Thought leaders in information security, we conduct radical, world-changing research and deliver renowned presentations around the world.
Blogs | EDITORIAL | February 13, 2020

Do You Blindly Trust LoRaWAN Networks for IoT?

Do you blindly trust that your IoT devices are being secured by the encryption methods employed by LoRaWAN? If so, you’re not alone. Long Range Wide Area Networking (LoRaWAN) is a protocol designed to allow low-power devices to communicate with Internet-connected applications over long-range wireless connections. It’s being adopted by major organizations across the world because of its promising capabilities. For example, a single gateway (antenna) can cover an entire city, hundreds of square miles. With more than 100 million LoRaWAN-connected devices in use across the globe, many cellular carriers…

Cesar Cerrudo
Blogs | RESEARCH | November 19, 2015

Breaking into and Reverse Engineering iOS Photo Vaults

Every so often we hear stories of people losing their mobile phones, often with sensitive photos on them. Additionally, people may lend their phones to friends only to have those friends start going through their photos. For whatever reason, a lot of people store risqué pictures on their devices. Why they feel the need to do that is left for another discussion. This behavior has fueled a desire to protect photos on mobile devices. One popular option are photo vault applications. These applications claim to protect your photos, videos, etc….

Michael Allen
Blogs | RESEARCH | July 24, 2015

Differential Cryptanalysis for Dummies

Recently, I ventured into the crazy world of differential cryptanalysis purely to find out what the heck it was all about. In this post, I hope to reassure you that this strange and rather cool technique is not as scary as it seems. Hopefully, you’ll be attacking some ciphers of your own in no time! A differential cryptanalysis attack is a method of abusing pairs of plaintext and corresponding ciphertext to learn about the secret key that encrypted them, or, more precisely, to reduce the amount of time needed to…

Keith Makan

Arm IDA and Cross Check: Reversing the 787’s Core Network

IOActive has documented detailed attack paths and component vulnerabilities to describe the first plausible, detailed public attack paths to effectively reach the avionics network on a 787, commercial airplane from either non-critical domains, such as Passenger Information and Entertainment Services, or even external networks.