ADVISORIES | December 9, 2014

X Font Service Protocol Handling Issues in libXfont Library

Ilja van Sprundel, an IOActive security researcher, discovered several issues in the way the libXfont library handles the responses it receives from XFS servers. Mr. van Sprundel has worked with X.Org’s security team to analyze, confirm, and fix these issues. Most of these issues stem from libXfont trusting the font server to send valid protocol data and not verifying that the values will not overflow or cause other damage.

This code is commonly called from the X server when an X Font Server is active in the font path, so it may be running in a setuid-root process, depending on the X server in use. Exploits of this path can be used by a local, authenticated user to attempt to raise privileges, or by a remote attacker who can control the font server to try to execute code with the privileges of the X server. (more…)

RESEARCH | November 18, 2014

Die Laughing from a Billion Laughs

Recursion is the process of repeating items in a self-similar way, and that’s what the XML Entity Expansion (XEE)[1] is about: a small string is referenced a huge number of times.

Technology standards sometimes include features that affect the security of applications. Amit Klein found in 2002 that XML entities could be used to make parsers consume an unlimited amount of resources and then crash, which is called a billion laughs attack. When the XML parser tries to resolve, the external entities that are included cause the application to start consuming all the available memory until the process crashes.

This example shows an XML document with an embedded DTD schema that performs the attack.

 (you can copy and paste (without format) to try)
 <!ENTITY LOL2 “&LOL1;&LOL1;&LOL1;&LOL1;&LOL1;&LOL1;&LOL1;&LOL1;&LOL1;&LOL1;”>
 <!ENTITY LOL3 “&LOL2;&LOL2;&LOL2;&LOL2;&LOL2;&LOL2;&LOL2;&LOL2;&LOL2;&LOL2;”>
 <!ENTITY LOL4 “&LOL3;&LOL3;&LOL3;&LOL3;&LOL3;&LOL3;&LOL3;&LOL3;&LOL3;&LOL3;”>
 <!ENTITY LOL5 “&LOL4;&LOL4;&LOL4;&LOL4;&LOL4;&LOL4;&LOL4;&LOL4;&LOL4;&LOL4;”>
 <!ENTITY LOL6 “&LOL5;&LOL5;&LOL5;&LOL5;&LOL5;&LOL5;&LOL5;&LOL5;&LOL5;&LOL5;”>
 <!ENTITY LOL7 “&LOL6;&LOL6;&LOL6;&LOL6;&LOL6;&LOL6;&LOL6;&LOL6;&LOL6;&LOL6;”>
 <!ENTITY LOL8 “&LOL7;&LOL7;&LOL7;&LOL7;&LOL7;&LOL7;&LOL7;&LOL7;&LOL7;&LOL7;”>
 <!ENTITY LOL9 “&LOL8;&LOL8;&LOL8;&LOL8;&LOL8;&LOL8;&LOL8;&LOL8;&LOL8;&LOL8;”>


The entity LOL9 in the example will be resolved as the 10 entities defined in LOL8; then each of these entities will be resolved in LOL7 and so on. Finally, the CPU and/or memory will be affected by parsing the 3*109 ( entities defined in this schema and it could make the parser crash.

The SOAP specification states that a SOAP message must not contain a Document Type Declaration (DTD). Therefore, a SOAP processor can reject any SOAP message that contains a DTD.

Regardless of what the specification indicates, certain SOAP implementations do parse DTD schemas within SOAP messages:

  • CVE-2013-1643: The SOAP parser (in PHP before 5.3.22 and 5.4.x before 5.4.13) allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a SOAP WSDL file containing an XML external entity declaration in conjunction with an entity reference.
  • CVE-2010-1632: Apache Axis2 before 1.5.2 (as used in IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0 through, IBM Feature Pack for Web Services through, IBM Feature Pack for Web 2.0, Apache Synapse, Apache ODE, Apache Tuscany, Apache Geronimo, and other products) does not properly reject DTDs in SOAP messages.
  • CVE-2004-2244: The XML parser (in Oracle 9i Application Server Release 2 and, and earlier, and Release 1 and, and Database Server Release 2 and later) allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service with CPU and memory consumption via a SOAP message containing a crafted DTD.

Here is an example of a parser that is not following the specification and is instead referencing a DTD on a SOAP message [2].

 Figure 1: SOAP billion laughs
This vulnerability also affects the Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML), a service that allows applications to build Windows-native XML-based applications. If you paste the billion laughs attack code into Microsoft Word for Mac, the memory will start getting depleted until Word crashes. You can try it yourself: just copy, paste, and die laughing.
[1] CAPEC-197: XEE (XML Entity Expansion) (
[2] CAPEC-228: Resource Depletion through DTD Injection in a SOAP Message (
INSIGHTS | November 6, 2014

ELF Parsing Bugs by Example with Melkor Fuzzer

Too often the development community continues to blindly trust the metadata in Executable and Linking Format (ELF) files. In this paper, Alejandro Hernández walks you through the testing process for seven applications and reveals the bugs that he found. He performed the tests using Melkor, a file format fuzzer he wrote specifically for ELF files.



The ELF file format, like any other file format, is an array of bits and bytes interconnected through data structures. When interpreted by an ELF parser, an ELF file makes sense, depending upon the parsing context: runtime (execution view) or static (linking view).

In 1999, ELF was chosen as the standard binary file format for *NIX systems, and now, about 15 years later, we are still in many instances blindly trusting the (meta)data within ELF files, either as executable binaries, shared libraries, or relocation objects.

However, blind trust is not necessary. Fuzzing tools are available to run proper safety checks for every single untrusted field.

