes, & Colin James Cassidy! The panel will discuss the current state of global cybersecurity, upcoming trends that the consultants foresee, & highlights from their personal work.
– Barrie Dempster, IOActive Director of Penetration Testing – With decades of technical experience including consulting and managing technical teams for the world’s largest financial, software and telecommunications organizations, Barrie Dempster has a wealth of practical experience in finding, exploiting and resolving vulnerabilities across the entire software and hardware stack. Barrie is a published technical author with three books in print, and has presented his research and observations on technical security at conferences, universities, and other organisations.
– Artur Gemes, IOActive Senior Security Consultant – Artur Gemes has over six years of experience in web application and network penetration testing with expertise in Andoid application reverse engineering and malware analysis. He brings an in-depth understanding of exploit development and develops bespoke tooling to support testing and research activities.
– Colin James Cassidy, IOActive Associate Principal Security Consultant – Colin James Cassidy is a seasoned leader in the areas of security and software engineering with a strong development and software engineering background. Much of his work focuses on assessment the security of Industrial Control Systems (ICS). He also has hands-on experience with a leading Outage Management System/Distribution Management System (OMS/DMS) solution.
Discussion Topics:
– Artificial Intelligence (AI) state-of-play, trends, and global concerns
– Learnings from assessments of security for Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
– Red Teaming and protecting from real-world threats
– Android mobile operating system exploration