To demonstrate, I tested and found bugs in seven applications using Melkor, a file format fuzzer specifically for ELF files that I developed:

The following were tested:

  • HT Editor 2.1.0
  • GCC (GNU Compiler) 4.8.1
  • Snowman Decompiler v0.0.5
  • GDB (GNU Debugger) 7.8
  • IDA Pro (Demo version) 6.6.140625
  • OpenBSD 5.5 ldconfig
  • OpenBSD 5.5 Kernel

Most, if not all, of these bugs were reported to the vendors or developers.

Almost all, if not all, were only crashes (invalid memory dereferences) and I did not validate whether they’re exploitable security bugs. Therefore, please do not expect a working command execution exploit at the end of this white paper.

Melkor is an intuitive and, therefore, easy-to-use fuzzer. To get started, you simply identify:

  • The kind of metadata you want to fuzz
  • A valid ELF file to use as a template
  • The number of desired test cases you want to generate (malformed ELF files that I call ‘orcs,’ as shown in my Black Hat Arsenal presentation, slides 51 and 52.1
  • The likelihood of each fuzzing rule as a percentage

Options supported by Melkor:

For a quiet output, use the -q switch. 1. – Melkor Test of HT Editor 2.1.0

HT ( is my favorite ELF editor. It has parsers for all internal metadata.

Test Case Generation

To start, we’ll fuzz only the ELF header, with a 20% chance of executing each fuzzing rule, to create 1000 test cases:

$./melkor -H templates/foo -l 20 -n 1000

You will find the test cases that are generated in the orcs_foo directory along with a detailed report explaining what was fuzzed internally.

Fuzzing the Parser

You could perform manually testing by supplying each orc (test case) as a parameter to the HT Editor. However, it would take a long time to test 1000 test cases.

For that reason, Melkor comes with two testing scripts:

  • For Linux,
  • For Windows systems, win_test_fuzzed.bat

To test the scripts automatically, enter:

$./ orcs_foo/ “ht”

Every time HT Editor opens a valid ELF file, you must press the [F10] key to continue to

the next test case. The Bug

After 22 tries, the test case orc_0023 crashed the HT Editor:

The next step is to identify the cause of the crash by reading the detailed report generated by Melkor:

By debugging it with GDB, you would see:



Effectively, there is a NULL pointer dereference  in the instruction mov (%rdi),%rax. 2. – Melkor Test of GCC (GNU Compiler) 4.8.1

I consider the GCC to be the compiler of excellence. When you type gcc foo.c -o foo, you’re performing all the phases (compilation, linking, etc.); however, if you want only to compile, the -c is necessary, as in gcc -c foo.c, to create the ELF relocatable object foo.o.

Normally, relocations and/or symbols tables are an important part of the .o objects. This is what we are going to fuzz.


Test Case Generation

Inside the templates/ folder, a foo.o file is compiled with the same Makefile to create Melkor, which in turn will be used as a template to create 5000 (default -n option) malformed relocatable files. We instruct Melkor to fuzz the relocations within the file (-R) and the symbol tables (-s) as well:


$./melkor -Rs templates/foo.o


During the fuzzing process, you may see verbose output:



Fuzzing the Parser


In order to test GCC with every malformed .o object, a command like gcc -o output malformed.o must be executed. To do so automatically, the following arguments are supplied to the testing script:


$./ orcs_foo.o/ “gcc –o output”


You can observe how mature GCC is and how it properly handles every malformed struct, field, size, etc.:





The Bug


Normally, in a Linux system, when a program fails due to memory corruption or an invalid memory dereference, it writes to STDERR the message: “Segmentation fault.” As a quick way to identify if we found bugs in the linker, we can simply look for that message in the output of the testing script (the script already redirected the STDERR of each test case to STDOUT).


$./ orcs_foo.o/ “gcc –o output” | egrep “Testing program|Segmentation fault”





Filtering for only those that ended with a “Segmentation fault,” I saw that 197 of 5000 test cases triggered a bug.


3. – Melkor Test of the Snowman Decompiler v0.0.5





Snowman ( is a great native code to C/C++ decompiler for Windows. It’s free and supports PE and ELF formats in x86 and x86-64 architectures.



Test Case Generation

In the previous example, I could have mentioned that after a period of testing, I noticed that some applications properly validated all fields in the initial header and handled the errors. So, in order to fuzz more internal levels, I implemented the following metadata dependencies in Melkor, which shouldn’t be broken:






With these dependencies, it’s possible to corrupt deeper metadata without corrupting structures in higher levels. In the previous GCC example, it’s evident that these dependencies were in place transparently to reach the third and fourth levels of metadata, symbol tables, and relocation tables respectively. For more about dependencies in Melkor, see Melkor Documentation: ELF Metadata Dependencies2.


Continuing with Snowman, I created only 200 test cases with fuzzed sections in the Section Header Table (SHT), without touching the ELF header, using the default likelihood of fuzzing rules execution, which is 10%:



$./melkor -S templates/foo -n 200



Fuzzing the Parser


Since snowman.exe runs on Windows machines, I then copied the created test cases to the Windows box where Snowman was loaded and tested each case using win_test_fuzzed.bat as follows:


C:Usersnitr0usDownloads>melkor-v1.0win_test_fuzzed.bat orcs_foo_SHT_snowman snowman-v0.0.5-win-x64snowman.exe


For every opened snowman.exe for which there is no exception, it’s necessary to close the window with the [Alt] + [F4] keyboard combination. Sorry for the inconvenience but I kept the testing scripts as simple as possible.



The Bug


I was lucky on testing day. The second orc triggered an unhandled exception that made Snowman fail:




4. – Melkor Test of GDB (GNU Debugger) 7.8





GDB, the most used debugger in *NIX systems, is another great piece of code.

When you type gdb foo, the necessary ELF data structures and other metadata is parsed and prepared before the debugging process; however, when you execute a program within GDB, some other metadata is parsed.


Test Case Generation




Most applications rely on the SHT to reach more internal metadata; the data and the code itself, etc. As you likely noticed in the previous example and as you’ll see now with GDB, malformed SHTs might crash many applications. So, I created 2000 orcs with fuzzed SHTs:


$./melkor -S templates/foo -n 2000


To see the other examples, GDB, IDA Pro, ldconfig and OpenBSD kernel, please continue reading the white paper at






Clearly, we would be in error if we assumed that ELF files, due to the age of the format, are free from parsing mistakes; common parsing mistakes are still found.

It would also be a mistake to assume that parsers are just in the OS kernels, readelf or objdump. Many new programs support 32 and 64-bit ELF files, and antivirus engines, debuggers, OS kernels, reverse engineering tools, and even malware may contain ELF parsers.


I hope you have seen from these examples that fuzzing is a very helpful method to identify functional (and security) bugs in your parsers in an automated fashion. An attacker could convert a single crash into an exploitable security bug in certain circumstances or those small crashes could be employed as anti-reversing or anti-infection techniques.



Feel free to fuzz, crash, fix, and/or report the bugs you find to make better software.



Happy fuzzing.


Alejandro Hernández  @nitr0usm

Extract from white paper at IOActive_ELF_Parsing_with_Melkor




IOActive, Inc.



[1]  Alejandro Hernández. “In the lands of corrupted elves: Breaking ELF software with Melkor fuzzer.”  <>
[2] Melkor Documentation: ELF Metadata Dependencies and Fuzzing Rules. <>[3] IOActive Security Advisory: OpenBSD  5.5 Local Kernel Panic.<>

ADVISORIES | November 1, 2014

Facebook Access Token Sent in Plaintext

Attackers can steal Facebook access tokens to impersonate Facebook users and perform malicious actions that include, but are not limited to, posting content on behalf of users and accessing friend lists. (more…)

RESEARCH | October 23, 2014

Bad Crypto 101

This post is part of a series about bad cryptography usage . We all rely heavily on cryptographic algorithms for data confidentiality and integrity, and although most commonly used algorithms are secure, they need to be used carefully and correctly. Just as holding a hammer backwards won’t yield the expected result, using cryptography badly won’t yield the expected results either.


To refresh my Android skillset, I decided to take apart a few Android applications that offer to encrypt personal files and protect them from prying eyes. I headed off to the Google Play Store and downloaded the first free application it recommended to me. I decided to only consider free applications, since most end users would prefer a cheap (free) solution compared to a paid one.


I stumbled upon the Encrypt File Free application by MobilDev. It seemed like the average file manager/encryption solution a user would like to use. I downloaded the application and ran it through my set of home-grown Android scanning scripts to look for possible evidence of bad crypto. I was quite surprised to see that no cryptographic algorithms where mentioned anywhere in the source code, apart from MD5. This looked reasonably suspicious, so I decided to take a closer look.


Looking at the JAR/DEX file’s structure, one class immediately gets my attention: the Crypt class in the com.acr.encryptfilefree package. Somewhere halfway into the class you find an interesting initializer routine:


public void init()
        encrypt[0] = (byte)-61;
        encrypt[1] = (byte)64;
        encrypt[2] = (byte)43;
        encrypt[3] = (byte)-67;
        encrypt[4] = (byte)29;
        encrypt[5] = (byte)15;
        encrypt[6] = (byte)118;
        encrypt[7] = (byte)-50;
        encrypt[8] = (byte)-28;
        encrypt[9] = (byte)6;
        encrypt[10] = (byte)-75;
        encrypt[11] = (byte)87;
        encrypt[12] = (byte)-128;
        encrypt[13] = (byte)40;
        encrypt[14] = (byte)13;
        encrypt[15] = (byte)63;
        encrypt[16] = (byte)124;
        encrypt[17] = (byte)-68;
        decrypt[248] = (byte)52;
        decrypt[249] = (byte)-51;
        decrypt[250] = (byte)123;
        decrypt[251] = (byte)105;
        decrypt[252] = (byte)-112;
        decrypt[253] = (byte)-86;
        decrypt[254] = (byte)-38;
        decrypt[255] = (byte)81;


Continuing forward through the code, you immediately spot the following routine:
    // cleaned up decompiler code
    public byte[] decrypt(byte[] inputBuffer)
        byte[] output = new byte[inputBuffer.length];
        int i = 0;
        while(i < inputBuffer.length)
            int temp = inputBuffer[i];
            if(temp >= -128)
                int temp = inputBuffer[i];
                if(temp < 128)
                    int inputByte = inputBuffer[i];
                    int lookupPosition = 128 + inputByte;
                    int outputByte = decrypt[lookupPosition];
                    output[i] = (byte)i4;
            i = i + 1;
        return output;



This is basically a pretty bad substitution cipher. While looking through the code, I noticed that the values set in the init() function aren’t really used in production, they’re just test values which are likely a result of testing the code while it’s being written up. Since handling signedness is done manually, it is reasonable to assume that the initial code didn’t really work as expected and that the developer poked it until it gave the right output. Further evidence of this can be found in one of the encrypt() overloads in that same class, which contains a preliminary version of the file encryption routines.


Going further through the application reveals that the actual encryption logic is stored in the Main$UpdateProgress.class file, and further information is revealed about the file format itself. Halfway through the doInBackground(Void[] a) function you discover that the file format is basically the following:


The password check on the files itself turns out to be just a branch instruction, which can be located in Main$15$1.class and various other locations. Using this knowledge, an attacker could successfully modify a copy of the application that would allow unrestricted access to all of the files encoded by any password. Apart from rolling your own crypto, this is one of the worst offenses in password protecting sensitive data: make sure you use the password as part of the key for the data, and not as part of a branch instruction. Branches can be patched, keys need to be brute forced, or, in the event of a weak algorithm, calculated.


The substitution vector in the file is remarkably long–it seems that the vector stored is 1024 bytes. But, don’t be fooled–this is a bug. Only the first 256 bytes are actually used, the rest of them are simply ignored during processing. If we forget for a moment that a weak encoding is used as a substitute for encryption, and assume this is a real algorithm, reducing the key space from 1024 byte to 256 byte would be a serious compromise. Algorithms have ended up in the “do not use” corner for lesser offenses.



Yvan Janssens
ADVISORIES | October 21, 2014

OpenBSD ≤ 5.5 Local Kernel Panic

A non-privileged use could cause a local Denial-of-Service (DoS) condition by triggering a kernel panic through a malformed ELF executable. (more…)

RESEARCH | October 17, 2014

Vicious POODLE Finally Kills SSL

The poodle must be the most vicious dog, because it has killed SSL.


POODLE is the latest in a rather lengthy string of vulnerabilities in SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and a more recent protocol, TLS (Transport layer Security). Both protocols secure data that is being sent between applications to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery.

POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) rings the death knell for our 18-year-old friend SSL version 3.0 (SSLv3), because at this point, there is no truly safe way to continue using it.

Google announced Tuesday that its researchers had discovered POODLE. The announcement came amid rumors about the researchers’ security advisory white paper which details the vulnerability, which was circulating internally.

SSLv3 had survived numerous prior vulnerabilities, including SSL renegotiation, BEAST, CRIME, Lucky 13, and RC4 weakness. Finally, its time has come; SSLv3 is long overdue for deprecation.

The security industry’s initial view is that POODLE will not be as devastating as other recent vulnerabilities such as Heartbleed, a TLS bug. After all, POODLE is a client-side attack; the others were direct server-side attacks.

However, I believe POODLE will ultimately have a larger overall impact than Heartbleed. Even the hundreds of thousands of applications that use a more recent TLS protocol still use SSLv3 as part of backward compatibility. In addition, some applications that directly use SSLv3 may not support any version of TLS; for these, there might not be a quick fix, if there will be one at all.

POODLE attacks the SSLv3 block ciphers by abusing the non-deterministic nature of block cipher padding of CBC ciphers. The Message Authentication Code (MAC), which checks the integrity of every message after decryption, does not cover these padding bytes. What does this mean? The padding can’t be fully verified. In other words, this attack is very capable of determining the value of HTTPS cookies. This is the heart of the problem. That might not seem like a huge issue until you consider that this may be a session cookie, and the user’s session could be potentially compromised.

TLS version 1.0 (TLSv1.0) and higher versions are not affected by POODLE because these protocols are strict about the contents of the padding bytes. Therefore, TLSv1.0 is still considered safe for CBC mode ciphers. However, we shouldn’t let that lull us into complacency. Keep in mind that even the clients and servers that support recent TLS versions can force the use of SSLv3 by downgrading the transmission channel, which is often still supported. This ‘downgrade dance’ can be triggered through a variety of methods. What’s important to know is that it can happen.

There are a few ways to prevent POODLE from affecting your communication:

Plan A: Disable SSLv3 for all applications. This is the most effective mitigation for both clients and servers.

Plan B: As an alternative, you could disable all CBC Ciphers for SSLv3. This will protect you from POODLE, but leaves only RC4 as the remaining “strong” cryptographic ciphers, which as mentioned above has had weaknesses in the past.

Plan C: If an application must continue supporting SSLv3 in order work correctly, implement the TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV mechanism. Some vendors are taking this approach for now, but it is a coping technique, not a solution. It addresses problems with retried connections and prevents reversion to earlier protocols, as described in the document TLS Fallback Signaling Cipher Suite Value for Preventing Protocol Downgrade Attacks (Draft Released for Comments).

How to Implement Plan A




With no solution that would allow truly safe continued use of SSLv3, you should implement Plan A: Disable SSLv3 for both server and client applications wherever possible, as described below.

Disable SSLv3 for Browsers





 Disabling instructions
Add the command line -ssl-version-min=tls1 so the browser uses TLSv1.0 or higher.
Internet: Explorer:
Go to IE’s Tools menu -> Internet Options -> Advanced tab. Near the bottom of the tab, clear the Use SSL 3.0 checkbox.
Type about:config in the address bar and set security.tls.version.min to 1.
 Clear the Force Old-Style SSL checkbox.

Note: Some browser vendors are already issuing patches and others are offering diagnostic tools to assess connectivity.

If your device has multiple users, secure the browsers for every user. Your mobile browsers are vulnerable as well.

Disable SSLv3 on Server Software




Server Software 
   Disabling instructions
Add -SSLv3 to the SSLProtocol line.
IIS 7:
Because this is an involved process that requires registry tweaking and a reboot, please refer to Microsoft’s instructions:
In, adopt the setting smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols=!SSLv3 and  ensure that !SSLv2 is present too.

Stay alert for news from your application vendors about patches and recommendations.

POODLE is a high risk for payment gateways and other applications that might expose credit card data and must be fixed in 30 days, according to Payment Card Industry standards. The clock is ticking.








Ideally, the security industry should move to recent versions of the TLS protocol. Each iteration has brought improvements, yet adoption has been slow. For instance, TLS version 1.2, introduced in mid-2008, was scarcely implemented until recently and many services that support TLSv1.2 are still required to support the older TLSv1.0, because the clients don’t yet support the newer protocol version.

A draft of TLS version 1.3 released in July 2014 removes support for features that were discovered to make encrypted data vulnerable. Our world will be much safer if we quickly embrace it.

Robert Zigweid



RESEARCH | September 18, 2014

A Dirty Distillation of Proposed V2V Readiness

Good Afternoon Internet
Chris Valasek here. You may remember me from such automated information kiosks as “Welcome to Springfield Airport”, and “Where’s Nordstrom?” Ever since Dr. Charlie Miller and I began our car hacking adventures, we’ve been asked about the upcoming Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) initiative and haven’t had much to say because we only knew about the technology in the abstract. 


I finally decided to read the proposed documentation from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) titled: “Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications: Readiness of V2V Technology for Application” ( This is my distillation of a very small portion of the 327-page document. 

While there are countless pages of information regarding cost, crash statistics, consumer acceptance, policy, legal liability, and fuel economy, as a breaker of things, I was most interested in any technical information I could extract. In this blog post, I list some interesting bits I stumbled upon when reading the document. I skipped over huge portions I felt weren’t applicable to my investigation. Mainly anything that didn’t have to do with a purely technical implementation. In addition, any diagrams or pictures in this blog post were taken directly from “Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications: Readiness of V2V Technology for Application”. 
A Very Brief History
Although currently a hot topic in the automotive world, the planning, design, and testing of the V2V infrastructure started over 11 years ago. It has gone from special purpose lanes in San Diego to a wireless infrastructure designed to be transparent to the end user. For those not in the know, a pilot program was deployed in Ann Arbor, MI from August 2012 to February 2014. This isn’t a harebrained scheme to a long-standing problem, but has been thought about and fine-tuned for quite some time. 
The V2V system is designed (obviously) to reduce death, injuries, and economic loss from motor vehicle crashes. Many people, including me, didn’t realize this initial proposal is only designed to provide visual and audible warnings to the driver and DOES NOT include or plan for physical alterations of the automobile based on V2V communications. For example, the V2V system will not brake a car in the event of an impending accident, but only warn the driver to apply the brake (although V2V could be used by current in-car systems, such as Collision Avoidance, to augment their functionality). 
The main components: 
Forward Collision Warning (FCW) – Warns you if you’re about to smash into something in front of you.
Emergency Electronic Brake Lights – Warns you when the person in front of you is slowing down while you’re reading your Twitter feed. 
Do Not Pass Warning – Really for unintentional drift more than you trying to push the limit to pass that big rig on the left side of the dotted line.
Left Turn Assist (LTA) — Warns you if there is a car coming when making a left turn. 
Intersection Movement Assist (IMA) – Figuring out how not to smash into several different cars at a 4-way intersection is hard, let’s go shopping!
Blind Spot Warning + Lane Change Warning – Warns you if you’re about to smash into something while changing lanes. No more “Rubbin is racin” I guess. 
This picture gives you a better idea of some of the scenarios mentioned above. 
You’ll notice that none of the safety mechanisms mentioned earlier involve performing any physical actions on the automobile. The designers of the V2V system realize that false positives could be a huge problem with warnings. Just imagine how scared people would be if their automobile braked or steered without cause in an attempt to protect them. 
Notable Items: 
  • The document predicts it will take 37 years for V2V to penetrate an entire fleet.
  • Rear and Forward Collision Warnings appear to be capable of saving the most money.
  • NHSTA does not expect an immediate difference, due to lack of adoption, but hopes to gain ground as time goes on.
My Thoughts
All these features seem like they will greatly increase vehicle and passenger safety. My one concern is a whole V2V infrastructure is being developed without much thought given to the physical control of a vehicle. It seems like the next logical step is to not only warn drivers if they are about to collide, but to prevent it. Maybe this will always be left up to the manufacturer, maybe not. 
On Board Equipment (OBE) – The device in your car that will communicate with the V2V infrastructure. It will either be OEM (put there by the manufacturer) or aftermarket (sold separately from the car, mobile phone, standalone device, and so on). 
Road Side Equipment (RSE) – These devices will connect to the vehicles around them. They can be on road curves that warn the car about its speed, traffic lights, stop signs, and so on. 
Dedicated Short-range Communications (DSRC) – The short-range wireless communications that RSE and OBE use to communicate.
Driver Vehicle Interface (DVI) – This interface will display the V2V warnings.
Basic Safety Message (BSM) – This is a message sent to and received from other OBE and RSE devices to make the V2V system work. For example, it could announce the current speed of the vehicle.
Security Credentials Management System (SCMS) – The systems that manage all of the credentials for V2V systems, such as the certificates used to authenticate BSMs. 
The most interesting portion of the document for me was the technical information about the underlying communications system. I think many people want to understand what kind of wireless communications will be implemented for the vehicles and devices with which they will interact. 
The V2V infrastructure will operate on the 5.8 – 5.9 GHz band (5850 – 5925 MHz) using seven (7) non-overlapping 10 MHz channels, with a 5 MHz guard band at the beginning of each frequency range. Channel 172 will be used to send public safety information. 
Since these devices, much like your AM/FM radio, can only be on one channel at a time, switching is necessary. Switching between the Control Channel (CCH) and Service Channel (SCH) occurs every 50 ms to transmit or receive DSRC messages emitted by other vehicles or RSE. There is a 4 ms front guard leaving only 46 percent of “potentially” available bandwidth for BSM transmissions. 
DSRC messages will be broadcast (omnidirectional for up to 300 meters) on a standardized network (IEEE 1609.4) over a standardized wireless layer IEEE 802.11p. The chart below shows all of the system standards currently anticipated for the first generation V2V system.
BSM messages also have a certain format, which is partially listed below. Please see the original document for more detailed information. Each message should have a packet size of 200 – 500 bytes with a maximum required range of 50 – 300 meters. 

Note: This is a partial snippet of the BSM Part II contents.
One main take away was that BSM messages are NOT encrypted; therefore, they could be viewed over the air by interested parties. The messages are, however, authenticated via a signing mechanism (discussed in the next section). 
Notable Items:
NHSTA is unsure if current WiFi infrastructure will interfere with the communications based on the devices. The claim is that more research is required. 
NHSTA claims the system will NOT collect or store any data identifying individuals or individual vehicles, nor will it create the ability for the government to do so.
NHSTA claims it would be extremely difficult for third parties to use the system to track a vehicle.
“NHTSA is aware of concerns that the V2V system could broadcast or store BSM data (such as GPS or path history) that, if captured by a third party, might facilitate very-localized vehicle tracking. In fact, the broadcast of unencrypted GPS, path history, and other data characteristics in or derived from the BSM appears to introduce only very limited potential risks to individual privacy.”
“It is theoretically possible that a third party could try to capture the transitory locational data in order to track a specific vehicle. However, we do not see a scenario in which one wishing to track a vehicle would choose the V2V system as the means.”
“To date, NHTSA’s V2V research has not included research specific to this issue, as researchers assumed that the possibility of cyber-attacks on motor vehicles was an existing vector of risk – not a new one created by V2V technologies.”
My Thoughts:
This is an amazingly complex system that is going to send, receive, and analyze data in real-time.
It will be interesting to see if people figure out how to use BSM messages to track vehicles or enumerate personal information due to their lack of encryption.
It looks like you could use BSM messages to gather information and track a vehicle, but I’m unsure of the practicality of doing so.
I don’t really know enough about radio/wireless to comment much more, but I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts. 
The V2V system, while sending a majority of the information in cleartext, does have mechanisms that are designed for security. After much internal debate, it was decided that a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) would be implemented to prove authenticity when sending and receiving messages. I think we’re all familiar with the PKI system, since we use it every day on the Internet to do our banking, chatting, and general internetting. Because this is a blog post, I only sampled a small set of the information available in the document. Also, I’m far from a crypto expert and will do my best to briefly explain the system that is being implemented. Please excuse or correct any errors you see with a quick tweet to @nudehaberdasher.
As stated before, BSMs are NOT encrypted, but verified with a digital signature, meaning that each message must be signed before it is sent and checked upon receipt. This trust system is a requirement, since thousands of messages will be authenticated in real-time when driving a vehicle that uses the V2V system. 
Like our Internet PKI system, there is a Certificate Authority (CA) but, to quote the paper: 
“We note that the interactions between the components shown in Figure <not-shown> are all based on machine-to-machine performance. No human judgment is involved in creation, granting, or revocation of the digital certificates.”
This means that there will not be human involvement when putting new devices on the V2V system. 
A simplified version of the system can be seen below.
Obviously, the system is much more complex, involving preinstalled certificates, which are supposed to last five minutes each, a signing authority, and even a misbehavior authority responsible for revoking certificates for a variety of reasons. A comparison between the V2V PKI system and the PKI system we currently use on the Internet is illustrated below. 
“Initial deployment is assumed to last for three years, and requires that OBEs on newly manufactured vehicles download a three-year batch of certificates. These batches would include reusable, overlapping five-minute certificates valid for one week. The term “overlapping” in this context refers to the fact that any certificate can be used at any time during the validity period. The batches would be good for one week and at this point are assumed to be around 20 certificates per week, which equates to 1,040 for one year of certificates. As the frequency of the certificate download batch changes for full deployment, the number and therefore size of the certificate batches also changes accordingly.”
It looks as if there are two options for preinstalled certificates, which will be placed there by OEMs and aftermarket solution providers:
Option 1: Three-year reusable, non-overlapping five-minute certificates
Option 2: Three-year batches of reusable, overlapping, 260 five-minute certificates valid for one week
Certificates will be managed by the SCMS and communications with devices will go as follows: 
  • UPLOAD – a request for new certificates
  • DOWNLOAD – new certificates
  • UPLOAD – a misbehavior report
  • DOWNLOAD – a full/partial CRL
  • Conduct other data functions or system updates
Certificate renewal, updates, and revocation still seem to be up in the air. Certificate downloads could happen through cellular, WiFi, or DSRC. The most likely scenario will be DSRC due to cost and availability issues. New certificates could be updated in-full on a daily basis, or the system could use incremental updates to save time and bandwidth. 
While the design of the system seems to be pretty well developed, the details of the implementation and ownership still seem to be undecided. It looks like only time will tell who will own and administer this system and in what fashion it will be administered. 
Notable Items:
“As no decisions about ownership or operation have been made, we do not advocate for public or private ownership, but include the basic functions we expect the SCMS Manager would perform in our discussions and analyses.”
“Most SCMS functions listed above are fairly well developed. One critical function, which has not yet been fleshed out adequately for DOT to assess, is the Misbehavior Authority (MA) — the central function responsible for processing misbehavior reports generated by OBE and producing and publishing the CRL.”
“Global detection processes have not yet been defined.”
Research into the PKI system will continue into 2016. 
“Publication of the seed is sufficient to revoke all certificates belonging to the revoked device, but without the seed an eavesdropper cannot tell which certificates belong to a particular device. (Note: the revocation process is designed such that it does not give up backward privacy.)”
Internal Blacklist – This would be used by the SCMS to make sure that an OBE asking for new certificates is not on the revoked list. If a vehicle or device is on the list, no certificate updates will be issued.
My Thoughts:
Be it that devices with valid certificates and valid certificate updates will be the hands of an ‘attacker’, I’m interested to see how well the certificate revocation functionality works. 
Without any decision on certificate revocation, will it be implemented? If so, will it be done correctly and robustly? 
How fast can certificates be revoked? 
Sending spoofed, legitimately signed messages for even five minutes at a busy intersection could cause a massive disruption. 
Private keys are going to be in infrastructure devices, meaning there’s a good chance they won’t be ‘private’ for long. 
Crypto people do your crypto thing on this. 
I think the V2V technology is very interesting but still has many questions to answer, due to its massive technical complexity and huge economic cost. Additionally, I don’t think people have much to be worried about in the first iteration since there are only audible and visual warnings to the driver, without any direct effect on the vehicle. 
I hope that, when developing these systems, planning and design would be considered around vehicle control and not only warnings, as it seems like true V2V accident avoidance is the next logical step. Additionally, there is probably a good chance that current vehicle bus infrastructure is used to provide warnings to the driver, which means there is yet another remote entry point to the vehicle which potentially uses the vehicle’s network for communication. From an attacker’s perspective, all remote communication systems that interact with the car will be seen as attack surfaces. 
My last thought is that a true V2V infrastructure is further away than many people think. While we may have fringe devices in the coming years, full fleet adoption isn’t expected until 2037, so we can all go back to worrying about our robot overlords taking over in 2029. 
Chris Valasek @nudehaberdasher
Special Thanks: Charlie Miller (@0xcharlie) and Zach Lanier (@quine
RESEARCH | September 10, 2014

Killing the Rootkit

Cross-platform, cross-architecture DKOM detection

To know if your system is compromised, you need to find everything that could run or otherwise change state on your system and verify its integrity (that is, check that the state is what you expect it to be).

“Finding everything” is a bold statement, particularly in the realm of computer security, rootkits, and advanced threats. Is it possible to find everything? Sadly, the short answer is no, it’s not. Strangely, the long answer is yes, it is.

By defining the execution environment at any point in time, predominantly through the use of hardware-based hypervisor or virtualization facilities, you can verify the integrity of that specific environment using cryptographically secure hashing.

Despite the relative ease of hash integrity checks, applying them to memory presents a number of significant challenges; the most difficult being identifying all of the processes that may execute on a system. System process control registers describe the virtual-to-physical memory layout. Only after all processes are found can integrity verification of code, data, and static/structural analysis be conducted.

“DKOM is one of the methods commonly used and implemented by Rootkits, in order to remain undetected, since this the main purpose of a rootkit.” – Harry Miller

Detecting DKOM-based processes has largely been conducted at the logical layer (see the seven different techniques This is prone to failure and iterative evasion since most process detection techniques are based on recognizing OS artifacts.
Finding Processes by Page Table Detection
When an OS starts up a process, it establishes the ability for virtual memory to be used (to enable memory protection), by creating a page table. The page table is itself a single page of physical memory (0x1000 bytes). It is usually allocated by way of a cache-optimized mechanism, which makes locating it somewhat complicated. Fortunately, we can identify a page table by understanding several established (hardware) requirements for its construction.

Even if an attacker significantly modifies and attempts to hide from standard logical object scanning, there is no way to evade page-table detection without significantly patching the OS fault handler. A major benefit to a DKOM rootkit is that it avoids code patches, that level of modification is easily detected by integrity checks and is counter to the goal of DKOM. DKOM is a codeless rootkit technique, it runs code without patching the OS to hide itself, it only patches data pointers.

IOActive released several versions of this process detection technique. We also built it into our memory integrity checking tools, BlockWatch™ and The Memory Cruncher™.

Processbased Page Table Detection
Any given page of memory could be a page table. Typically a page table is organized as a series of page table entries (PTEs). These entries are usually traversed by selecting some bits from a virtual address and converting them into a series of table lookups.

The magic of this technique comes from the propensity of all OS (at least Windows, Linux, and BSD) to organize their page tables into virtual memory. That way they can use virtual addresses to edit PTEs instead of physical memory addresses.

By making all of the offsets the same with the entry at that offset pointing back to the page table base value (CR3), the page table can essentially be accessed through this special virtual address. Refer to the Linux article for an exhaustive explanation of why this is useful.
Physical Memory Page 
If we consider any given page of random physical memory, we can detect the following offsets as a valid PTE. Windows has proven to consume, for every process, entry 0, entry 0x1ED (self map), and a couple of additional kernel regions (consistent across all Win64 versions).
PTE Format
typedef struct _HARDWARE_PTE {
    ULONGLONG Valid : 1; Indicates hardware or software handling (Mode 1 and 2)
    ULONGLONG Write : 1;
    ULONGLONG Owner : 1;
    ULONGLONG WriteThrough : 1;
    ULONGLONG CacheDisable : 1;
    ULONGLONG Accessed : 1;
    ULONGLONG Dirty : 1;
    ULONGLONG LargePage : 1; Mode 2
    ULONGLONG Global : 1;
    ULONGLONG CopyOnWrite : 1;
    ULONGLONG Prototype : 1; Mode 2
    ULONGLONG reserved0 : 1;
    ULONGLONG PageFrameNumber : 36; PFN, always incrementing (Mode 1 and 2)
    ULONGLONG reserved1 : 4;
    ULONGLONG SoftwareWsIndex : 11; Mode 2
    ULONGLONG NoExecute : 1;
By checking the physical memory offsets we expect, extracting a candidate entry, we can determine if the physical page is a valid page table. There are a number of properties we understand about physical memory: the address of page frame number (PFN) will always increase from earlier pages and will not be larger than the current linear position + memory gap ranges.
What About Shadow Walker Tricks?
Shadow walker abuses the nature of the TLB of a running system. Execution may occur at a different address than when reading. If you look/scan/check memory, the address will be cloaked onto what you expect when reading, while execution will actually occur somewhere different.
This is one reason why we analyze memory extracted from a hypervisor “guest” OS snapshot. Analyzing memory from behind a hypervisor establishes a “semantic gap” that ensures our static memory analysis includes all possible memory pages, unaffected by split I/D TLB games.
What About Hardware Rootkits?
Using a hypervisor makes verifying device memory easy. Verification at the host or physical layer is extremely complicated. Different hardware vendors have vastly different ways to extract and interact with firmware, UEFI may be verifiable with Mitre’s Copernicus2 or other tools.
In order for a hypervisor to be effected by a hardware rootkit, the hypervisor has to have been “escaped”, which is currently a rare and valuable exploit. It is probably not worth risking such a valuable exploit for a hardware rootkit that can be mitigated by the network. Extracting physical system memory in a consistent way (immune to attack and evasion) has historically been very hard.
If you are concerned about hardware rootkits, there are some extreme techniques that may help.
IOActive has Everything
Now that we have established a method for finding everything, the next task is relatively simple. Do some checking to ensure that what we found is what we expected. Using cryptographically secure hash checks in a whitelist fashion is a straight-forward and hard-to-attack technique for integrity verification.
IOActive’s current solution, BlockWatch™, does just that. It manages memory extraction and hash checking that testifies to what we have found.
Weird Rootkits
I classify “weird rootkits” as anything from a RoP-based rootkit to some form of script injection or anything else where the attacker can coerce an application to behave in an unexpected (and rootkit-like) way.
Detecting a RoP is actually quite easy (stack checking a memory snapshot). I covered some of this in a CanSecWest presentation I gave earlier this year. Each return address on a stack must be preceded by a call instruction. You can then validate that the opcode exists and the return address is not spurious (as is the case for a RoP attack). RoP stacks are also exceedingly large and are atypical of normal threads.
What about other attacks, rootkits implemented in server scripts and anything else? If we have found the address spaces for all of the processes and are able to validate the integrity of all of the kernel code, then any scripts or weird rootkits will be observable through normal profiling and logging interfaces.
By leveraging the unique ability of a hypervisor to expose the physical memory of a system in a way that is consistent (not modified by an attacker), we can use a high-assurance process detection technique combined with integrity checking to detect any rootkit.

Shane Macaulay

Additional References
  • BlockWatch™
  • DEF CON 22 Presentation: “Weird-machine Motivated Practical Page Table Shellcode & Finding Out What’s Running on Your System
  • Windows Debugging Blog on understanding !PTE
RESEARCH | August 19, 2014

Silly Bugs That Can Compromise Your Social Media Life

A few months ago while I was playing with my smartphone, I decided to intercept traffic to see what it was sending. The first thing that caught my attention was the iOS Instagram app. For some reason, the app sent a request using a Facebook access token through an HTTP plain-text communication.

Here is the original request that I intercepted from the Instagram app:
POST /api/v1/fb/find/?include=extra_display_name HTTP/1.1
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Length: 337
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=Boundary+0xAbCdEfGbOuNdArY
Accept-Language: en;q=1, es-MX;q=0.9, fr;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, zh-Hans;q=0.6, zh-Hant;q=0.5
Cookie: ccode=AR; csrftoken=dab2c8d0c4fd28627ac9f2a77fa221d2; ds_user_id=1045525821; igfl=testlocura; is_starred_enabled=yes; mid=UuvAbgAAAAHj6L0tnOod5roiGYnr; sessionid=IGSC3aaf1427aa901bb052263b368642a34fe59897cba046682b7d95775ae70db64d%3AioaQSiHdJ61kCjuRaAD9sEJTEWXv6dqB%3A%7B%22_token%22%3A%221045525821%3Au91J1dZgsiJCBo0QVeF98nkohO0TV928%3A70d9eee5449941dc80fb238991e191f8f33cac5c98c1b078d86975b07979531d%22%2C%22last_refreshed%22%3A1392496331.661547%2C%22_auth_user_id%22%3A1045525821%2C%22_auth_user_backend%22%3A%22accounts.backends.CaseInsensitiveModelBackend%22%2C%22_platform%22%3A0%7D
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: Instagram 5.0.2 (iPhone5,3; iPhone OS 7_0_4; en_US; en) AppleWebKit/420+
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”fb_access_token”

After a quick review, I determined that the request was sent when I clicked on the Facebook Friends button, which allows users to search for friends from their Facebook account.
As an aside, an access token is an opaque string that identifies a user, app, or page. It can be used to perform certain actions on behalf of the user or to access the user’s profile. Each access token is associated with a select set of permissions that allow users to perform actions, such as reading their wall, accessing friend profiles, and posting to their wall.
In this case, these permissions were granted to the access token:
  • installed
  • basic_info
  • public_profile
  • create_note
  • photo_upload
  • publish_actions
  • publish_checkins
  • publish_stream
  • status_update
  • share_item
  • video_upload
  • user_friends
Potential Risk
Sending a request using access token through a plain-text communication poses a potential risk. An attacker who can intercept the app’s traffic and acquire access tokens can gain access to Facebook user accounts and manipulate their walls and access personal information.
If you use Instagram on a public WiFi, then someone might access your Facebook account and hack it.
Third-party apps that use these access tokens to associate users with their Facebook accounts should take extra precautions to protect their integrity and confidentiality. This will help avoid potential risks of leaking user information. 
Instagram already fixed the vulnerability mentioned in this blog post. 
Ariel Sanchez